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No Sweetness Here

The story of Africa

By Appiah EmmanuelPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
No Sweetness Here
Photo by Sergey Pesterev on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled deep in the mountains, there lived a young girl named Lily. She was known for her kind heart, infectious laughter, and her love for adventure. Lily had always dreamed of exploring the world beyond the mountains and experiencing new cultures and places.

One sunny day, as Lily was wandering through the forest, she stumbled upon a hidden path. Curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to follow it. The path led her to an old, dilapidated cottage. The windows were shattered, the walls were covered in moss, and the garden was overgrown with weeds. It seemed abandoned, but Lily couldn't resist exploring it further.

As she stepped inside, she noticed a faint glow coming from a room at the end of the hallway. Intrigued, she cautiously made her way towards it. To her surprise, the room was filled with books of all shapes and sizes. It was a library, untouched by time.

Lily's eyes widened with excitement. She had always been an avid reader and this discovery was a dream come true. She spent hours exploring the shelves, pulling out books, and losing herself in their stories.

One day, as Lily was engrossed in a particularly captivating tale, she heard a soft voice coming from behind her. Startled, she turned around and saw an old man standing in the doorway. He had a long white beard and kind, twinkling eyes.

"I see you've found my library," the old man said with a warm smile. "I am the guardian of these books, and it warms my heart to see someone so passionate about reading."

Lily introduced herself and thanked the old man for allowing her to explore his library. They began to talk about their favorite books and stories, and soon a friendship blossomed between them.

Days turned into weeks, and Lily visited the old man's library every day. They would read together, discuss their interpretations of the stories, and share their thoughts on life. The old man became a mentor to Lily, imparting wisdom and knowledge beyond her years.

One gloomy afternoon, as Lily was walking towards the cottage, she noticed something was off. The path was overgrown, and the cottage seemed even more dilapidated than before. She hurried inside, fearing the worst.

To her horror, she found the library in ruins. The shelves were empty, the books torn and scattered across the floor. The old man was nowhere to be found.

Heartbroken, Lily searched every corner of the cottage, hoping to find a clue about what had happened. And then, she saw it – a letter left on the old man's desk.

With trembling hands, she opened it and read the words written in shaky handwriting:

"My dear Lily,

I apologize for the state in which you've found my library. Unfortunately, my time in this world has come to an end. I have fought a long battle with a terminal illness, and my body can no longer bear the pain. I write this letter to bid you farewell and to thank you for bringing life and joy to the cottage once again. Remember, my dear, that life is filled with both sweetness and sorrow. Cherish the memories we've shared, and continue to explore the world with the same passion that brought you here.

With love,

The old man"

Tears streamed down Lily's face as she read those final words. The sweetness of their friendship was abruptly overshadowed by the sorrow of loss. She mourned the old man's passing, but she knew she had to honor his memory.

Lily gathered the torn books and carefully placed them back on the shelves. With determination in her heart, she vowed to keep the old man's spirit alive by sharing the stories she had read with others.

And so, Lily left the mountains behind, carrying the old man's legacy with her. She became a storyteller, traveling from town to town, sharing the tales she had discovered in the hidden library. Through her words, she brought sweetness to the lives of those who listened, but she never forgot the sorrow that had led her on this journey.

No sweetness may reside in the old man's cottage anymore, but Lily's purpose was to spread the magic of stories to others, ensuring that his memory lived on in the hearts of those she touched.


About the Creator

Appiah Emmanuel

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    Appiah EmmanuelWritten by Appiah Emmanuel

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