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Pour, Swivel, Smell, Taste

Bathsheba Lawshea

By Sheba LawsheaPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

Every Thursday night Mrs. Walker comes in and sits at table 39 by the window, and asks for our Finest Merlot. She orders a bottle and two wine glasses. She asks the waiter to leave the bottle at the table. She pours herself a glass, places the glass stem between her two fingers then swivels it on the table. She picks it up to smell, then taste. She always leaves the second glass empty, as if she was waiting for someone, and stays until we are closed for the night.

It is my 3rd week here at "Re E Regina" and though I've often thought to strike up a conversation, my coworkers advise me against it. They say she is out of her mind and speaks of nonsense. At times she makes the workers feel uncomfortable, and she’s isn't known to tip well, for having sat there for 6 hours, so every waiter tries to avoid her. That's how I ended up having her as my customer every Thursday.

I personally hate small talk, and that's the only reason why I haven't tried to test the waters. Throughout the night, I chastise myself for not at least trying to have some form of conversation. I have no intention of selling her off like everyone else, so I decide tonight is the night.

I take a deep breath and walk up to her. "How are you today Mrs. Walker?"

She looks up a bit startled, and doesn't make eye contact, "Fine, today may not be the day... I may have to try again next Thursday." She says.

"Try what again, Mrs. Walker?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Please leave me be, I don't want to miss him." She warns me, darting her eyes back and forth at the window.

"My apologies, Mrs. Walker. I- I didn't mean to bother you," I mentally rolled my eyes, due to embarrassment. I could see snickers and headshakes from the same waiters that warned me about her.

I replay the very abrupt conversation in my head and wonder who could she be referring to?

Another Thursday rolls around and I'm dreading it. I prepare wine with two wine glasses and wait for Mrs. Walker to enter. She saunters in and sits down I bring her usual over and open it immediately. She does her routinely ritual of pour, swivel, smell and taste. I leave her alone for the rest of the night.

It's closing time and Mrs. Walker is getting ready to go. As she picks up her jacket from her chair she absent mindedly sweeps it across the table causing a wine glass to fall and break. "Oh, no!", she berates herself as she tries to pick up the broken pieces. I quickly go to help.

"Please don't worry, I got it," I tell her.

"No, I can get it." she responds. She looks up and makes eye contact with me for the first time. She appears mystified. "Do, I know you? You seem familiar." She questions.

"I don't think so," I say puzzled, picking up the broken pieces. "I'm new in town, and I've only been here for about a month."

"Oh... I see” she says, slowly shaking her head. "I'm sorry for the mess I've made."

"Don't worry about it, Mrs. Walker. I'll pick it up”.

She leaves the restaurant shortly after, and I finish closing for the night.

Leaving the building I turn on its corner to head for the bus. I see an all too well known figure sitting at a bench, waiting for the same bus. It's Mrs. Walker. Just my luck I think to myself.

I take a seat next to her and keep my gaze focused on whatever is front of me. I see Mrs. Walker turn to my direction. I can't help but ask her " Do you usually ride this bus? I ride it everyday and it's my first time seeing you."

"Well my grandson usually picks me up, but he got a new job today. I think that I'll be riding the bus more often now." She says sadly.

“Oh great”, I think to myself.

I fix my gaze to the street and notice Mrs. Walker staring at me from the corner of my eye.

"You know you remind me of myself, back when I was young" Mrs. Walker revealed. "I guess that's why you seem so familiar."

"Oh, do I?" Here comes not just small talk, but awkward small talk.

"Yes, back when it was just me and Henry," She whispered

My interest spikes, and I can't stop myself from saying "Who is Henry?"

She paused for a while then exhaled, "My husband. Every Thursday night we would eat at Re E Regina”, and he'd order us the finest bottle of Merlot."

"Is that who you are waiting for?" I asked, possibly overstepping.

She sighs a large sigh. "Yes, that was our spot. That's where we had our first date, and that was the night I tasted the most wonderful glass of merlot. Silly isn't it?" She smiled, nostalgic for the day they met.

"Sounds sweet ", I chimed in.

"Oh yes, it was." she looked off appearing in a daze.

"I'd love to hear more about it, if that's alright with you?" I asked unbashful. Surprised that she was sharing so much.

"Hmm I suppose I could pass the time here," She smiles as you see her start reminiscing. "It was some time ago, I'm not going to give you the exact year, because you can't be knowing my age. It was back when I was a singer for a very nice upper class lounge. It had taken so long to become recognized as a singer back then especially being of color, but I was so talented that they just couldn't turn me away. Every night I had the men fawning over me, not only because I could sing my heart out, I was also a beauty."

I inwardly laughed at that comment because she definitely was a confident woman.

"It was my second week performing and I did notice a new set of eyes in the crowd. They just struck me different, more so than any other man that I had seen. He was so smitten by me, everyone who saw him could tell. As soon as I was finished with my number and headed off stage he sought me out and asked me for a drink."

"Was that the night of your first date?" I impeded

She shook her head "I told him no that night. I actually told him no, not once, not twice, but at least 20 times before I gave in." she chuckled, "He was there every night to watch my performance. I tried to tell myself that he wasn't my type, but he was handsome and I couldn't help but swoon over a man with determination." The smile she held while she relived the story was infectious and I found myself smiling too.

"He asked me if he could take me to Re E Regina right across the street for a glass of the best Merlot I'd ever tasted. I scoffed at first, but the way he talked about it had me excited. On the way there he held my hand and treated me like I was the most fragile thing he's ever had. He complimented me ever so sweetly.”

“We entered Re E Regina, and all eyes were on us. Some with malice on their faces, some with jealousy and others with adoration. You see Henry didn't pay any attention to how anyone looked at us. All his attention was focused on me. He asked the hostess for the finest table, a booth by the window. I was so enamored by the way he spoke to me and everyone around him. He was a true gentleman. He pulled out my chair for me and told me to order whatever my heart desired. That night, I felt like a queen."

A sad, yet happy look adorned Mrs. Walker's face now as she paused mid story. I wanted her to continue, I was mentally begging for it. It seemed so unreal. Though I wondered why there was sadness in her happy eyes.

After an elated sigh she said, "He ordered their finest Merlot and showed me how it is supposed to be enjoyed. After the bottle is opened and poured, you swivel it around so it releases it's aroma then smell it, you see. It's to appreciate its quality and then you taste. That moment when the wine touched the tip of my tongue became the most cherished memory I ever had, mind you, I didn't care for wine, but in that moment I didn't feel like I was tasting just wine, I was tasting happiness, true joy if I may say. Oh and they used to play such sweet jazz music that made the taste ever so decatenate."

"That night the wine had released me from my worries and allowed me to freely enjoy the company of man that I had already fallen for. We danced all night whispering sweet secrets to each other until we were the last couple to leave. He took me home and sealed the deal with the sweetest kiss. I could taste the wine from his lips, which made it the most memorable night of my life. That became our Thursday night." She finished, appearing in her own world.

"Sounds beautiful" I sighed. I wanted to ask what happened to Henry. Why was she waiting for him, but I just couldn't sum up the courage.

"My bus is here", She says, getting up from her seat "I'll see you later uh... oh how embarrassing, I didn't catch your name,"

"It's Eve" I answered.

"Eve, that's a lovely name. My name is Elise." She said so sweetly.

"It was nice talking with you Elise," I smiled, feeling such a strong emotion of adoration inside me.

"You as well," She said her final goodbye wishing me a goodnight as she got on her bus. She doesn't seem delusional at all I thought to myself.

Weeks had passed and I found myself always sparking up conversation with Mrs. Walker, well Elise, she reminded me. She still kept her attention on the lookout for that special someone and I just kept wondering when he'd show up. She always avoided any questions I asked pertaining to where he had gone, so I stopped asking and just enjoyed her company.

It was Thursday and I had Elise's usual ready for her. I waited anxiously yet didn't see her. I started to worry after a couple of hours had passed. When closing time had come around I tried to positively think that maybe, just maybe she finally found Henry. That would explain her absence.

It had been weeks since I had last seen Elise, I began to think the absolute worst. Storm clouds crowded my mind as I kept looking out the window hoping that she would show up. We were closing yet again, and she still hadn't come back, leaving my worries to run wild.

I exit Re E Regina, and pass the window catching a glance of a young couple, wearing vintage clothing seated at a table. Not just any table, the table that Elise always sat at.

I gawked at the women seated, shocked to see that she looked strikingly like myself. It was baffling. They paid me no mind as the man poured the themselves a drink. Shortly after they swivel the glass on the table, they share a smile. They raise their glasses to smell and take a slow sip, as they do their faces change.

A sudden tear rolls down my face as I continue to behold the mirage before me. They turn into older versions of themselves and I recognize Elise. She turns to me and smiles. It was then I knew that she was finally reunited with her love Henry.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Sheba Lawshea

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