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Mayhem Manifested through the Makings of a Manic Meth Head

Malice Masterminded through Mania

By Cam RascoePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Robert's Vice of Destruction: Meth!

As a youth Robert was always disobedient and disrespectful. His single mother did her best to raise him right, offering him morals, values and spirituality. He rejected it all, always. He blamed her for his absentee father, never appreciating anything poor Cynthia did for him out of love for her only child. Curse, embarrass and disrespect his mother Robert did in the presence of his peers, family and authority figures. He didn't care what anyone thought. The boy was just a bad seed and eventually he would be uprooted from his comfortable existence once his mother grew tired of his abuse.

As Robert aged he became more of a problem. His mother signed him up for clubs and athletic teams but he always quit or got himself kicked off because of his disrespectful and rebellious nature. Before he got into his teens he got into drugs. The boy was a hype, taking anything they had at the party. He popped pills, sniffed different types of powder, smoke every drug known to man, huffed, did whip its and even ingested drugs and alcohol through his anus to get a quicker more powerful high. When he graduated from recreational drug use to habitual drug use it assured that he would never graduate high school. Eventually his drug use increased to the point of him becoming a full fledged addict. He started stealing from his mother and causing her more strife. Eventually she focused on her own happiness and met the man of her dreams. Her new beau would not stand for supporting an adult junkie man so Cynthia had a decision to make. Being a doting mother she paid the lease on her apartment up for a year and moved in with her man after they were married. Charles was a good man, a hardworking man but he believed in tough love. Charles came from a family in which many members suffered from drug and alcohol abuse and he knew that if you let them they would suck you dry.

Since Robert refused to go to rehab to make himself well, he was not welcome at his mother's new home around his new younger step siblings. He didn't attend his mother's wedding either. Instead, he was determined to live his life like his father had, one hit at a time. Cynthia hurt for her son but realized that she had to finally put her happiness first. Holding on to Robert too tight would eventually lead to her losing hold of the beautiful love she now had in her life. She loved her new family and Charles' children were the well behaved sweet and respectful children she always wanted and deserved. Robert continued living day to day, pan handling and begging for drug money. Finally he discovered his drug of choice, METH! Things for young rebellious Robert were never the same.

Robert sat in his dingy apartment on the living room floor surrounded by disassembled clock radios and various tools. He’d been awake for three days and the hallucinations and paranoia were becoming more intense, so much so that he was having a difficult time distinguishing reality from fantasy. In his mind he was beginning to believe that he was repairing his space craft so that he could get off this foreign planet and join his crew on the mother ship before returning to their galaxy. He smoked more and his disillusions became that much more concentrated and extreme.

Robert was now hull up in a cave with his craft hidden just yards away in some bushes; he could not allow himself to be discovered or for his plan to be revealed. He had commandeered an earth weapon six days earlier in an attempt to defend himself against the inhabitants of this odd world. He hunched over his work sweating and picking at a sore he had caused on his left forearm. He dug deeper as his mind raced trying to figure out how to get the combaculator recepton accumulator to work.

He switched arms as his left began to leak blood from the fresh irritated and infected wound. He panicked seeing his bodily fluids spewing from his arm and assumed he had been hit by the enemy. Surely they were attempting to cease his life function. Robert took cover and frantically tried to bandage his arm using plastic wrap and electric tape. He checked his earth weapon and laid in wait for his attackers. Just then his stoner friend Timmy and Rusty their dealer walked through the door.

Robert stood and fired the 44caliber pistol six times at the intruders then ducked back behind the sofa he was using as cover. After brief screams there was silence. Robert reloaded then stood again to see another of the enemy, he fired three more shots. The building superintendent, Mr. Sanchez fell to the floor without clutching or screaming. He was dead from the first shot to the head from the large caliber firearm. Robert ducked back down with the gun smoking in his hand; his position had been compromised. He needed to find an escape. Robert stepped over and through the lifeless bodies at his threshold and inched his way down the hallway. As he made his was through the woods towards his vessel he encountered more adversaries in uniforms holding weapons. He fired on sight catching one of the officers in the right arm. The other officer took aim and shot Robert in the chest ending his mission. Robert never made it out of this odd world and onto the mother ship but in his drug induced lunacy he did manage to take three lives and end the career of a decorated police officer. Meth is a hell of a drug!


About the Creator

Cam Rascoe

Author Cam Rascoe born Cameron Marquee Rascoe on August 3rd 1973 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is a multi talented artist utilizing his God given gifts to educate, entertain and inspire his fellow man.

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