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My Husband Is Mean To Me All The Time (My Husband Treats Me Like A Child)

Alright, so you're saying my husband is mean to me all the time, and you're hurting. It does hurt, I know that. If you're thinking my husband treats me like a child and you don't know what to do then you need help. Here are some tips for you to have a better marriage.

By Zoey MilaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

It is probably not a surprise that you feel worn-down, depressed and frustrated by your husband's harsh and unkind words. It is clear that your husband is treating you inappropriately, and you are in a state of not knowing where to turn next. Your situation is very common, as many people go through your pain.

The good news is, that all this can change as soon as you stop trying to protect yourself and start stepping up and taking action to make changes.

You see, your husband has you on strong defense, managing your hurt and fear. This is easy territory for him to continue his "verbal attacks" and cruel behaviour.

You must start claiming your territory. Get out of protection mode and go on the offensive. Make it clear to your husband that he is acting foolishly, and irrationally. Do not be afraid to take a stand and defend yourself at all costs! Watch how your husband will always try to put you back into a state of worry, fear and problems. The truth is, this is all psychological and he does this to stay in control.

This is why you must change 2 things right now...What you believe and what you focus on...

What we believe tends to take shape around us, and what we focus on tends to always be the direction we move towards.

If you believe your boyfriend won't come back, and you focus on not having him, this is sure to happen to you. Because, you will only look for all the ways that he doesn't want you or won't come back. Your focus will pull you more strongly in that direction until it becomes completely true.

So right now you have some serious re-focusing and belief changing to do!

You must focus on all the ways you can get him back and believe with every fiber of your being that you will get him back. Remember this...The mind is a constant recording device. Everytime you tell yourself it's over, that's it. You strengthen that conviction. On the other hand, if you keep saying "I know he'll come back", "I am absolutely certain he will come back" you strengthen that conviction, and naturally more ways start to show up.

How To Make Your Husband Love You Again

"I want my husband to love me again, how can I do that?" is a question I often get on my relationship support forum. Women are feeling lonely and hurting in loveless marriages that they do not want to give up on.

Fortunately there are ways to repair your marriage and bring back the lost love. Restoring a marriage is not always easy and the same methods do not work for everyone, but let us take a look at some basics and see if we can get started.

All marriages go through ups and downs and there will be times when you wonder if your spouse still loves you. You may also wonder if you still love them. A woman who asks only for "my husband to love me again" may need to do a little self examination as well.

But first, what makes you think your husband does not love you anymore, did he tell you that? There can be a big difference between the way he feels and what you perceive. If he has not left you yet then there is a good chance he does still love you, we just need to uncover it and maybe prove it to him.

One reason husbands withdraw from showing love to their wives is when the wife becomes a mother and places all emphasis on the children. If a wife pays little attention to her husband, he can even feel a little resentment toward the children and feel unappreciated by his wife.

If this condition persists over time, the husbands love for his wife can cool or even disappear. Some wives make a husband feel that once he has provided her children, she really has no need for him anymore ("oh, but please keep putting money in the checking account, dear; and mow the lawn, and fix the roof...").

How about if I asked your husband whether you nag at him, what would HE say? I know, perhaps he is not pulling his weight around the house or with the kids, but trust me, nagging will not change that. Focus on building your relationship with him and he will WANT to do things for you.

Do you really respect and admire your husband? In what ways do you show that? Are you cutting him down, especially in front of the children or your friends? That needs to stop immediately if you are. Look for ways to build him up instead and compliment him on the things he does do.

You might ask, though, what if he treats me with no admiration and respect? That is a good question, and a fair one. My answer is to do what is right regardless of what he does; after all, you are the one trying to save the marriage, right?

Our hope is that the golden rule will kick in and he will realize he is not treating you as well as you treat him. Then he will look for ways to improve, probably gradually, that way he never has to admit he has been wrong. That is ok. We just want the result.

Getting your husband to love you again is not about placing blame on past wrongs, it is about moving forward doing the right things and hoping for the desired response. It may take a bit of time.

If you have not been affectionate towards him then gently return to a mode where you are doing little things, then increasingly bigger things to show him your affection. Start perhaps with just rubbing his shoulders when he is at his desk laboring over bills or paperwork. Let him know you care.

Once in while you can get out the photo album and recall happy times; show him the photos you think will put a smile on his face.

Take care of yourself too. Eat right, get some exercise and try to get proper sleep (I know that can be hard). If doing this improves your looks, great, I am sure he will like that. But even if there is no outward change, you will likely feel better, smile more often and have a more positive outlook.

And everyone finds that more attractive.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

Divorce does not have to be your only option. Even if it feels as though your relationship can't be saved because of the ongoing conflicts between you and your spouse, it can be. There are techniques that you can begin using today that will not only stop a divorce, but will help also you build a stronger and more loving marriage. To learn more visit: Steps to Save Your Marriage


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