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My Ex Boyfriend Cheated On Me But I Want Him Back (My Ex Boyfriend Cheated On Me But I Still Love Him)

Are you saying my ex boyfriend cheated on me but I want him back, and you have no idea where to turn now? There's literally probably very little in the world that hurts as bad as having your boyfriend cheat on you. Right now, you're probably going out of your mind thinking my ex boyfriend cheated on me but I still love him and trying to figure out what to do next.

By David HudsonPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Being the victim is not a fun role to play especially when it's to a boyfriend that cheats on you. Still many women wonder how to get him back after he cheats on you. If you are confident that you want him back you can get him back from the other woman. All you really need to do is follow Gretchen's fine example.

Gretchen was head over heals in love with Karl. She was under the impression that the sun rose and set in Karl's smile and couldn't believe that someone like him could love a girl like her. She had no idea of her own value. Then she found out that Karl had been cheating on her. She was devastated to say the least but also determined to keep him.

As a result of this determination Gretchen went to work coming up with a plan that would help her win Karl back and mend his cheating ways once and for all. She read everything she could get her hands on that explained why men cheat and helped her understand the psychology of cheaters.

That was a good start for Gretchen. Then she turned her attention towards books and eBooks that explained how to get a boyfriend back. She combined what she learned from all of these sources into a comprehensive plan you can use too for how to get him back after he cheats on you.

The first thing Gretchen did was cut off all contact. She realized that he was never really going to miss him if she was at his beck and call. Smart girl!

The next thing she did was make a few small cosmetic changes that went a long way. She toned up, tanned a bit, changed her hairstyle, and bought a few new outfits. The effect was stunning. She also signed up for a weekly class on cooking gourmet foods. She did all these things in the space of four short weeks to prepare for the next stage of her plan.

Here's what you can do if you are wondering how to get him back after he cheats on you:

1) Quit him cold turkey. Don't be there for him at the drop of a hat. Don't keep driving by and don't be his "go to" girl when the other girl has plans.

2) Improve yourself. Despite the perfection you know yourself to be there are always things you can do to improve-just a smidge. Make those improvements and go from knock out to drop dead TKO in a flash. Don't limit the improvements to physical though. Work on things you can do to gain confidence, build skills, or improve on a more personal level.

6 Proven Methods To Get Back With Your Boyfriend

You're having a hard time adjusting to life without your man. Your life isn't over. These things happen even to the best of us. But not to worry. You will get back with your boyfriend. Here are 6 awesome methods that have been proven to work:

Method 1 - Stay Away For A While

Cut off communication with your ex for a while. He needs his space, and frankly, so do you. Giving him space doesn't mean that you're forgetting about him or he forgetting about you. All it's about is just giving each other the much deserved and necessary room needed. This will give you both a chance to reflect on the relationship. You can win him back after giving each other space.

Method 2 - Changed? You Are No Longer The Person You Once Were

Why is that? We know that both of you transformed. But you also changed who you originally were. Focus your attention on becoming the person you used to be. The fun, loving, and happy person you were when you guys first met. The person he fell in love with. It's going to take some time to get her back. But when she does come back, she'll make a stunning return.

Method 3 - Ask Him To Date You Again

This can only be done if you've given each other space. Remember, by giving each other space, you guys are actually letting the negative feelings flow out and new ones to form. You guys might even miss each other, which is important. Then, just casually ask him out on a date. You'll surprise him. Remember you're not begging him to be with you. This is just to test the waters and to see where his feelings are.

Method 4 - Don't Be Afraid To Let Him Know Your Feelings

You can do this without making him feel uncomfortable. Just be casual about it. Tell him that he crossed your mind the other day and you want to see how he was doing. He'll start to think that you do still care for him. And if he's entertaining the idea of getting back together, you'll be opening the door for him by letting him know that you still care. But remember, you care about him, but you're not obsessed. Obsession leads to disaster.

Method 5 - Do Something Different

Go out dancing with friends. Go out on a road trip. Go to an amusement park with your BFF. Just get out there and do something different. It will help diffuse some of those bad feelings you've been having. Being distracted will help clear your mind.

Method 6 - Saying What's Right

Yes, there are things you should and shouldn't say. Saying how much you hate him or how stupid the whole break up was for you is not really the kind of thing that will help you get back with your boyfriend. What you want to do is give him some positive feedback about the relationship AND of the break up. Let him know that the time apart has given you a chance to think about stuff more clearly and that you hope it has for him to. By doing that, it opens the floor for discussion. And what you want is a discussion, not an argument. The last thing you want to do is aggravate him and push him away.

It may have been your boyfriend that broke up with you. Even if that's the case, don't blame him for anything. You should be asking yourself why was it that he broke it off? Then you can start working on a real plan. To get back with your boyfriend, use these methods because they really do work. However, you just have to take it easy, relax, and plan it all out.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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