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My Husband Doesn't Love Me But Wants To Stay Together (My Husband Says He Doesn't Love Me But Won't Leave)

Are you in a marriage where you're saying my husband doesn't love me but wants to stay together? It is quite heart breaking right? Probably even more so than you thought it would be. Often times when we have problems in our marriage, we feign the tough act until the day when your husband drops the bomb on you. Things change quite quickly once you realize oh my gosh, my husband says he doesn't love me but won't leave.

By Diego IvanPublished about a year ago 5 min read

After a few years in a marriage, many women might be bickering saying "My husband doesn't love me anymore". This is a common issue in most marriages and causes pain to most wives. This pains stems from the fact that the husbands had been so loving and caring in the initial stages and now they seem to have changed their attitude. The shift in this attitude can make you end up feeling that they are not interested in your anymore or they might be seeing someone else. In most cases this is not true, after a few years in marriage, the novelty loses its charm and most spouses take each other for granted. They stop taking care of each other in the special way they used to. In such a case when you feel that your husband is not in love with you anymore, it is for you to take charge and reverse the process.

Through a marriage, the intimacy that spouses share in the beginning of the wedding never remains the same. Then it becomes essential for you to remember this and not crib about the changes. Once you are comfortable in a marriage, you might be so secure that you take the other for granted and believe that they won't walk out of the relationship. In such a case where you feel your husband is taking you for granted, most times it would work if you let him chase you. If you made him feel special and made him want you. This will not occur if you stop taking care of yourself and don't pay him attention.

When you say my husband doesn't love me anymore, do you mean he does not show it physically or he does not verbalize it. In both cases take charge and ask for what you want. Have your own live, spend it with others such as family and friends. Don't let him feel like you have no life beyond him, that you are dependent on him. This will make him too secure in the relationship, which is bad for both of you. Let there be some interest in the marriage or it won't last long. If your spouse has nothing to look forward to in you, then it is impossible to keep them tied down and expect them to love you all the time.

Even if both spouses love each other sincerely, at times they might find themselves getting more and more distant from each other and getting close to a divorce. But like me, you too can take some steps into saving your marriage and turning it into a satisfying relationship.

Marriage Gone Stale?

At the start there was love and romance, you really connected with each other! As time passed you got more used to each other, more settled in you ways, the early romance started to fade and you have ended up living a routine. You just do not do anything together anymore, you probably recognize the problem but you have both got stuck in such a deep rut that you do not know how to break out of it. With a marriage gone stale, what do you do, can you give it the life that it once had?

A marriage gone stale suggests that there are real problems within the relationship that you have to address. If you keep drifting on, neither you or your partner will have anything resembling a life or the fulfilling relationship that you deserve. In a worst case scenario you could drift so far apart that you could end up in divorce.

Have you stopped communicating with each other? This is how things start to go wrong in the first place. I am assuming that neither of you have psychic powers so if something is going wrong, how will you be able to identify it and deal with it if neither of you are talking about it?

You have really got to spend more time together! You need to recapture the magic that you felt when you first started going out together. Go to the movies, go for walks, hold hands and look up at the stars, do everything and anything that can bring you closer together and get you spending more time together.

O.K, I appreciate that over time the interests that you shared originally might have drifted away, so find new interests. You might like doing things that bores your partner to tears, make a commitment to each other that you will join your partner at the ball game or a romantic movie at least a couple of times a month, you never know, much to your horror, you might even enjoy yourselves.

You can try things that you have never done before, travel to new places, find a project around the house, take up a cause together, just so long as you find something that interests you both and gets you spending more time together.

It will take some time and effort to climb out of your rut. Learning how to communicate again, how to enjoy life together again will probably be strange at first but look at the rewards. Being in each others company should not be a chore, it should be something that you look forward to and cherish. If you keep doing things together, if you keep talking about everything, if you keep your love alive then your relationship can only go from strength to strength, if you let things slip you could lose everything so please do not lose anymore time, get back to enjoying life, together. I hope that you are able to work through your difficulties and start to enjoy a new and more fulfilling relationship together.

Specific things you do and say can compel your spouse to love you more. Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again - Learn More Here

To learn how to save your marriage alone, then check out this plan of actions that is 100% guaranteed. Over 60,000 couples were able to save their marriages by doing the very same series of steps that you will be doing. If they saved their marriages, then you can too! Click Here to see how it's done… All my best to you and your spouse!


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