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Meditation - Heart Consciousness

Achieving Ram within one's heart

By Divya RanjanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Meditation -  Heart Consciousness
Photo by  Tester on Unsplash

Through deep meditation, one can achieve Ram, the ultimate state of consciousness where one experiences complete oneness with the Divine. Ram, the embodiment of truth, righteousness, and love, represents the highest ideals of humanity and the pinnacle of spiritual evolution.

There are many ways, one can get there, through devotion, by mantra chanting, by meditation, or you can devise your own with pure belief.

Meditation is one of the keys that unlocks the door to this state of being. By going deep within oneself through meditation, one can quiet the mind, transcend the limitations of the ego, and connect with the infinite power of the universe. In this state, one experiences a profound sense of peace, love, and joy, and realises that everything in the universe is interconnected and one.

To achieve Ram through meditation, one must first cultivate a regular meditation practice. This involves finding a quiet, comfortable space where one can sit and focus the mind on a single point, such as the breath, a mantra, or an image of the Divine. With practice, one can develop the ability to concentrate the mind and still the chatter of the ego, allowing the true self to shine forth.

Vipassana Meditation is one of the ancient meditation forms, which does help, and helps strongly in getting this interconnected state. Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, was rediscovered by Gotama Buddha more than 2500 years ago and was taught by him as a universal remedy for universal ills.

If one is new to this, considering taking part in one of the 10 day vipassna meditation camps. That will help in getting the required psychology to build proper habits, and since one has to be there in the camp for 10 days, it becomes a matter of continuing the practice.

As one goes deeper into meditation, one may begin to experience a variety of phenomena, such as visualisations, sensations of energy, or feelings of expansion or contraction. These visualisation may vary from memories of past flashing, to totally unknown place and sometimes seeing and travelling among stars. One often feels and senses a continued state of vibrations flowing throughout body. These are all signs that the mind is beginning to transcend the limitations of the ego and connect with the infinite power of the universe.

But, this necessarily doesn't make you a highly conscious person. One has to keep continuing the practice to get to a state where these experiences become normal. Neither do you have to stop after this, there is no limit to meditation, keep going, keep continuing.

Ultimately, the goal of meditation is to go beyond all phenomena and experience the ultimate reality of Ram. This requires surrendering the ego and allowing the true self to merge with the Divine. In this state, one experiences a profound sense of peace, love, and joy, and realizes that everything in the universe is interconnected and one.

Going further deep might give a sense of presence of ultimate connectedness, some call it divine, some call themselves divine, some are just happy to experience. One starts realizing there is balance/karma at every level of consciousness, be it internal or external, at individual level or at planet level. There are certain moments of profound realizations and synchronicities.

One achieving it must always keep in mind to not leverage it for personal accomplishments and if you do, do balance it out with contributing to world upliftment.

The ones who are on their way of achieving Ram through meditation must understand that this is not something that happens overnight. It requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to let go of attachments and surrender to the Divine. But for those who persevere, the rewards are immeasurable.

The state of Ram is the ultimate goal of human existence, and through deep meditation, it is possible to attain it and experience the infinite bliss and peace that comes with it.


About the Creator

Divya Ranjan

Hey Everyone, Awesome stuff happened over past few years that has helped me to see life in new light with fresh perspective and maybe a lot of different perspective which has helped me to muster up the courage to become a Writer. Look out!

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