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Poem to My Future Husband

God looked upon your face...

By Leandra ArellanoPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Poem to My Future Husband
Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

And then he looked upon mine. With one word he ensured that we would be together as one, from the time we both first cried. With another word, he miraculously for told that a promise would be made between us forever. Those two words were True Love.

A word on the poem above.

I was never the one to be blessed with a healthy intimate relationship. Either I was toxic toward the one that I thought I loved, or they were toxic toward me. Time and time again, I would fall in love and back out again when frustration turned into fighting and fighting turned into leaving. I do believe that a few of my partners did truly love me, however I have not always been easy to love.

It wasn't until I established the truest of all relationships that I was finally able to say to myself that I am capable of True Love, and that there is someone out there made just for me. You might be thinking this is another one of those "I needed to fall in love with me first" kind of things, but I can assure you it is much deeper than that. the relationship i really needed to establish was with God. For He is the only person that knows me by each atom, he is the one who knows my future partner by each atom, and He is the only one who knows that all of those atoms belong together.

Today, I took a crystal clear note, right now in my life, I have absolutely nothing to complain about. I live in a loving home, I have a wonderful job, and I have plenty to look forward to with starting my degree in August. As I continued to take note I realized with great enthusiasm that I am at a point where I can not only Praise and Thank God for what He has taught me thus far in my 28 years, but I can ask Him for exactly what I need. And, because everyone deserves True Love, I have finally decided to ask.

This poem serves as exactly that.

"God looked upon your face", Him looking upon my husbands face first as a reference to Adam being the first human being to be made flesh by God. "And then he looked upon mine" continuing the Genesis reference with Eve being the second human being to be made flesh by God. What I am fully saying here is that God saw him and then saw me, leading to the next line, "With one word he ensured that we would be together as one, from the time we both first cried;" meaning that He knew from the very beginning of our lives that we were meant to be together as husband and wife; and, with one word made it so. "With another word he for told that a promise would be made between us forever," because not only were we smiled upon by God to be together, he is creating a sacred covenant that we will be together for life eternal. Finally, "Those two words were True Love." Destiny had already made true our fate to be bound to one another, God had just spoke the word that he observed upon our faces. Love is what makes our idea of eternity not just tolerable, but greatly desired, making it the second word.

I feel now, as reflected by this very short but emotional poem that I am sincerely ready for a pure relationship built on faith and trust. Above all things, faith and trust are what allow me to thrive in this life on Earth. Therefore, it is only acceptable that the relationship I share with my soul mate shall be based on those two concepts alone. Together, faith and trust equal True Love in my candid opinion. Until I meet you future husband, allow me to take a second to thank God for giving human kind the gift of love, marriage, and infinite bliss.


About the Creator

Leandra Arellano

I love to read and luckily I love to write.

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