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One Myth About Your Thought That You WANT To Know

This is how you are shaping your reality!

By J SunPublished about a month ago 3 min read

Ever had that ‘aha!’ moment when something just clicks? Well, buckle up, because you’re about to have one. It’s about a little myth, a sneaky belief that’s been quietly shaping your life from the shadows.

You see, we’ve been told a fib: that our thoughts are just background noise, like elevator music. But guess what? They’re more like the DJ at a party, setting the vibe and getting things moving.

This hit me out of the blue, all thanks to a deck of tarot cards. Now, hold on—don’t roll your eyes just yet. These cards, they’re like a secret door to understanding how our inner world builds the outer one.

I used to ask the cards all sorts of questions about the future. And they’d answer, spot on, most of the time. But when they showed me something I didn’t want to see, I’d just shake my head and say, “Nope, not happening.” And you know what? I could change it. That’s when I realized: our thoughts aren’t just passing clouds; they’re the sky itself.

So, what’s the big deal about this myth? It’s simple: if you think your thoughts don’t matter, you’re giving away your power. But once you grab hold of it, you can steer your life like you’re at the wheel of a ship, not just drifting along.

And that’s what this is all about. It’s not rocket science; it’s something even more powerful. It’s about realizing that you’re the artist of your own life, and your thoughts are your paintbrush.

If you’re ready to dive deeper and see how you can repaint your world, stick around. This isn’t just talk; it’s the real deal. So, let’s get this journey started, and who knows? You might just find yourself living in a masterpiece you’ve created.

Sp the cards reading led me to ponder two questions:

How can these readings be so precise?

How do I possess the power to completely alter the outcome?

The answer lies in the reflection of our subconscious mind through tarot. It’s not about predicting the future; it’s about forecasting the likely results based on our current energy, which comprises our thoughts and belief systems. If your subconscious believes that a particular action will lead to a certain result, then it’s likely to happen. In other words, all thoughts are illusions, and our brain’s job is to bring these illusions into our reality to meet our expectations.

I hope I’m making this clearer. This is how our thoughts create our world! It also answers my initial questions. By refusing to accept a predetermined outcome and changing our thoughts, we can alter our reality. While it’s not as simple as it sounds, this is the underlying “rule” of our existence.

Even if you’re unsure how to change your thoughts or beliefs (a topic for another day), at least now you’re more inclined to halt the relentless assumptions and beliefs, right? Understanding this logic can make our brains pause and prompt us to ask our soul, “Is what I’m believing now true?”

By stopping the fabrication of scenarios in our minds, we create space for the truth to enter, thus altering the reality we continuously create.

It’s a process of clearing the mental clutter to make room for authentic experiences and outcomes.

If you’ve ever felt trapped by your thoughts or limited by your beliefs, know that you’re not alone. The journey to understanding and harnessing the power of the mind is one that many embark on, often with life-changing results. It’s a path of self-discovery, of unlocking the potential that lies within our own minds.

As you reflect on this message, consider the implications it has for your life. What thoughts have you been holding onto that might be shaping your world in ways you don’t desire? What beliefs could you challenge and change to create a reality that aligns with your true aspirations?

If this article has offered you even a sliver of insight, please consider joining me on this journey of discovery. Subscribe for more reflections, and let’s embark on this path together.

fact or fictionStream of Consciousnesshumanityhow toadvice

About the Creator

J Sun

There’re just too much I want to share, I love to inspire people as I know we are all one. I am not an English native, so please only read the soul of my words, enjoy!

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    J SunWritten by J Sun

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