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Secret story - cave secret.

Rafiq Azad is looking at the cave that has become ha. He is laughing in such a way that Asto will fill inside

By sk somanPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

Rafiq Azad is seeing one look,

To the cavern that became ha.

He is snickering as though he is full

put inside

He lit the light.

The air inside the cavern became more splendid.

Question can't actually exist.

Like different caverns in Satset.

Yet, there is nothing similar to a little shaggy plant inside.

By and large any remaining caverns are loaded up with these.

There is space to enter as one individual inside.

So how did the three young men disappear?

Or then again all ridiculous fiction??

Companions vanished somewhere else accusing this cavern

It is given. Discuss getting a child tomorrow!

Damn! This investigator work is so difficult.

He was sitting in the workplace that evening.

Unexpectedly the crude phone rang.

To get..

Sir, how are you?

who are you?

Mean Sir I was saying Maqbul OC of Jaipur Cap.

O .. so what's up Tobar?

The news was great for such a long time. However, tomorrow

There is a ton happening in the occasion.

What happens again tomorrow? Why didn't you read the newspaper, sir? Hey, what is the need to talk so much? Just tell me you can. Mean, sir, there is a hill on the south bank of our village. Many years old. A cave on one side of the hill. People used to say that if someone dives into that dune once and returns, it doesn't come.Some school young men and their companions

He entered the cavern with a bet. Didn't return.

Rafiq Azad's quality of extraordinary strain

It showed up on the temple.

The upcoming conclusion should be enjoyed with the family

I didn't figure out it.

He said in an irate voice

So what ought to come now??

Indeed, in the event that you come and give a little cool edge

could go

Couldn't do it. Discuss lifelong companions.

He gathered his sacks and left for the night train.Rafiq Azad is strolling as Ashir.

Nothing matches anything.

In this time of science, assuming you sit with those fictions

need to remain

He settled on a firm choice to him.

No, he personally will go down to the cavern. Azgubi Kalp Kihini

Demonstrate all falsehoods.

He burned through no additional time.

He will fall right away.

How does a fascination function? Rafiq Azad

He didn't feel it.

On the off chance that he had felt it, he could not have possibly moved toward the edge of the cavern

He tumbled down with two hands.

A foul smell.

There are trees as an afterthought. Notwithstanding, there is something peculiar

The presence of living creatures can't be laid out.

He is likewise perspiring in this Magh month.

The perspiration is making the cavern increasingly more damp with sweat

Who is the dirt?

What a sound.

Normally the sound made when a slug punctures the air

like that

Dread is startling.

He admired clear his psyche.

The opening of the cavern has become much smaller than the past one.

The sky isn't noticeable..This evening is loaded up with something like mist.

He was exceptionally terrified.

Not briefly in this massive cavern.

He removed his body from the cavern with incredible trouble

. Went out and ate Vab Cheka.

Where could these large structures be!??

Where did the wilderness on the west side go?

Saw the tweezers. Ahu is a weird sound

Escape your mouth.

No, everything is occurring truly.He approached somewhat further.

Where did the OC let him be?

Abruptly two young fellows came running from no place.

He checked out at him in dismay.

Open your mouth. Look! Isn't this the investigator Rafiq Azad?

Who, while uncovering the mystery of the cavern, turned into a secret himself went ??? Indeed, hello! 200 from Ajthe in this equivalent fabric

He was lost a long time back.He didn't want to tune in.

The cavern has fantastic power.

Powers like time evolving.

Where will he go at this point? Who will he go to?

Nothing can be found aside from the graves of family members.

" He strolled back...

He gradually moved toward the cavern.

Better than that, how about we see who is the instigator of time

Cruising by, a rookie contacts him

The cavern.!!

CONTENT WARNINGreviewhumanityfriendshipfamilybook reviews

About the Creator

sk soman

My name is Suman, I am a writer in English language. I will write an English article of 100 to 1000 words (more or less). The content can be anything,

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