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"Pravin and Nivana: A Story of Unfulfilled Love"

love and broken

By Saravanan kPublished about a year ago 4 min read
story of a true love

Pravin and Nivana met each other in college and it was love at first sight for both of them. They were the perfect match for each other, complementing each other in every aspect. They spent hours talking and getting to know each other, and before they knew it, they were inseparable.

Their love story was the talk of the college and they were considered the epitome of young love. They both had bright futures ahead of them and their love was the foundation on which they built their dreams.

However, things took a turn for the worst when Nivana's family relocated to a different city. The distance between them was tough on both of them, but they promised each other that they would make it work. They kept in touch through letters and phone calls, but the distance was taking its toll on their relationship.

Pravin was determined to make it work and decided to take a leap of faith by proposing to Nivana. He planned a romantic surprise for her and even got her parents' blessings. However, when he finally popped the question, Nivana hesitated and told Pravin that she needed time to think about it.

Pravin was heartbroken and felt like he was losing the love of his life. He tried to reach out to Nivana, but she was distant and evasive. It wasn't until months later that he found out the truth. Nivana had met someone else and was planning to get married.

Pravin was devastated and couldn't believe that the love of his life had moved on so quickly. He was filled with regret and anger, feeling like he had wasted years of his life waiting for someone who didn't love him back.

The wedding day arrived and Pravin was filled with a mix of emotions. Part of him wanted to attend the wedding and confront Nivana, but another part of him just wanted to move on and forget about her.

In the end, he couldn't bring himself to attend the wedding and stayed home, feeling lost and alone. He poured his heart out in his journal, writing about his unfulfilled love and the pain of losing Nivana.

Years went by and Pravin moved on with his life, but the love he had for Nivana never faded. He kept the journal close to him, a reminder of the love he once had.

Pravin never forgot about Nivana, but he learned to live without her. He found happiness in other things and eventually got married, but the love he had for Nivana was always a part of him. He never forgot the pain and heartache of losing her, but he learned to live with it, a constant reminder of what could have been.

In the end, Pravin realized that love is not always enough and sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, they may not love you back. He learned to accept the pain and move forward, but he never forgot the love he had for Nivana and the memories they shared together.

As the years passed, Pravin's wife noticed that her husband always seemed lost in thought, especially when he would look at an old journal. She asked him about it one day and he finally opened up to her about his past love, Nivana.

Pravin's wife was understanding and encouraged him to reach out to Nivana, if only to get closure. He was hesitant at first, but eventually mustered up the courage to send her a letter.

To his surprise, Nivana responded and they started communicating again. They caught up on each other's lives and Pravin found out that Nivana's marriage had not worked out. She was now a single mother, raising her daughter on her own.

Pravin and Nivana started meeting up, not as lovers, but as old friends. They reminisced about old times and Pravin found comfort in talking to her again. However, he also felt a twinge of pain as he realized that their love story was never meant to be.

One day, Nivana called Pravin and told him that she had something important to share with him. They met up and she told him that she had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and didn't have much time left.

Pravin was shocked and saddened by the news. He felt like he had lost Nivana all over again. He visited her in the hospital every day, holding her hand and making sure she was comfortable.

In her final moments, Nivana looked at Pravin and told him that she was finally at peace and that she was grateful for the love he had given her. She said that she would always love him and that their love story was one for the books.

Pravin was filled with tears and heartbreak as he held Nivana's hand, watching her take her last breath. He felt like a part of him had died with her.

Years went by and Pravin never forgot about Nivana. He would visit her grave and talk to her, still feeling the love he had for her. He learned to live with the pain and accept that their love story was over, but it would always be a part of him.

Pravin realized that love, no matter how intense, can sometimes not have a happy ending. But it was the love he had for Nivana that taught him to love and be loved, and for that, he would always be grateful.

As Pravin grew older, he would often think about Nivana and their love story. He would sit on a bench near her grave, watching the sun set and remembering their times together. He realized that their love was not just a memory, but a part of him that would never fade away.


About the Creator

Saravanan k

A passion for creating engaging and informative content that resonates with his target audience. With his exceptional writing skills and ability to create content in various formats such as blog posts, articles, social media posts.

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     Saravanan kWritten by Saravanan k

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