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Pies or Hunting

Part 3 PA Amish Valley

By Kristina SteffyPublished 2 years ago 14 min read

“Bang, Bang!” A child started crying lightly.

In the middle of the night Malachi was awakened by a loud bang from the room beside him. One of James' boys began to cry. Malachi heard rustling around that sounded like James was having some trouble getting up to check on his boy. Malachi glanced over at Adeline. She was in a deep sleep and didn't seem to be bothered. It was quiet again so Malachi fell back asleep.

The next thing he knew a knock came to the door.

"Are you all up? Breakfast is ready!" James called. Then he headed back downstairs.

Both Malachi and Adeline woke up and got dressed. They had set their alarms thinking they were to get up at 5 o'clock, but hadn't realized that breakfast was served at 5! The men were going hunting at 6. Adeline felt drained. She got dressed as fast as she could. Malachi was already dressed and headed down stairs without waiting for her. He was foggy brained to think to wait for his wife.

Finally Adeline was done and she slowly walked alone down the stairs. She was late... It felt like every eye was on her! She felt her face get hot and figured she looked like a red cherry! As soon as she was off the stairs everyone gathered to the table.

Adeline looked at the food on the table, eggs, sausage, some kind of pudding and an Apple Jell-O. It looked delicious! Malachi and Adeline sat in the same place as they did last night. The table was smaller too. All the children were still asleep and it was just Richard, Miriam, James, Laura, Malachi and Adeline. Again, the four Amish bowed their heads for the silent prayer, so the "English" followed.

The breakfast table was a lot quieter than the dinner table. Most of them were still very sleepy. As soon as everyone was done, Richard got up from the table and began to get ready to go hunting. Adeline was surprised they didn't have a silent prayer before he left. So Malachi excused himself to go start the truck to get it warm. Adeline followed him to get her phone and to walk with her husband. She had put her phone in the truck to charge last night before they went to bed.

Adeline decided to stay at the house again today, not knowing what the day would hold. But she was determined to hug and kiss her husband goodbye before he left! So walking out to the truck was a chance to just do that. “I love you, have fun I will probably stay here at the house.” Adeline hugged her husband so tight.

Malachi hugged her tightly back and gave her a kiss. “I love you too. I hope you have a good day.”

“I hope so too.” She really did hope that today would be a little better than yesterday. When they headed back for the house Richard came out to put stuff in the truck. He was ready go!

Malachi had to go get something in the bedroom so Adeline followed. Once they were in the bedroom she gave him another hug and said their goodbyes. She followed him down stairs and he went outside. The Amish men were waiting for him, Malachi turned on the truck and then they left. And puff he was gone, Adeline was feeling lonely again.

She looked to see what the Amish ladies were doing. The dishes were done and Miriam was wiping the table. Miriam looked up, "You are more than welcome to do what you like, I’ll be taking a nap. I believe Laura is going to do the same."

"Oh, Ok" She stood there for a moment "I think I will do the same as well." Adeline walked back up the steps and to her bedroom. "A nap sounds very nice." She thought. She lay on the bed and got on her phone, messaging her mother-in-law and her husband. Then she drifted off to sleep.

Around 8 or 9 am Adeline woke up. She heard the kiddos running around. "Yep, the house is alive again." she thought and smiled. She got up and headed back down stairs. The children must have just eaten because the ladies were doing dishes again and cleaning the table. Adeline sat down in her usual chair. Miriam pulled her little boy out the high chair and cleaned him off.

"He is adorable," Adeline said.

"Would you like to hold him?" Miriam asked Adeline. She drew near to hand him over to Adeline.

"Sure, I would love to!" Adeline took John. At first little John looked like he was going to cry. But he got over it and she held him for a little bit. After a while she put him down to let him play.

The Amish ladies seemed to be keeping their hands busy as Adeline was just standing there watching little John play. A few minutes later Laura began putting jackets and hats on her 2 boys. Then Laura and Miriam also put on jackets and shoes. "Are they going somewhere?" Adeline thought. She was confused nobody told her anything.

But then Miriam spoke up while putting a jacket on John. "We are going to a couple stores would you like to come with us?"

Adeline got to thinking... Where they walking or taking a buggy? It would be cool to ride in a buggy! But it might be crowded. Do they really want me to come? Or are they just offering because they feel like they have to. "Well, if you don't mind I would like to come with you all," she replied.

"Yeah that's fine." She gave Adeline a smile and said she was going to go get the stroller. She took off to the back door and disappeared. Laura had already gone out the front door with her energetic boys.

Adeline didn’t want to be left behind so she ran up the stairs and put her jacket on and went downstairs to put her shoes on. Then she went outside, Laura had her boys beside her and was waiting on everyone. Then Miriam came around the corner with John in the stroller. To Adeline’s disappointment they weren’t taking a buggy, but a walk would do nice, and their walk began!

Adeline began to feel out of place again with her bright reddish pinkish jacket and their all black jackets. She really stood out. She felt for sure that all Amish eyes around were staring at her wondering who she was. Adeline could just feel the eyes on her, but if there was Amish staring or not she sure did feel like there was. Trying to ignore that feeling she tried to make some small talk. “With it being October It’s a little chilly out but not too bad.” A little conversation was made. And sooner than Adeline knew it they were already at their destination. They arrived at an Amish General store.

Adeline looked around and kicked herself for not cashing out money before they came to PA. There was a lot of things she wanted to buy!

After they were done, they left and walked to an Amish shoe store. Miriam needed to talk to a friend so she let Laura and I along with Laura's boys go ahead. She would catch up with us later or go ahead and head home.

The Amish shoe store had all kinds of boots and tennis shoes. Not much different from "English" shoes just certain types.

Laura was ready to check out when she realized she left her checkbook in Miriam’s baby stroller! Laura was going to just wait for Miriam to get there but then she remembered Miriam was thinking about heading on home after she was done talking to her friend. Adeline picked up on what was happening and asked Laura if she want her to run after Miriam.

"If you would like to, I would appreciate it."

So Adeline went outside and she saw Miriam right away she just passed the shoe shop and was about to cross the road. She thanked the Lord Miriam wasn't too far away to catch up to. Adeline told Miriam what happened, they both giggled and headed back towards the shoe shop.

After the Laura bought what she wanted, they headed back to the house.

Lunch time!

Miriam cut up some cold ham and gathered out some things to make sandwiches. She also grabbed out left over desserts!

Adeline saw the chocolate pie and wanted to eat the rest of it! "Best pie ever!" Adeline thought. Once it was ready she put a piece of pie on her plate immediately! She wanted the whole 4th of the pie that was left! But she was nice and took a small slice. Secretly hoping the girls didn't want any.

After Adeline made her plate the other ladies made theirs. To Adeline’s disappointment they took their share of the pie. With just the women being there they did not sit at the table or do a silent prayer. Adeline was expecting it and she was surprised. But she always says a prayer anyways.

As everyone finished up eating, they began to clean it all up. Adeline helped as best as she could without getting in the way. Once that was done Adeline sat back down in her chair and played with the children. But the Amish ladies didn't sit. Instead they were cleaning. A feeling of laziness over took her so Adeline asked if there was anything Miriam needed help with that she could do. Adeline got the usual answer; “there really wasn't much to do. But Adeline didn't want to accept that answer.

“I would be happy to help with anything, I would rather help then feel like I was in the way, Please let me help with something. “Adeline gave her a pleading look and Miriam gave in.

Miriam began thinking what she could have this "English" lady do. "If you really want to, you may mop, if you don’t mind."

Adeline almost jumped with excitement, finally! "Ok I can do that. Where is the mop?"

Miriam had already made mop water since she was about to do it herself until the "English" lady insisted. She told Adeline where the mop was and continued thinking. Now she can work on some other things. Laura is sweeping and Adeline is mopping I will wipe everything down and will be able to accomplish more than I usually do with in an hours’ time with these two ladies help! Miriam felt awful to make her guests clean, but they both insisted.

For an Amish lady it’s natural. When they stay the night somewhere, they automatically help with cleaning. Amish ladies never stop working. They can't, it’s in their blood to work. They must always have something in their hand to keep busy.

Adeline was almost done mopping. The last room to mop was the playroom. All the kiddos moved out the playroom and sat on the couch by the play room and they sat there watching her. She couldn't help but giggle to herself. Soon the mopping and moving things around made Adeline focus more on what she was doing then what was going on around her and time went by. When she was done mopping, no one was in sight! She didn't know where anyone went. Everyone took off without saying a word, unless she didn’t hear them.

Miriam was out on her porch hanging up some rags to dry, then headed back in her home towards the sink. Adeline startled Miriam when she spoke. She almost forgot there was and "English" lady still here.

"Where do I dump the water?" Adeline came up behind Miriam with the mop and bucket.

"Oh, I can take care of it. Thank you for helping!"

"You're welcome." Adeline smiled as Miriam took the mop and bucket from Adeline's hands. Miriam went into the cooler room and Adeline sat back down in the usual chair. Miriam came back in and sat in the chair near Adeline. Little John was taking a nap. All the chores were done for now so they both picked up in conversation.

"Where did Laura go?" Adeline curiously asked.

"She went to the phone booth to make an important phone call. She won't be coming back. They will be staying over at James' parent's house tonight."

Adeline was shocked! Laura didn't even tell her or even say goodbye. Adeline thought, "I wonder if Malachi knew this?" Adeline began to feel shy again. The 2 boys were the ones who kept her entertained while the Amish ladies where doing their stuff. Adeline didn't want to keep Miriam hanging so she replied, "Oh, okay."

"I will be heading out soon too. I have to go over to my sisters and help bake pies for church. I wasn't sure if you would want to go or if you would rather stay here at the house by yourself."

Adeline felt like this was a tricky question, as if she really didn't want an "English" woman in her house alone. She thought, "Do I want to go with her and be stuck by tons of Amish ladies making pies? I think it would be interesting, and even fun! But would it really be fun? All the Amish ladies would probably stare at me because I am an "English" woman. Would I even feel comfortable? I will more than likely get in the way... But does she really want me to go?"

Once Adeline decided she answered, “I think I might just stay here, if you don’t mind."

"Alright, just make yourself at home. I am going to drop John off at my parents in an hour. You can walk up with me if you would like."

"Yeah sure, I will walk with you."

"I also have to help make pies tomorrow morning too. You can go with me or stay here it’s up to you."

"Ok," Adeline smiled. With an hour to spare the ladies continued on with their conversation. Eventually the topic turned to family. How many siblings they have, and so on. Adeline felt a little out of place talking about family too because her family is split and Amish don't believe in divorce. It's rare in an Amish community. Quite honestly, it's unheard of among the Amish. Adeline doesn’t believe in divorce either, but it is what it is.

Adeline sighed a bit and answered "Well, I have 2 sisters, 2 half-brothers and 1 step brother. My parents split when I was little, though I just think them all as brothers and sisters. Family is family."

"Jah, I have 2 brothers, one younger and one older. We were pretty close." Miriam smiled.

"I'm not as close as I would like to be with my family. You have a beautiful home!"

"Why thank you, it was my parents’ home."

Without thinking, Adeline replied, "Oh, I would love to live in a house like this! We still live in an apartment; we’re not rich enough to buy a place."

Miriam was pretty quick to reply, "Oh, we are not rich either. We are actually renting this house from my parents."

Adeline felt instant regret. She knew they rented because James had told them the day they got here. She didn't realize the way it sounded. "Oh, okay" was all Adeline could say.

John started crying in the other room and Miriam went to get him. It was about time to take him to her parent's place anyway. So they took off to the house beside them. They continued to carry a conversation and Adeline began to feel pretty comfortable with Miriam. They dropped off John and walked back to Miriam's house.

"Well, I better go to my sisters to make some pies. Make yourself comfortable. When the men, get back you and Malachi will have the place to yourselves. Richard has a meeting to go to, and we probably won't be back in time to have dinner here." With a smile, Miriam left for her sisters.

The men won't be back for another 2 hours. Adeline sat in the house alone. No lights but the sun. No noise but the clocks ticking. Adeline is used to being by herself, but what to do. She had no clue! She went upstairs to the bedroom to grab her journal and went back down stairs. She sat on the usual chair and began writing.

After a while, Adeline decided to take a shower. She got everything ready in then realized the window didn't have a curtain to close for privacy! What's a girl to do? So she grabbed her jacket and covered the window up. Satisfied, she took her shower...

"Oh my goodness! This water is cold!" So Adeline let the water run a little longer to get it warm... But to her disappointment, it only was a slight bit warmer. She hurried up as fast she could! Adeline was done showering. A very quick one at that! Now she was in her bedroom, sitting on the bed, wrapped in her blankets, trying to warm up. That was the coldest shower she ever had to take. Wondering if she maybe didn't do something right, Adeline ended up falling asleep again.

Adeline woke up suddenly, feeling her heart race and wondering what happened. She glanced around the room and her husband was in the bedroom looking at her while rubbing her back. "I'm back honey!" Adeline was still a little groggy from sleep. She jumped up and gave her husband a hug. "We got the place to ourselves, and we have to get our own dinner tonight. So I am ready to go to town when you are dear."

His words blended in to Adeline, still in a dreamy state. "I'm ready." She said all sleepy eyed. Malachi beamed, dreaming of Pizza Hut. They put their shoes on and took off to town. But they stopped at the end of the road to get the name so they could put it in the gps if they needed to on their way back.

It was supposed to be only 20 miles to get to town. 20 minutes is not how it felt. Felt like they drove for hours! Adeline was beginning to get very hungry as well as Malachi. Malachi believed he knew his way, but then feeling like he took a wrong turn since it was taking forever to get to town.

But they finally found some restaurants about 10 minutes later. With them being really hungry they just chose a place. They decided to eat at Subway, and then asked one of the workers how to get to Walmart. Once at Walmart they bought a few things to go hunting with, and got some cash out. Adeline decided since Miriam wouldn't be home in the morning, she would just go hunting with the guys.

It started getting dark and Malachi was getting tired. So they headed back to the Amish house. Hopefully they could find it... Getting back was a little easier than going to town. As they suspected, no one was home. So they got ready to go to bed. Malachi took a shower. Before he did, Adeline warned him of it being cold. When he was done they went to sleep.


About the Creator

Kristina Steffy

Writing is my passion. I try to put my all into each and every story. I love to either give advice, make someone laugh, or even a heart felt discussion. I write as if I was talking to you face to face. I hope you enjoy reading my Stories.

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    Kristina SteffyWritten by Kristina Steffy

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