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My Husband Is Never Satisfied With What He Has (How To Keep Your Husband Satisfied)

If you're saying my husband is never satisfied with what he has, then you're probably thinking that it's going to be nearly impossible to get him to worship you. However it is possible, though it may take a little bit of work. But most important is that you know what makes a husband worship his wife in the first place. This article will show you exactly how to keep your husband satisfied.

By Diego IvanPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Generally, women's thoughts and actions are going to bend almost exactly perpendicular to those of men-and ladies, you know this. Keeping your man satisfied is often going to clash with your own needs and wants. He, as well as you, must understand that a marriage is not something that is automatic and that is not going to be self-regulating just because you perhaps have a kid or two and a marriage license. Keeping both of your interests and dislikes in good harmony is fundamental in the long-run. So, take a few tips from a lady who has experience in these matters.

What Would a Romance Article Be Without Sex?

Keep the sex alive and healthy. Do not always opt for the top and do not always lay back and let him do all the work (lest you want to appear lazy and lead him to believe he must be the only one laboring during sex!). Do not establish a routine in sex-nothing can slow the amount of sex each of you want better than sex that seems monotonous and routine. Mix it up, and even "kink" it up. I know that creative mind of yours has some dirty little thoughts. Run with them.

Make Him Feel Proud to Be a Man and Even Prouder to be Your Man

Is he sporting some sexy or sophisticated attire? How about irresistibly-good cologne? Make sure he knows it! Tell him how sexy, hot, and/or suave he is. Stroke that ego of his. Be very supportive of his activities like his sports, games, hanging with guy friends, etc. Keep your stud in the moderate zone as well, though. Also, tell him how awesome the sex was and what a crazy-good beast he is in bed---but, only if you can brag about him in honesty.

The Small Things Matter Just as Much As the Bigger

It can be those small, loving gestures that can make ALL the difference. When he stumbles in the door after a long day at work, have a really nice dinner on the table chock-full of goodies he likes to eat. Also, do things like write him love letters and stick them on his mirror in the bathroom. Always show that you genuinely love and care for your partner, and if he is worthy, he will definitely reciprocate.

The In-Laws

This is usually a miserably dreadful thought, let alone contemplating or planning on visiting them! However, if he respects your parents, do the same with his. Converse with them almost as if you were their own daughter (hence the "daughter"-in law part) and make sure your husband knows that your relationship with this parents is a good one. Nothing can spoil a marriage sooner than feuding-with the in-laws.

Dealing With His "Mood-Swings"

Girl, do you think us ladies are the only ones who have mood swings? If you have been married or in a long-term relationship, you know all-too-well that he is just as likely to have his moments. During so, give him space to breathe. Do not disturb as much as to stir up any adversity between the two of you. Remember, you are his best friend-always there and always understanding even in less cheery times.

Be Independent

Such a notion may sound quite contradictory to all of what has been said here. However, do not let your man think that without him, you would be nothing. This is only giving him an invitation to do more-or-less as he likes. Never take it to an extreme though-and always keep the word "Moderation" in your active vocabulary. Moderately dependent, moderately independent-the same goes for countless other aspects of your relationship.

Listen and Watch Your Timing

That aspect should be a given. You would be surprised how many times I have seen my girlfriends totally disregard this rule, though (either in whole or in part). Make sure that he knows that you are genuinely interested in what he is trying to talk to you about, and try to never bring up "taboo" things when he is sleepy and tired-use your God-given female instincts to know when the right time is.

Understanding the Joys and Reality of Marriage

When it comes to marriage, the foundation lies in a mutual loving bond that is strengthened by friendship. There is no denying that in this day and age, more and more marriages are failing. This is probably due to secularism and the rampant rise of divorce. It seems as though the institution of marriage has been dwindling and people don't perceive it as sacred anymore. The reality of this lifelong relationship is that it entails work and giving and taking. You have to be able to live with the quirks and flaws of another person while dealing with the everyday struggles.

The thing about marriage is that couples have to go through different phases in their lives while dedicating their time and effort to each other. It's a difficult balancing act. However, the key is to keep your commitment close to your heart and to know that love endures even through time. When couples start building families and raising kids, the dynamics of a marriage change drastically. The focus of their attention turns to making a stable living and providing for the family. There are more things to do with so little time. This should not be seen as a hindrance though.

The great thing about married life is that husbands and wives grow on each other. It's a beautiful experience because you see how your marriage evolves and grows stronger. There is no doubt that there will be good and bad times. But couples often find comfort in knowing that they have a partner to help them get through them. When couples become parents, they form a different connection since they have to care and raise their kids. It's a tall order to maintain your composure when everything is chaotic around the house. However, when you get older, you learn how to roll with the punches.

If you are in a marriage, you have to remember that romance is still an integral part of your marriage. Do not get caught up in raising your kids or making money. You need to be able to make time for your spouse. This does not mean that you have to make sweet surprises all the time. But it would not hurt to do something thoughtful and sweet every so often. It is all about letting your wife or husband know that you care and that they are special to you. Never forget this because this is important for your marriage.

Remember also that a relationship should always be nurtured by breaking standard routines. There's no harm in taking a spontaneous trip out of town or abroad. Have date nights or quiet time in a hotel. Do not think that just because you have gone out in so many dates that you need to stop since you are already married. This should give you even more reason to go out on dates with your significant other. Just remember that relationships cannot be left stagnant. Do not treat it like a routine or a job. Constantly show that you love your partners.

Specific things you do and say can compel your spouse to love you more. Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again - Learn More Here

To learn how to save your marriage alone, then check out this plan of actions that is 100% guaranteed. Over 60,000 couples were able to save their marriages by doing the very same series of steps that you will be doing. If they saved their marriages, then you can too! Click Here to see how it's done… All my best to you and your spouse!


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    DIWritten by Diego Ivan

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