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My Husband Is Unhappy With Family Life (What To Do When Your Husband Says He's Not Happy)

Are you in a position where you're worried because the thought my husband is unhappy with family life is always prevalent in your mind? If so you're obviously not alone considering the divorce rate is so high. I've even been in your shoes and I was able to save my marriage...and I want you to be able to do the same. This article will show you exactly what to do when your husband says he's not happy.

By Zara VeraPublished about a year ago β€’ 6 min read
My Husband Is Unhappy With Family Life (What To Do When Your Husband Says He's Not Happy)
Photo by Nik Shuliahin πŸ’›πŸ’™ on Unsplash

It's a remarkably common circumstance; trying to make the best of a marriage where one partner is unhappy, depressed, or living in some sort of hopelessness. Indeed, it could even be seen that all marriages feature such seasons, with both partners having their turns.

So this is not so much about putting a blinding spotlight on the despondent partner.

But, the longer these seasons last, the more we're perhaps tempted to question our love, or their love for us. And the longer it goes, the more frequent these questions can bear themselves over us.

Sure, we can soon get to a point where panic sets in: "What if things don't change?" or "What if I don't love him/her anymore?"

First, Don't Panic

A longer term view is always advised when the polarity of love reaches present-held extremes. The more we think certain ways, the more those ways become the way we see. Our perceptions adjust and these shifts are not always healthy.

Our unhappiness at their unhappiness - and lack of response to our love - is beginning to unravel our commitment, for we begin to see that our love mightn't any longer be 'good enough' for them. But usually it has little to do with us directly.

Besides, panic can be a good sign. It's love that pushes us to action; to restore the imbalance.

Yet, whilst panic might compel us to consider acting, it can soon find us making erroneous decisions. At some point we're advised to switch from panic to reason.

Remember Your Collective History

A couple's history is tantamount to their world - the epicenter of their lives together. History is the meaningful twine that ties couples together in both good times and those not-so-good, but it can have an affect, too, in polarizing us.

Comparisons are quickly made - "he/she never used to be like this" - and these, from a bad place, are not productive.

It is better to appreciate the history, just being plain thankful for the good memories. These were the best times of your lives.

There are most probably good times like this, and better ones, to come. Indeed, reflecting over your history can reveal other not-so-good times that you got through together.

Understanding the Ebb and Flow of Life

No couple goes through difficult times without reason. Likewise, not one couple ventures through their lives together unscathed.

Moreover, the successful negotiation of tough periods of marriage characterises that both 'stuck it out' when it might've been easier at the time to quit. They didn't, so they both know just how much the other is committed. That's marital gold right there!

De-Romanticising the Marital Relationship

"Staying in love" with an unhappy partner is not so much about romantic nuances - for the romantic phase passed long ago - as it's about empathy.

Empathy has no time or reach limit. It doesn't quit and it doesn't add burden for burden, for when we're invested in our partner's life so much as to 'become them' the timeframe and level of empathy we show isn't really the point. Does love have a limit?

This is the test of love: how much will we sacrifice for the other? - recalling Christ's sacrifice for us had no limit.

Answering the Question

We started with a premising question: How do you stay in love with an unhappy spouse? The answer is perfectly simple.

Create a reasonable and realistic vision of what life will be like on the other side, cling to it, and create a process to patiently support them all the way there, in spite of the forgivable rough days that must just be endured.

3 Tips to Enjoying a Perfect Relationship With Your Husband

Most women who have dated long enough are wise enough to know that the perfect Hollywood-movie style relationship doesn't exist in real life. Yes, it would be great if every marriage was completely free of trust issues, and it would be superb if you never had a fight with your husband.

Although your marriage may not be an unrealistic picture of perfection, there are ways you can keep your marriage solid and as conflict free as possible.

1. Know When To Speak Up... And When To Shut Up... For Real

Confrontation can be a bitch, but if there is a serious problem that is bothering you, then you should say something. Let your husband know what's up, and hopefully the conflict can be addressed. Don't be afraid to speak your mind - just do your best to keep it civil.

Just the same, you don't need to say everything on your mind. If your husband, like every man, has annoying habits that bug you, then how hard would it be to just let them slide? You seriously don't have to make every tiny thing an issue. Otherwise, he could just as easily remind you of yours.

2. Don't Become Siamese Twins - Live Separate Lives with Separate Interests

Couples who are attached at the hip 24/7 can be considered extremely annoying to be around. While it's cool that you want to spend time with your husband as much as possible, don't overdo it. It will annoy your friends - and your husband's friends - who want to spend time with you individually.

In addition to weirding out your friends, these actions only allow you guys to grow bored of each other. Seriously bored. Don't believe me, try it.

3. The Three Little Words - Not "I Love You"

Three words are essential to making every healthy marriage - and relationship - work. No, they are not "I love you."

They are: "I am sorry".

If you have ever screwed up, by simply saying something hurtful or otherwise, then suck it up and apologize. Chances are, you will never be the only one apologizing. If your husband messes up - and of course he does, because nobody is perfect - you should hear those same words coming from his lips as well.

Following these three golden rules to relationship bliss will allow you to experience a healthy, happy marriage.

It's all up to you! If you don't take this action to save your marriage, then who will?

To learn how to save your marriage alone, then check out this plan of actions that is 100% guaranteed. Over 60,000 couples were able to save their marriages by doing the very same series of steps that you will be doing. If they saved their marriages then you can too! Click Here to see how it's done… All my best to you and your spouse!

Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again. There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by, Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.


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