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My Husband And I Are Separated And He Is Dating (Husband Living With Girlfriend During Separation)

Are you in a marriage where you're saying or thinking my husband and I are separated and he is dating? You're likely wondering what's going to come of your marriage. Very likely at this point... in your mind... you're probably thinking that this means the end of your marriage is very near. Read on to find out what to do when your husband is living with girlfriend during separation.

By Amira LyricPublished about a year ago 5 min read

If you and your spouse are going through a marital crisis and have separated, don't despair. It is still possible to save your marriage. The steps to marriage separation reconciliation are based on the four R's: Repentance, Restructuring, Reporting, and Restoration.


To repent is to feel regret or remorse for the misdeeds one has done. In order to reconcile a marriage, each party must be willing to recognize their fault in the dissolution of the marriage, whether it be large or small, whether it be a result of being on the offensive or defensive line. None are perfect and all have flaws. You must then be willing to take the necessary actions to rectify or at least prevent the same mistakes from occurring in the future.


Restructuring is the action plan you and your spouse will use to rebuild the marriage. The ability to communicate is vital in this step. Each party needs to be able to express what their needs and wants are and the other needs to listen, not only with their ears, but with their heart as well. Whether perceived wrongs or what you thought you were doing right is accurate or not is of no consequence; you must be able to empathize with your spouse's feelings. Once everything has been aired, the two of you can then work together to find practical and constructive ways to resolve the issues.


Reporting is simply accountability. Accountability in a relationship is not to make you feel like big brother is always watching over you, but it is to build the trust and communication bonds between a couple. Being accountable to your spouse is not about being selfish, it is the act of putting their needs and desires first. Marriage is a two-way street in which you give and take, and when you give selflessly you are more apt to receive the same in return. Accountability just provides the honesty, openness, and assurance needed to rebuild the relationship and open the path to restoration.


Restoration is the actual step of repairing or renewing your marriage. If you have moved through the other three steps to marriage separation reconciliation, then restoration should be much easier and the marriage may actually be better than in the beginning. You have begun a new relationship with your spouse in which you have better communication, more honesty, and a desire to please your mate.

Get Your Husband Back - Even If He Is Dating Someone

If you want to get your husband back from another woman, you probably went through a bunch of different emotions. When you first found out your husband was cheating on you, it was probably disbelief and anger. And even if you still feel that way from time to time (or let's face it, a lot of the time) if you still love him and want to save your family, you are willing to look past it. But how do you get your husband back so you can work on your marriage if he doesn't seem interested in you anymore?

The good news is that getting your husband back might be easier than you think, you just need to pull him towards you again. After all, you know him better than anyone, right? You know what makes him tick. You just need to use that to get him back in your corner again.

Think about this time in your marriage as a way to start things over. But the good news is that it's not like starting completely from scratch -- you can learn from the past and make your relationship better. Here are three tips for you to help you get started on the path to getting him back.

1. Don't do anything you'll regret later. So don't try to get revenge, don't punish him or make him pay for what he's done, and don't try to manipulate him to get him to stay with you. These things will not keep your relationship healthy, even if they seem to work in the short term. The best thing you can do right now is try to be as calm and mature as possible. Otherwise your relationship could completely deteriorate to the point where you will never make things right again.

2. Agree with the divorce or separation. You aren't giving up or giving in by agreeing. But you are buying yourself some time so that you can work on a plan to get your husband back. Plus it will also shock him that you aren't just going to fight with him over the divorce anymore. He won't understand what changed, which will make him wonder what's going on.

3. Become as confident, sexy, and upbeat as possible. Do the things you've always wanted to do. If you want to change your hair, lose some weight, get a new wardrobe, take a yoga class -- do it! Do anything that will increase your confidence and help you be happy with or without your husband. Anything you do to make yourself happy will draw him towards you again. He will start to remember the spark the two of you had when you first got together and he will start to wonder if that feeling is possible again. Plus the more attractive and happy you are, the more other men will be attracted to you too, which will make him jealous. He might think that he doesn't want you anymore, but he won't want anyone else to have you either! Use that to your benefit and play it up!

It's all up to you! If you don't take this action to save your marriage, then who will?

To learn how to save your marriage alone, then check out this plan of actions that is 100% guaranteed. Over 60,000 couples were able to save their marriages by doing the very same series of steps that you will be doing. If they saved their marriages then you can too! Click Here to see how it's done… All my best to you and your spouse!

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit Save The Marriage to find out more.


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