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My Wife Goes Out All The Time Without Me (My Wife Doesn't Say Where She Goes)

Are you in a panic right now thinking my wife goes out all the time without me and don't know what to do about it? Are you saying my wife doesn't say where she goes? You're not alone, it's happened to many men before you. But the men who did the right things, and changed themselves in the right particular ways are the one's that ended up with an even better marriage than ever before.

By John BillPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read

You said for richer or for poorer. You said in sickness and in health. You said till death do us part. Marriage is as serious as a relationship gets. Which is why unfaithfulness can be severely damaging.

When you suspect your wife is involved with another man, you start looking for telltale signs of cheating. You begin to take note of changes in her attitude and activities.

What are some of the clues that can help you determine whether or not your wife is cheating on you?

Noting some changes in your wife's appearance or behavior do not necessarily mean that she is having an affair. Innocent demeanor may sometimes be construed as suspicious if you are more likely to think the worst about her. Obvious cheating signs may be brushed aside if you trust and believe in everything that your spouse tells you.

You need to carefully observe, investigate and gather your facts before you confront your spouse about her infidelity. After all, it will still make a negative impact in your relationship if you accuse her of something she has not done.

Here are some of the things that will likely help you determine if your wife is being unfaithful to you.


If she seems to be emotionally distant lately, if she seems withdrawn from you and unwilling to share even the mundane details of her day when not too long ago she did, this may mean she is cheating on you.


If she suddenly spends a lot more time hanging out with what she says are her girlfriends, and is gone long periods of time with extended lunches and late nights out at bars and clubs, and it seems she's reliving her teen years, this indicates that she is at least dissatisfied with some aspect of her home life.


If she all of sudden keeps her cell phone on her person at all times, or hides it, or becomes visibly nervous when you happen to touch it or be nearer to it than her, this likely means there is something there she doesn't want you to find out.


One of the surest signs that she has checked out on her marriage and no longer wants to emotionally invest in it is that she doesn't get angry anymore. If she suddenly takes every setback in stride, it may mean she is devoting her emotions to someone else.


If she suddenly wants you to occupy a lot of your time with your friends, it may mean she wants to free up some time for herself to spend with her lover.


If she no longer talks with you about her day, no longer asks you about yours, and in general just doesn't need you, this also indicates emotional detachment.


Though for a woman, not wanting sex can be caused by many things that are completely innocent, if she suddenly doesn't want sex anymore, it could indicate she's getting sex elsewhere.


If she suddenly buys a lot new, trendy clothes and devotes a ton of effort to improving her physical appearance, it may mean that she is looking to impress someone else.

Improving Your ROI in Marriage

If you are in the business world, a common acronym is ROI which stands for Return On Investment.

Return on Investment means the net proceeds, or profit, after taking into account the costs of doing business, or your investment. In most simple terms, income minus expenses equals profit, or Return On Investment.

But in the world of marriage, I have my own acronym for ROI that uses a similar formula.

My ROI is Return Of Intimacy.

The amount of investment you make in your marriage should result in a higher return of intimacy and love from your wife.

What is the ROI of your marriage? Do you invest in the partnership so that you receive love in return? Do you spend time every day letting your wife know how much you love and care for her? Do you go out of your way to make her happy? Do you listen to her intently every day? What can you do to "invest" in your relationship so that you receive love and intimacy in return?

As I have state elsewhere, I believe that it is up to the man to be the initiator in marriage. As women need to feel connected to share intimacy, the husband must take the lead and show his wife how much he adores, appreciates, admires and accepts her before she will reciprocate with love and affection.

There are so many things that can distract us from having a wonderful marriage. Are you extremely busy at work that you just haven't taken the time to connect with your wife lately? Are the children keeping you running in circles so that all the focus is on them? Are health issues impacting your marriage and intimacy? Have your attempts at intimacy with your wife been rejected, taking away your motivation to romance?

These and numerous other things can impact the closeness you and your wife feel towards each other. Remember how connected you were when you dated or were newly married? How about before you had children and had more responsibility at work? Do you recall the things you did then, that you don't do now, that created the atmosphere of love?

The first step to improving your ROI in Marriage is through communication and taking action.

Let your wife know numerous times a day that you love her. Let her know that you feel sorry for not being as attentive to her in the recent past. Buy her flowers and a beautiful card. Take her away for a night to a hotel. Go for a bike ride and picnic. It doesn't matter what you do, just so long as you spend some fun time together to reactivate the love and intimacy in the relationship.

If you already have a good ROI in your marriage yet want to kick things up a notch, taking more action will make your marriage even richer. Perhaps your wife will be so happy that she will gladly satisfy some of the things you have asked for in the past, like giving you a back massage or doing something kinky.

If your current ROI is negligible, or if you are even in ROI bankruptcy, have no fear. You are not alone! Lots of men are experiencing the same circumstance. The key here is to not expect too much right away when you start to reinvest in your marriage.

Take it slow! You must first rebuild the love and trust. If your wife perceives your actions as solely for selfish sexual pleasure, then it will fail. Be the man, romance your wife, rekindle that flame and you will be amazed how happy your wife will be.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

Divorce does not have to be your only option. Even if it feels as though your relationship can't be saved because of the ongoing conflicts between you and your spouse, it can be. There are techniques that you can begin using today that will not only stop a divorce but will help also you build a stronger and more loving marriage. To learn more visit: Steps to Save Your Marriage


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