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No rest for the wicked

There are two kinds of sleep

By Agapē NowHerePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The common denominator that we have all shared in regards to New Years Resolutions is that of having good intentions. Have you ever openly and curiously asked yourself inwardly "Why have I had a tough year again?" Will you pause and ask yourself in your own mind, right this second? I guarantee the answer you've been searching for will be shown to you very shortly. I will put something before the next paragraph which symbolises the space to hold for yourself to ask this question.

You have now asked yourself this question (it doesn't matter whether consciously or subconsciously, because you're still reading this) and now you are giving yourself the answer through reading and taking in these following words:

If you have a good intention to Do, Feel and Be better for yourself and others, in any moment, then does this not suggest that your subconscious mind still believes that Who You Are isn't already enough? Can you remember how the difference between good intentions and good deeds is the same difference between Hell and Heaven?

So now my guess is that you are having a powerful epiphany. You are realising that all of your good intentions have been based on and acted out through subconscious Fear, which is inseparable from the belief of the future being better. Whereas the foundation for good deeds for yourself and others is in Love and Presence. Can you remember how Life is not so much about what you do, but what you are Being whilst doing it? As in, does each and every task you're trying to get done include enjoyment, playfulness and ease? Or is each task a means to an end?

Can you ask yourself another question for me? If you didn't last time, maybe it'd be nice to try it this time:

"Do I desire to achieve my goals in this lifetime, with an inner state of stress, pain and discontent for Who I Am, in each moment, or with an inner state of ease, Being and contentment for Who I Am, in each moment?"

We both know the answer that feels right. Now let's ask ourselves questions about Rest, seeing as that is the prompt for this entry:

"Do I want to take my thoughts and feelings about things seriously, until 'Rest in Peace' is written on my tombstone? Or do I want to take these things sincerely, in playfulness and ease, so I can Rest in Peace right now in this present moment?"

So, in-deed it does seem true when they say there is no rest for the wicked. The only evil or sin in this experience is not allowing yourself to Rest in Peace with whatever is being experienced in each Now. The resistance to What Is, is the wicked. Resistance is inner violence, often projected outwardly onto others. Resistance is the opposite to Rest.

There are two kinds of sleep. The obvious one that your body and energy need to reconnect to the life source. The second, is the sleep state of being discontent through your false sense of self, in identifying with your mind and its content. You are not here for the future. You are here to remember Who You Really Are, and in that, you will have mastered your mind, not the other way round, and you will then use it as the genius tool for the creation and fun it was meant for.

R.I.P, Now, not later.

Agapē NowHere,

Your biggest fan.


Ps you can't possibly be unworthy. Here's why: You have been given the gift of Free Will to make your own choices in each moment. Even your belief in your non free-will is your free will, so you can experience who you are not, to then let it go and re-experience Who You Really Are, as a Divine liberated creator of your own reality, in each moment.

I Love Who You Are :)


About the Creator

Agapē NowHere

An ordinary Being of Lightness.

Can be found on @afriendlymoment on Instagram

and 'Just the One of us' on Youtube

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