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Quick things to help with anxiety and depression

Ways to Overcoming anxiety & depression

By Toni DraperPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Ever just gotten anxiety out of no where and just couldn’t control it? Ever felt depressed and no longer had hope? Your not alone there’s so many people who suffer with these two things daily. I’m one of them I’m only 28 I have one daughter and I would of never gussed I would have anxiety I thought that was something that came with age. Well I was wrong I would get anxiety to the point where I couldn’t breathe I have learned overtime tricks and coping skills to help during those times and I’m here to help you. Now I like to go the natural way I don’t run to medication to heal my issues. Get your pen and paper out number one thing to help with anxiety you have to stop overthinking what ever it is on your mind because that is what’s causing it two take deep breath’s get fresh air I want who ever is dealing with this to practice positive affirmations and say them daily. Third try to think about something else go for a run I love to listen to upbeat music. Another thing is depression I was the one who use to smile but was depressed I was ashamed of it but I realized the number one cure to depression is our mindset it all starts in the mind. If your thinking and saying negative things about yourself that will become reality the tongue is a powerful thing and during the times your depressed. Those are the times your thinking negative If you have to take a break from friends or social media do that your human never hide it though like I did. Now things to help you with depression you can write I love this one because I have a hard time talking to others so I write I write how I feel and why I feel that way and what’s causing it. Get you a journal and when you feel like there’s no hope and no one is on your side pull out that notebook. Also change your way of thinking even though you may have no hope or whatever may have caused the depression snap out of it and say “this is not me and I will not let depression win” . It’s easier said than done I know that’s what your thinking but who ever said it was going to be easy you have to try and practice and be consistent at speaking positive thinking positive. And once again music I never knew how music can affect our moods put on some dancing ,motivating music and get in the groove to move. Did you know depression affects everything our weight, our minds, our health it can make you ill. If you have friends or a mentor or a therapist you can talk to go for it.That’s a relief also knowing you a ear just someone that will listen to your problems and not judge you. I didn’t have that so these are the things that worked for me everyone is different and not everything will work for that person. I can say you are in control don’t let depression win it wants nothing good for you nothing bad last forever everything is temporary you can overcome anxiety and depression never think that it’s too bad to fix it all starts with you. Your in control of your mind ,body and soul. I chose happiness I chose freedom I’m still working on myself but I chose positive over negativity. And you can do the same speak positive things over your life .

how to

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    TDWritten by Toni Draper

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