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Planning a Birthday

Why not enjoy your special day?

By Ben ShelleyPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
Planning a Birthday
Photo by Joyce Adams on Unsplash

I love planning birthdays and having celebrations planned for me. Something that isn’t the manliest to talk about or even write about in the traditional sense but the definition of what continues to constitute manly changes, which is a good thing,

Growing up there was a strict line between cool and uncool. I was uncool as I wore glasses, liked Pokémon (still do) and played chess. The kids that had friends and were classed as cool played sports and they looked or acted as though they were tough.

Nowadays the trend is more towards people simply being themselves, which should be heralded. Something that as a species we should be proud of (God knows we need something) and whilst it is not universal, it is much better than it used to be.

It is with this in mind that I can say, happily, that I love birthdays. From planning them to being a part of them, it is a lot of fun and something I greatly enjoy.

Some Are Happy to Forget

Speaking to some of my friends these days they are more than happy to forget the consideration that they are getting a year older. They would happily prefer to put their hands over their ears and block out the world around them. Denial is the optimum word here and my wife feels the same.

My wife hates the fact that she is getting older and whilst I tell her this is a key part of life, it is no good. She loves her birthday whilst we are celebrating, loves the gifts, the cake and the days of entertainment but when it is all said and done, the focus is on being a year older.

Many of my friends also feel this way. They see birthdays as a reminder that the slow decline of time is beginning to catch up with them, which is their choice but instead, I try to look at the positive. Birthdays for me are a chance to celebrate life. To raise a glass to being on this good earth for one more year.

With so many ailments out there that could kill us, it is a genuine achievement to service each year. We could be run over crossing the road, running for the tube or simply falling down the stairs and ending up in a coma. We could feel great for many years only to discover that we have a genetic marker that has now been activated.

Never Stop Being Thankful

For me personally, I am grateful for each and every day that I am able to live. My Grandad lived until he was 98 and my Nan, 88 but within there was Alzheimer’s and Macular Degeneration, which is apparently hereditary, with my Mum now experiencing symptoms.

She called me up to tell me recently and to apologise but you cannot and should not apologise for something that you have no knowledge about. Being held accountable for this would be as crazy as voting for an actor to be President of the United States of America.

It is something that she needs to get a second opinion on and a route forward, as right now, things have been left up in the air. She received her diagnosis and immediately assumed the worst with no route forward, which isn’t the best and so we need more information.

It is a condition that affects the central vision of your eye, which sounds incredibly annoying but it is a slow degenerative condition and my Grandad drove into his 90s. He was never diagnosed but most likely had this also and survived, so there still would be life.

Until the point in which the sight does officially take a nose dive off the edge, she can enjoy the world as much as possible. Maybe even more so than before as she will be so much more appreciative of the days that are available.

The same is true with birthdays. Each one that we have is a gift and could be taken away at any time in life.

What is the Harm?

Many people say that birthdays are just for kids and I massively disagree with that because we should all be entitled to that one day. That one point in every year where we can take stock and be pampered for 24 hours.

I love my birthday and will also look to celebrate as best as possible because I deserve it. I deserve to be able to take a day off from my problems in life and raise a glass to life. To everything that I have done, have not yet done and will do in the future.

There is no harm in providing all of us with just one day to celebrate as we deserve this in our life. Not necessarily because it is our birthday, maybe don’t celebrate that and simply focus on the consideration that you have aged by another year.

A Final Thought

My birthday is one of my favourite days of the year as it is for me and for me alone. A day in which I can take time off work to sit around in my pants. A day in which I can reflect on life and have a smile on my face because of everything in which I have achieved and be grateful to be alive.

Many of us give up on the word birthday as it feels too young. We feel too grown up and that is ridiculous and if you really must feel that way, then maybe spin the narrative around. Maybe look at it as a celebration of a year of life and to raise a glass to still being here, when so many others aren’t.

We should enjoy our birthdays whilst we can as at some point they will end for all of us. We have but one life and how we choose to live it will be as important as how we choose to depart from it.


About the Creator

Ben Shelley

Someone who has no idea about where their place is in this world, yet for the love of content, must continue writing.

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