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Practical Steps to improve communication in your relationship

How To Fix Your Relationship by Improving Communication

By A.OPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Communication is one major key to building a happy and lasting relationship

One of the factors or things which becomes a source of problems and major setback for married couples is the lack of effective communication between such them. This is true especially of male counterparts, who are notorious and egotistical for not expressing and voicing out their feelings. Shockingly a great deal of arguments can easily be avoided simply by talking things out an being open to communicate.

Couples ought to be open to each other about the problems and difficulties they are facing and encountering in their individual lives. They should begin properly communicating before it gets to a critical point and turns to or escalates to a full blown argument, quarrel or fight.

Poor communication in relationships is one of the most common relationship problems that most people actually do encounter and face with their spouse. Good and effective communication in every relationship necessitates and does require a a lot of skills and talents with efforts, without which there is a greater possibility of relationship problems arising every now and then even where uncalled for.

Beginning from getting rid of all distractions such as TV’s and similar radio noise, and also arranging a quality time and period suitable and perfect for both parties in the relationship, is a good way to set off effective and deep communication void of distractions.

Stop any form of interrupting the other person when talking, and avoid putting your partner into any kind of category.

Trashing and handling the good factors of the relationship as well as the relationship problems themselves, can positively help create and foster good and effective communication. Communication also entails its non-verbal cues such as body language, physical contact and considering just how common everyday things are being carried out. For example, in a situation where you see your partner or spouse crossing his arms while you’re trying to explain something, he may not be at that instant fully receptive to what you are saying or the information you are trying to pass across. Seeing or observing that their body is tensed up when you bring up a certain topic may mean that the particular subject is causing him/her stress and they are or may not be comfortable with that particular topic.

A favorite misconception people tend to have over communication is that it requires only words and a given time frame and schedule to sit down and talk. While it is certainly true that couples do need to make out time to talk on a regular basis to foster bonding, However consistent communication goes beyond just this. The problem and anger may arise or bitterness starts to brew in one partners mind only when the other person fails to get the message being passed across – this leads to the problem of “miscommunication”.

What is of an even much greater concern than having either a great or a bad message passed across to your partner is the other person to understand what you are trying to get at and the point you are trying to convey rather than ending up ignoring and taking it lightly or even careless shrug of “whatever” – That simple comment is usually the worst form of bad relationship communication which has eaten deep and built hatred in most couples minds. Any kind of Miscommunication is best resolved by making inquiries and asking as well. Do not make assumptions or jump to conclusions especially n a matter which you have not the slightest clue about (those assumptions and conclusions are most probably wrong).

Another obstacle which do prevent people from enjoy a good relationship and also to having a great relationship is inability to communicating the truth. It already is established as a problem when a couple goes through and suffers from miscommunication in their relationship, so what more if the person communicating expresses an erroneous message to the other.

Lying (or cunningly hiding the truth) always only makes things worse and has never set anything right. Finally, the last thing to keep in mind when it comes to relationships and communication is how we communicate and how we can improve and enhance these communications. If you’re not sure or quiet uncertain of what the other is trying to communicate, then without hesitation and without holding back, ask for an explanation from them at once, although you may get the usual response of “didn’t you get it?!” Just with all sincerity say, “I’m sorry, but I didn’t get what you’re saying or what you just said.” And for the other, appreciate the gap-bridging when they are done re-carping; you definitely are most likely to rather hear a question than a harsh and irritated ‘whatever’.

Don't attempt or try to finish your partners thoughts and information before they are expressed conclusively by your partner. In other words, if they say I was thinking about us doing something about the back yard or the front yard. Don't attempt to cut them off before they finish and say I already know or get what you and what you want and I do not wish or desire to do it.

You have absolutely no idea what people are thinking at any given point and even in times when you think you know and understand someone so much it just might turn out you don’t know sh*t about them or what they are thinking, perhaps if given the chance they just may have agreed with something you suggested earlier and gone in the direction of saying, I was thinking and contemplating on the fact that what you suggested last week would be just perfect for us to implement.

By learning and adjusting yourself to not just hearing but listening to the needs of your other half/Spouse and compromising with what they ave in mind and creating a common ground, arguments can be very much kept at bay and avoided.

Under no circumstance should Past issues should be brought up, if at all possible, keep them buried especially when they have been handled and talked about and due apologies, agreements and compromises have been made, this on the long shot helps the couple look and forge ahead and face the future together in unity and agreement.

It takes two people working together to make any relationship and marriage work perfectly. Just as well, It takes time, precisely years and even decades to make it a whooping success and also succeed outwardly and not just inwardly. The direction, pace and structure of the relationship and marriage should always be decided by both parties without leaving the other party aside. Nobody wants or enjoys to feel trapped in a relationship or marriage and they definitely do not want to feel like they are giving more and getting less, so communicate feelings however they may be and sort out issues ideally to have a happier relationship and a loving marriage..

... learn more on improving your relationship and fighting less.


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About the Creator


I am a content writer who writes about blogging, YouTube, Relationships, How-To's, Medium, Quora, Travel, self interests And In-between.

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