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Moving 8000km away from home at the age of 16.

Moving 8000km away from home at the age of 16.

By MEHDI BENNANIPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

5 months after my father died I got my high school diploma and decided to take my wings and fly away. I wasn't really worried about what was going to happen or how would I make new friends. I loved Morocco but I knew that I needed a fresh beginning even though I was so young. The only things that I was worried about were my mother and my sister. When I think about it today, I think I was selfish leaving them after such a big tragedy that changed our life. Nothing in their life changed, every day was just the beginning of a new day only now it would be without me. I'd talk to them a lot but not as much as I should of. We have a very tight relationship and we love each other so much. We've been through so much and god knows how much stronger we are today. My mom at the time kept telling me not to worry and that she and my sister will be fine. I took her word and I was so excited to move back to Montreal. I did a huge party at my place the night before I left, there were all my friends, it was so fun. Even though we were underage we wanted to go clubbing that night but my mom wanted me to stay home and party there because she wanted me to be here for my last night. We partied until 4 am and everyone slept at my place. The next morning we woke up to a beautiful breakfast that my family has prepared for me and my friends and it was so good! I knew that I was leaving all of this behind but in my heart, I knew it was a good decision. Once my mom dropped me at the airport, we started crying like babies. I never left my mom and my sister for so long and at that moment I just wanted to go back home and chill with my friends. I arrived in Montreal and my uncle, my aunt, and my cousin were here to pick me up. I stayed at their place for a few months and it was great, they took good care of me. 1 month later I had one wish and it was just to go back to Morocco, I missed my friends and family so I booked a flight and left. I did not care about school or whatever, I just wanted to go back home. When I landed in Morocco I kissed the ground, I missed it so much and the best moment was seeing my mom, my sister, my uncle and my grandma waiting for me at the gate. I was like a baby and started jumping like a crazy person. My first month in Montreal was pretty hard, I had no friends, and school just sucked. Once I arrived home, I went to put my luggage in my room and all of my friends were hiding there waiting for me to open the door. I was so happy to see them, it was so exciting to know that even after 1 month it was like I never left. That night it was the birthday of a good friend of mine, she was going to be 18 and so we all went to the club. It was such a great night because I was in love with my best friend at the time and she finally told me that night that she loved me too! Everyone was so shocked when we kiss but it was the best feeling I've ever had. We've managed to stay 6 months together but we had to break up cause long- distance was too hard but that's a story for another time. I stayed for 2 weeks in Morocco and went back to Montreal. My girlfriend was a huge support for me at the time, don't get me wrong she was a real pain in the ass but I loved her so much. In January 2016 I got my place, I was so excited to move in alone and have all the freedom I could have. The first night I went to buy a nice steak and a good bottle of red wine and literally sent Snapchat's to everyone! It was not a great school year neither, I only had 4 classes during the whole year and failed 3 of them. I was not motivated, I felt lonely and I missed my dad so much. I used to cry almost every night. In February my best friend from Morocco came to live in Montreal and it was great because he came exactly when my girlfriend broke up with me. The things my and this guy lived together are insane but once again that is a story for another time. In April 2016, I met this Russian girl and she was so beautiful. At that exact moment, I kept screaming in my head ¨I lOOOVE MONTREAAAL¨. I had a fake id and so we went clubbing that night with my best friend, his girl, and this Russian girl. I would have never thought that a beautiful girl like that would be into me mostly because she was like 3 years older than me but I knew I had to try. Well, we kissed that night and the rest, well the rest is history.


About the Creator


-22 year old student living in Montreal,Canada

- Canadian in paper, Moroccan in the blood

- just trying to live my life to the fullest!

- what can I say, My life is an open book so why not just disclose everything!

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