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People in my Life

Brandon Mullen

By James S. CarrPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

The stories that I write about are things and people that are important to me. They are memories that I have and seem to me interesting to share. I also write to connect my words with your eyes. I may have known you or have never met, but magically, our souls meet.

Brandon Mullen was my cousin through marriage but, to me, and to many, many others, he was so much more. We were practically the same age but, like my brother Joey, he seemed older than what he was. Joey and Brandon loved each other, immensely. I secretly think sometimes that Joey would have preferred Brandon as his brother than my lame, fat-ass, which was pretty much my nickname for a long while in my preteens and early teens. That or fat waste. Joey was relentless. Go figure why I have self esteem issues to this day.

Anyway, my first memorable moment with Brandon was when we were 7 or 8 and it was Halloween and I can't remember my costume but Brandon dressed like a girl. I was floored!! I didn't know what to think at first but everyone loved it and he was getting such a kick out of all the attention. It was then that I realized that the kid had "it", whatever it is. Everything just seemed to come naturally to him.

He had an amazing family and extended family. His dad, Tommy, was a man's man and took little to no bullshit. His mom, Jacqueline, was and is one of the nicest and kindest women that I have ever met. She always seemed happy and her cheeks always glowed like Rose's. Brandon's little sister, also named Jackie, was, and still is, just a sweetheart. She wound up marrying an awesome dude from the neighborhood and seems to be doing really well for themselves, God bless them.

His extended family included his aunt who married my uncle. My aunt's family were some incredible people. I only say that because I spent a decent amount of time as a child. From the grand pop who always smiled and loved telling jokes, and his sweet as pie grandma and aunts and his uncles were just awesome, regular guys. One of them is currently a high ranking police officer whom I respect immensely.

I don't want to tarnish Brandon's image because I only knew the side of him that he showed me at the time. He had many, many friends,from everywhere. He was very likable but he could also be a fighter, although he enjoyed being a lover even more.

Brandon was legendary when it came to women. I was slow to mature but he most certainly was not. He had scores of girlfriends before he was even 18 and I envied him every single one. I can't be one hundred percent sure, but he was the first male to witness a female give herself a Brazilian, (without being too crude, in layman's terms it's a removal of the hair from a normally hairy place. Think armpit but lower), became almost the norm for the next decade or so. We would see each other on the Septa bus, the 5 going north up Frankford Ave, and he used to show me pictures that enlightened me, to say the least. I know that he had a son named Christopher. Christopher Steirle was also good friends with the both of us so it seemed fitting to name my first son Christopher as well. I can't remember who he had his son with but I can see her face as plain as day and Jackson was her last name, I think. One of his greatest love affairs was with Mary Kirby. They seemed to fit and I have heard that they may have been married had he not perished so untimely.

The years leading up to his death, we drifted apart. He wound up getting in some trouble in Philadelphia and drew one of the worst judges in Philadelphia history. This particular judge would find defendants guilty and then ask them to count the pigeons in the window. Whatever number they came up with was their sentence. Judge Means, if I remember correctly. I remember Brandon telling me this story and that was how he ended up with 35 years probation. It was a miscarriage of justice and nobody said boo at the time. So he spent a few years in and out because of this ridiculousness.

The last I heard about was from our uncle Tim. I saw him at a family function and he told me that Brandon was doing good and spending time with his son. I think he may have had another son, Gavin. At the time, I had it in my mind that there was time to reconnect with him in the future. We were both in our twenties, we had decades to go. Never again will I assume.

Brandon was like a shooting star. I am glad that I knew him. I have so many more stories that just aren't suitable for people who didn't know that side of him and while some of them are funny, they're inappropriate. One story that I will tell is the time him and what was known as the F+S boys, all friends of ours through one person or another, partying in Gary Walker's house on Letterly street, which they did quite often. This time LSD was involved.(We were young and reckless with little to no supervision because our parents had to work so hard to keep our lifestyles. We could have probably more constructive things we could or should have been doing but we were just doing what was popular among our friends or ourselves). Any, Brandon has to use the bathroom and upon entering the water closet, all he can see is cats. Cat rugs, cat toilet cover, cat shower curtains, even cat figurines. Brandon freaks out. He hauls ass and gets into a bed already occupied by Gary. Gary is awakened to a strange wetness. He turns to see Brandon under the covers with him, fully clothed, pissing the bed. Gary jumps up and starts screaming at Brandon. Brandon's response? "Cats! Cats are everywhere, Gar!!! Please get rid of the cats!!" Everyone busted out laughing. Brandon's in tears because his trip is now invaded by cats!!

I miss him so much. I named my second son after him. He was larger than life. I took his passing rather hard and my life became more hectic. It took a long time to accept that earthly loss. I doubt that this essay paid proper tribute to such a great human being but I hope it creates more joy than pain. Brandon and Joey were the closest brothers that I had in my young life. There are and will be more, but I have the honor to call them the first, if only for me.


About the Creator

James S. Carr

Just a writer from the hood telling my memories of my teenage years.

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