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The weekend

By Muthu Kumar MPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a small village nestled in the hills, surrounded by vast fields of green and rolling hills. The villagers were simple folk, always up before the sun to tend to their crops and livestock. But one day, a young girl named Lila woke up to a different kind of Saturday morning.

The sky was a brilliant shade of pink and orange as the sun slowly rose, casting a warm glow over the hills. Lila rubbed the sleep from her eyes and dressed quickly, eager to explore this new world that had suddenly appeared before her. She stepped outside her door, taking in a deep breath of fresh air, and set out on her adventure.

As she walked down the dirt path that wound through the village, Lila noticed that everything seemed brighter, the colors more vivid and the sounds more crisp. The birds chirped a lively tune and the wind whispered secrets in her ear. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers, and Lila couldn't help but smile.

She reached the edge of the village and followed the trail that led into the hills. The sun was higher now, and the fields were bathed in its warm light. Lila walked through the fields, admiring the swaying stalks of wheat and the delicate blooms of wildflowers. She came across a babbling brook, and she sat down on the bank, dipping her toes in the cool water.

As she sat there, watching the water rush by, she realized that she was completely content. She had everything she needed right there in that moment – the sun, the wind, the birds, and the water. Lila felt as if she could sit there forever, just taking in the beauty of the world around her.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of someone singing, and she followed the sound to a clearing in the woods. There, she found an old man with a white beard, playing a lute and singing a sweet, mournful tune. The old man looked up and saw Lila, and he smiled at her.

"Good morning, young one," he said in a kind voice. "What brings you to these hills on such a beautiful day?"

Lila told him about her love for the world around her, and the old man listened, nodding in agreement. When she was finished, he looked at her with a twinkle in his eye.

"You have a love for the world that many never find," he said. "And that love will take you far, if you let it."

Lila felt a warm feeling in her heart, and she knew that the old man was right. She stayed and talked with him for a while longer, learning about his love for music and his travels through the world. When she finally said goodbye, she felt as if she had made a friend for life.

Eventually, the sun started to sink lower in the sky, and Lila knew it was time to head back to the village. But as she walked back down the trail, she couldn't shake the feeling of peace and contentment that had settled over her. She went to bed that night with a smile on her face, grateful for the simple beauty of a Saturday morning in the hills.

From that day forward, Lila made a habit of rising early on Saturday mornings to explore the world around her. And every time she stepped out into the bright light of the sun, she felt that same sense of peace and contentment. She never forgot the beauty of that first Saturday morning, and it stayed with her always, a reminder of the simple joys in life.

So, Guys enjoy the day and stay positive!!


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