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Pieces of a Broken puzzle

All love lost, are never found.

By Julian FosterPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

Angel and Bryan met a few days ago while they were out grocery shopping. The interaction wasn't anything special, especially given the fact they were both wearing masks and barely knew what each other looked like. It was strange they exchanged numbers. They texted a few times, but nothing too serious. Dating during Covid has been tricky for them both, especially for Angel. Neither of them have had any luck. Angels wquiet and reserved, ut her sense of humor makes up for her bashfulness. Bryans as smooth as they come, plus he always has that shit on. The two of them in theory would be an odd imperfect fit, but timing wouldn't allow it. Angel was recently removed from a long term situationship and Bryan was sleeping around with anything that had legs. The two of them couldn't be more emotionally unavailable. After a few weeks pas, they eventually end up going out on a date. Being that they met nearly a month ago, the odds of them clicking and hitting it off were slim to none. Angel agreed to go out on the date for the free meal, plus she could use a trip outside of her apartment. They both could. She thought Bryan was cool, but she couldn't help but to think he was a lady's man and had his way with woman. So she had no intention of this going past the first date. Bryan didn't know what to think, but he went in with the same mindset as usual. She would be another notch on his belt.

The date couldn't have gone any better. What was supposed to be a simple night out turned into something completely different. They hit it off. Angel couldn't resist Bryan's charm and good looks, and he couldn't resist her wit and good conversation. They talked for hours as patron after patron came and went. They stayed at the bar exchanging story after story, drink after drink, until finally the waitress let them know the bar would be closing soon. The night couldn't have gone any better. They left the bar and ended up walking all the way back to Angel's place which wasn't too far from the bar. Bryan went into the date with one mission at hand, and that was to seal the deal. Angel just wanted a free meal, the two of them got something worth way more. Instead of trying to force the issue, Bryan played it cool and opted to not go in for a kiss goodnight. He wanted to explore her, and she wanted to do the same, but she couldn't resist. She grabs her arm as he turns away and kisses him gently, slowly, time stands still. She pulls away slowly leaving Bryan inching towards her. She smirks at his reaction and heads into the house. Bryan watches her walk away, and look back just as the door shuts ending a perfect night.

A few days after their date, and the communication has picked up between the two, but they have yet to set up a second date. One afternooon while Bryan is working from home, he receives a call from one of his best friends. His homie just tested positive for Covid, which meant there was a good chance he had it as well. Bryan didn't feel any symptoms, he actually felt fine, but he did smoke with his friend a few days ago so it was better to be safe than sorry. When the test results came back positive, he was confused. He thought he was good, he wasn't sick and didn't feel bad. He had to tell Angel, she was the only other person he saw within that timeframe. The odds of her testing postive were slim. When her test results came back positive, Bryan felt like shit. He felt irresponsible and knew that there was no way in hell he would still have a chance with this girl after giving her the Rony.

Angel's reaction to having the virus wasn't harsh at all, she actually wasn't upset at all. Like Bryan, she wasn't experiencing any symptoms, she was more so blown about having to stay isolated in the apartment for 10 days. This gave Bryan an idea, but he wasn't sure she would go for it. They only hung out once before, so there was no way she would be cool with what he had in mind. To his surprise, Angel was thinking the same thing. After what was probably a two minute text conversation, they decided to quarantine together. What's the worst that could happen, right?

The first night was a bit awkward, they chose to alternate places, so one night they would stay at Angel's and one night at Bryan's. This eventually became them spending all their time at Bryan's. His apartment was a bit more spacious and plus all the stores and restaurants were closer to his spot than hers. After the first night, things really changed. The next 10 days became the most intense, romantic experience either of them have encountered. They were undoubtedly and irrevocably in love with each other by the end of day 5. Angel enveloped him, she understood him on aalevel he didn't understnad himself. He was gentle with her, delicate even. At times he found himself staring at her when she would look away, she was such a beautiful soul to him. She captivated him, she became home for him. The days blended together as the two of them drifted deeper and deeper into the bliss of new love. They nursed each other when things got rough, they mad e love passionately throughout every inch of each of their places. All they had was each other, and that was more than enough. They shared their dreams, their fears, what made them tick, etc. It ws more than a physical connection, it was different, bordering on the line of spiritual the way they connected. Nothing was off limits.

Ten days had passed and they were free to go and go and get tested again to make sure they don't have the test. They left the house together and made that dreaded trip to go get tested. It felt like forever waiting for the results to come back. Negative, they both were good to go. This was a relief for them both, but since they no longer were confined to their apartments, they wondered would this new found love continue. Neither of them wanted it to end, so without ever discussing it they just went along with things.

To celebrate testing negative, they ordered takeout and actually went to pick it up on the way back to Bryan's apartment. Nothing changed between the chemistry continued to grow. They pull up to Bryan's apartment and walk up the steps towards his building. Things take a turn for the worst when they get back to his apartment. Angel opens his door to find his ex-girlfriend sitting in the living room. Bryan forgot she still had a key, the two of them meet before Bryan walks into the place. He walks in dumbfounded, although things were dead between him and his ex, this didn't look good at all. Angel has seen this before and instead of sticking around for an explanation, she leaves. Bryan fights to have her stay, but her mind is made. She grabs her bag from his bedroom, walks out the door and doesn't even look at Bryan. Her heart was broke, but she would be fine. Furious at his ex for imposing and ruining his plans, he kicks her out and makes sure to take the key this time. Weeks go by and no response from Angel, she blocked his number, blocked him on IG, facebook, snap. She was completely gone. Too much time passed, Bryan never got a chance to explain himself. What began as a promising unlikely love-story ended in tragedy due to miscommunication and assumptions. To this day Bryan is hoping just to come across her path if not to rekindle what they had, at least to explain that he wasn't trying to hurt her and he really wanted to see where things led. Just another love lost...


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