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Propranolol - The Great Racism Cure!

Talking about a great drug!

By NatureTreePublished about a month ago 3 min read

There is a very interesting drug that exists in this world that might allow one of the biggest problems affecting the human race for centuries to come to an end. This particular drug goes by the name of propranolol, but it is also known as Inderal, which is a brand name for the public. This particular drug is a medicine which is called a beta blocker - a drug that can affect neural receptors and deal with abnormal heart rhythms.

Propranolol has a very interesting history many people will not know about - mainly because most people have probably never heard of this particular medication, but this chemical has been around since the 1960s. Back in the 60s, a Scottish scientist called James W. Black came up with this miracle of medicine and was able to patent it in 1962. Because of this finding in the year 1988, Black was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery. Propranolol later was added to the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines and is now available as a generic medication. By 2021, it became the 91st most prescribed medication in the United States of America.

The medication has the molecular formula C16H21NO2, and this medicine can be taken in a variety of different ways, so it can be administered to people in a host of different ways. If you are ok with needles, you can take Propranolol through an injection. What if you are someone who is afraid of needles and would prefer another method? Well, you can go with taking a pill orally instead of needing it to be injected. When taken orally, Inderal will appear in the bloodstream of those who ingest it after thirty minutes and has a maximum effect of somewhere between sixty and ninety minutes after you swallow the pill. After that, you can probably feel the effects of the drug kick in and have your heart rate get back to normal.

However, there is an amazing feature of propranolol that could change humanity's trajectory forever and is the main reason why the drug is interesting to talk about. This drug, propranolol, is basically the cure for racism most compassionate people have been looking for! According to peer-reviewed scientific studies, this drug reduces implicit racial bias and racist instincts in people. During trials, this drug worked on bigots and reduced bigotry towards gays, Muslims, Christians, and other people in society. Brain scans and tests with faces and descriptions of people were done to make sure that the subjects were not lying about their reduction in bias, and the results seem to show that the subjects truly were more caring towards those who were different. Basically, the drug is the pill to end all prejudice.

While I do not want to overpromise anything, this beta blocker might one day be the medication that can allow people to stop being prejudiced and allow everyone - or at least most people willing to take the medication - to get along.


- Black JW, Crowther AF, Shanks RG, Smith LH, Dornhorst AC (May 1964). "A New Adrenergic Beta-Receptor Antagonist". Lancet. 1 (7342): 1080–1081. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(64)91275-9. PMID 14132613.

- Bryson PD (1997). Comprehensive review in toxicology for emergency clinicians (3 ed.). Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis. p. 167. ISBN 9781560326120.

- James PA, Oparil S, Carter BL, Cushman WC, Dennison-Himmelfarb C, Handler J, et al. (February 2014). "2014 evidence-based guideline for the management of high blood pressure in adults: report from the panel members appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8)". JAMA. 311 (5): 507–520. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.284427. PMID 24352797.

- Kahn J. Pills for Prejudice: Implicit Bias and Technical Fix for Racism. American Journal of Law & Medicine. 2017;43(2-3):263-278. doi:10.1177/0098858817723664

- "Propranolol hydrochloride". Monograph. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

- "Propranolol - Drug Usage Statistics". ClinCalc.

- Terbeck S, Kahane G, McTavish S, Savulescu J, Cowen PJ, Hewstone M. Propranolol reduces implicit negative racial bias. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2012 Aug;222(3):419-24. doi: 10.1007/s00213-012-2657-5. Epub 2012 Feb 28. PMID: 22371301; PMCID: PMC3395337.

- Thomas, J., & Brunsma, D. (2014). Oh, you’re racist? I’ve got a cure for that! Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(9), 1467–1485.

- Toll L, Berzetei-Gurske IP, Polgar WE, Brandt SR, Adapa ID, Rodriguez L, et al. (March 1998). "Standard binding and functional assays related to medications development division testing for potential cocaine and opiate narcotic treatment medications". NIDA Research Monograph. 178: 440–466. PMID 9686407.

- World Health Organization (2019). World Health Organization model list of essential medicines: 21st list 2019. Geneva: World Health Organization. hdl:10665/325771. WHO/MVP/EMP/IAU/2019.06.


About the Creator


  1. A guy who writes stuff for fun that can end up in writing or a YouTube video.

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