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People with a “Gray Soul” Want to Turn Out the Light In You

Do you know such people?

By Colm WallerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
People with a “Gray Soul” Want to Turn Out the Light In You
Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash

Gray people tend to stop others from fulfilling their dreams. They condemn, humiliate, lie and make you feel complex because of their characteristics. Such people go through life, trying to make, not give. I say bad things without caring about your feelings.

People with a "gray soul" want to turn out the light in you. Why? Because they're not sure. Instead of doing things to transform their suffering into healing, they prefer to direct their negative experiences to others so that the outside world can begin to adjust to their inner world.

Gray people can achieve their goals in a variety of ways: they can depreciate everything you do, distract you from your dreams, convince you that giving up is always more reasonable and practical than continuing to achieve your goal.

There are a lot of good people, who, despite the failures, they have experienced, emit positive vibrations. They aim to find harmony with themselves and the universe, refusing to become what they are not. But unfortunately, a person with inner light on his way can meet many gray people who can turn off his light.

And maybe when something important inside goes out, a person repeats the behavior of those personalities who are to blame for the darkness that reigns in his soul now. This chain of negativity often prevents you from moving forward.

Gray people go to the light to extinguish it.

How to recognize people with light?

Many of us would say that we want to smile next to them. They are modest, but they go through all the problems of their loved ones. They do not seek recognition but are ultimately in the spotlight of many souls who come to them for sympathy and support. These people spread their inner light to everything around them.

But first, you will recognize the bright people by the fact that they do not have a backpack full of contempt, misguided beliefs, offensive, and humiliating comments.

Such people cherish their dreams and try to live in complete harmony with all people, and most importantly, strive to reach the end of life not with unfulfilled dreams, but with pleasant experiences.

If he observes people with common goals, he does not envy him, but, on the contrary, he joins their journey in a friendly way.

People with light give support to other people because when they see others happy, they rejoice for themselves.

To protect your light when someone tries to turn it off, you can use the following strategies:

1. Don't pay attention to gray people and don't try to prove anything to them. If you have to hear derogatory comments from them, don't even try to convince them. You will waste your energy, which is still useful in your journey.

2. Befriend people who share the same values ​​of life as you. You will meet people different from you throughout your life, but if you can find someone whose ideas will be similar to yours, you will make your path easier.

3. Use a sense of humor. Gray people run away from humor as light, kindness, and positivity because to them all these things are a sign of danger. So try to make sure that the smile never leaves your lips.

4. Believe that your ideas are truly valuable. Someone once said that if people do not fight for their ideas, then either the ideas are not worth it or the person is not worth it. So, if you think that your ideas can make you freer and happier, don't doubt them.

5. Do not measure success by money, fame, or stability: in this life, there are no answers, only stories. Make your story important to yourself, without measuring it with generally accepted parameters.

6. Don't underestimate slander. Remember that there will always be people who are ready to condemn you, completely ignoring the circumstances. But think for yourself - what these people think doesn't matter to you. Then why do you allow their words to exert such an influence on you?

It is normal to feel sad after being hurt or betrayed. The worst thing is to completely lose hope or give up your dream because then it will be difficult to rediscover the meaning of your life.

Don't stop, don't give gray people the pleasure of stealing your meaning. They have already destroyed their own lives and are seeking to destroy the lives of others.

Just ask yourself: do I want to be just another gray man?


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