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My Husband Refuses To Sleep With Me (My Husband Doesn't Want To Have Sex With Me)

Are you thinking my husband refuses to sleep with me, and wondering why that is? Well you're certainly not alone. This actually happens quite often. Many wives go through this. If you're saying my husband doesn't want to have sex with me then you'll want to read every word of this article.

By Zara VeraPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Why does my husband not want to have sex? If you're the woman asking this question, you're in a very difficult place. Marriage is a partnership and as such it involves many different aspects of a male and female relationship. You two have joined together to explore life mutually and that encompasses many things. You may be best friends, financial partners and of course, co-parents. You are also lovers and when that slips off the landscape of the marriage, it can derail everything else. If your husband shows absolutely no interest in being intimate with you anymore, you have to address the issue head on if you hope to keep the marriage together.

What most women in your position do when they realize that their husband has no interest in sex anymore is they jump to one of two conclusions. The first is that he's having an affair. The truth is that in most cases when a man is indeed being unfaithful, he'll actually make love with his wife more frequently. This is done out of guilt and fear of being caught. The other incorrect conclusion that women make when they are feeling neglected in the bedroom is that the change in their body is the culprit. If you and your husband have a strong marriage beyond the boundaries of intimacy, the weight you've gained or the fact that you're not as toned as you once were, doesn't matter to him.

There are a few common reasons why men start to shy away from intimacy in their marriage. One is that there is an ongoing conflict within the relationship that he can't see past. Just as we tend to hang onto bitterness after an argument, men do the same thing. If you two can't agree on something that affects your relationship, you need to resolve that as soon as you possibly can.

Outside stress can wreak havoc with a marriage. We all know that old saying that people take out their frustrations on those closest to them. That's very true when you're married to someone. If your husband is facing a great deal of pressure and stress in his life, he may manifest that by pulling away from everyone, including you. Helping him by giving him an open venue to talk about what's bothering him and then working with him to find solutions to reduce his stress level can bond the two of you together.

If you love your husband deeply and you want to reconnect with him on an intimate level, don't allow the fact that your marriage has become sexless impact that. Work together to resolve the issue and your relationship will be stronger and closer.

How To Make Your Husband Want More Sex

Is it possible to make your husband want more sex? Many married women are hopeful that the answer to that question is "yes." Unfortunately, a couple who was once very active sexually can find that part of their relationship changing to a point that sex rarely occurs. It's frustrating if you're a woman who still wants to be intimate with her husband only to have him come up with excuse after excuse for why he can't or won't make love. Unless your husband has been diagnosed with a medical condition that makes it impossible for him to be intimate, there really is no acceptable reason for the two of you not to be physical. If you're unhappy with the frequency of lovemaking in your marriage, you need to get proactive and change it before it leads to more serious problems down the road.

In order to make your husband want more sex you first have to determine what is causing him to not want to make love right now. There are several common reasons for a man to lose interest in sex with his wife. Many women mistakenly jump to the conclusion that their husband is having an affair since he doesn't want to be intimate. That's rarely the case at all. In fact, many men who do cheat actually have more sex with their wife because they feel guilty so you can put that worry to rest. Your husband may be feeling overwhelmed with the stresses of life or perhaps he's just not happy with his own body. Anything like this can have a detrimental effect on a couple's sex life and can cause the man to pull back.

Sit down with your husband and have a frank discussion about the stress he's feeling in his life. Don't approach him in any way that would make him feel that you're cornering him on the issue of intimacy. If you do this, he'll likely retreat further into himself which will result in more distance between the two of you. Instead, tell him that you have noticed that he's been under stress and that you're available to be a sounding board. Let him vent. Sometimes that's all that's required for a man to start feeling calmer.

If you want to make your husband want more sex and you suspect that his reluctance to make love is tied to his current body image, there's help for that too. Just as women sometimes feel uncomfortable addressing their weight, men are the same way. Instead of telling him that you believe he should lose some weight, work with him to make it happen. Explain to him that you think it's time that you both started eating better and exercising. Then encourage him to take a walk with you each day or join the gym with you. Start cooking healthier meals together. Once you do this, you'll notice a new bond being created between the two of you. It will bring you closer and intimacy will then only be a short step away.

Many couples struggle with discussing the issue of a sexless marriage and as a result, nothing ever changes and both become more and more frustrated. Don't waste another day wishing your intimate life was more fulfilling, change it now

Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again. There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by, Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.


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