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Our perceived selves

The cognitive labyrinth is finally broken and humanity is reborn

By Robert JackPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Our perceived selves
Photo by Bertrand Borie on Unsplash

How do we exist? Where do we come from? No one thought there were such questions. It is impossible for us not to exist, but in what way do we exist? Can this be muddled? We simply know that we exist differently from ordinary matter, but how do we know our existence? How do we know ourselves? It is not a complicated question, we perceive ourselves in the same way as we perceive everything, that is, we are our perception.

We are the perceiving being, the collection of perceiving information. We are not only perceiving everything in the external world, but our most important perception is perceiving ourselves, perceiving our perception, we are the complex of perceptions. We are perceiving the world, and this is the most basic logic of behavior that anyone can understand. But we are perceiving ourselves, and this logical relationship is difficult to understand. The world we perceive is a complex reality, what is the self we perceive? We have never illuminated this "darkness under the lamp".

We who perceive the world forget to perceive ourselves, and we become a neglected perception, which is the real reason why people cannot know themselves. We notice what we perceive and immerse ourselves in it, but we ignore how we perceive it, so we don't even know what we are perceiving all the time. We don't know how to perceive ourselves, which causes us to never be perceived ourselves, and this is the real reason for human stupidity to this day. We do not realize that we are perceiving, and we ignore the ways and means by which we are perceiving, ignore the process of our perception, and only obtain the results of our perception. This is the form of our life in general, we live in the collision of facts, what are we? We tend to see ourselves as standard people and measure ourselves by human standards, which causes us not to understand ourselves.

Where do our joys and sorrows, loves and hates come from? We don't know. Where do our own needs, wants, and imaginations come from? We don't know. Where do our innermost feelings, our differences from others come from? We do not know. We only know what we perceive in our daily life; we don't know how we perceive it. We only know what to do in the reality of life; we don't know why we do it. We know a lot about the world, but we know very little about ourselves, and this is because we do not perceive ourselves, we do not have the consciousness to perceive ourselves, and we are the blind spot of perception.

We unconsciously see our perception as a kind of taken-for-granted default, which is a great misunderstanding of how we perceive, which is the prerequisite for the fact that we perceive anything. Without this perceptual self-consciousness, our perceptual ways and means are in a blind state, and we often unconsciously perceive things in extremely low, extremely contradictory, and even extremely absurd ways and means, and more seriously, we do not know who we are when we perceive things, we do not know the position of perception, the interaction of perception, the relationship of perception, the purpose and meaning of perception, and we can get what we need to Perceptual facts? Can we achieve happiness and pleasure as we wish? We do not know our perceptions, nor do we know how to perceive ourselves; we are abandoned to the facts of life; in what state and for what purpose do we live? Is this not an obvious absurdity?

In this blind process of perception, what we perceive about ourselves is often a "communal" misunderstanding. We think that all people are the same, and we hold ourselves to human standards and measure ourselves, with the result that we are never understood by anyone, including ourselves. We do not perceive ourselves, and this big ooze keeps engulfing us, leaving us with no idea where our injustice lies or where our pain comes from. It is not a joke, it is a great sadness that we have been misperceiving ourselves for thousands of years, that we have not been perceiving ourselves correctly and misunderstanding ourselves as ourselves.

We do not have the consciousness to perceive ourselves, and we do not have the ways and means to perceive ourselves, and this is the major lack of human existence. The first thing we should perceive is ourselves, and only when we perceive ourselves can we perceive all things in the world from ourselves. Without understanding the beginning of perception, how can we have the end of perception? Only when we perceive ourselves can we know how to perceive everything in the world, and only then can we get what we need to perceive from everything in the world.

We have been trying to know ourselves, but we do not know how we can know ourselves. The answer is now in the water: to perceive ourselves, to know our perception, to know our perceived self.


About the Creator

Robert Jack

One of the secrets of emotional stability for adults is to keep the expectations of others to a minimum.

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