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By DeeyaPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Start writing... 

December 10, 2018

She was looking adorable, more extraordinary than usual. Her elegant face with a million-dollar smile flickered her innocence. Her eyes were deep, mesmerising and pretty as lotus petals. They were sparkling and full of joy and happiness. Her halfly curled hair was tied loose. It was falling by the side of her neck, back her ears and down the shoulder. She was looking beautiful in that white dress with a bouquet of white lily flowers.

She asked, 'How do I look, daddy?'

"Just like your mother" he replied smiling.

October 6,1992

It was an unseasonably cold, dull and stormy day when Nick saw Ella for the first time. He could notice nothing but her eyes, deep and sparkling. Her lips, like a freshly cracked fig that forged an alluring smile hit him on his heart. He was frozen for a second. So quickly, he felt strangely close to her. But as much as he was perplexed by his own emotions that he developed in a pint of time, he wanted to talk to her. But he got nervous.

They were at a bus stop. Nick was standing alone and Ella was there with her friends.

Next day he saw her at the same place. That day she was standing alone. Her charm gave him cold creeps. He froze for a second time. And again he couldn't speak.

He began to see Ella everyday at the bus stop. But he was like a num-skull. He could do nothing but gaze at her.

October 29

Everyday they would stand at the bus stop. But it was on this day that something different happened. Ella smiled at Nick. Nick smiled back. He became timorous but he also didn't want to miss the tremendous opportunity to talk to her, so he waved at her. She waved back. Then they walked towards each other; or perhaps, some intangible energy drew them together.

‘Hi’ Nick said neurotically as he realized that he had come to a distance where she could hear him.

Hi! She replied

“You live here?” Nicked managed after what felt like ages of searching for the right thing to say.

Yes, and you?

Yes, me too. Nick said with an inward smile.

(Ella's bus arrived beeping.)

I've got to go, my bus is here.

“Oh okay! By the way I'm Nick and it’s nice talking to you.”

Nick wished he just had a minute more.

Ella, she replied grinning and walked towards the bus.

They met by and by. Their conversation on the bus stop elongated.

Those days, Nick had begun to perceive life as waiting for something you desire. Desire for Nick had become conversation with Ella. The entire 24 hours therefore became wait to talk to Ella for the 10 minutes on the bus stop. It had come in his routine. Ella had become his life. He used to hate Saturdays just because he could not see her on Saturdays.

He was falling deeper in love with Ella.

November 20

That day, the sun rose from the east and it did seem like a typical late autumn day for everyone, but Nick. Nick was waiting at the bus stop to live what had become his life, but every second of the wait was getting heavier, more so as the clock was approaching 9, the time Ella usually came. Clock stroked 9 and Ella finally arrived too, after all it was a usual day, or it was not?

He smiled, but Ella’s glossy lips didn’t open up today. He went to talk to her but she seemed uninterested. She unreasonably screamed at his words which he was always cautious to make soft and sweet. His words didn’t touch Ella, or so it seemed at that time. Ella acted irascible. Nick diagnosed her behaviour . He didn't want to vex her for he knew soft is harder than hard. So he mournfully went away from there.

He became miserable. He spent the whole day thinking about Ella. He was downhearted by her behaviour. But wisely he acted. He did what he could, he waited patiently for the next day.

Next morning, Ella smiled at Nick. Her smile placated his bad mood. It looked like charm had returned to Ella’s countenance and comfort to her eyes. She apologized for the previous day and invited him for coffee. Nick felt happy as well as strange. Had Ella fallen for him too? He did not know. But he wished for it so much that his mind began to subconsciously connect their closeness as love. They had fun that day. Nick was dancing with joy. They also promised to go out for dinner the next day.

November 22

Nick was very nervous. He was panicking.

"Be cool man. Everything will be great, you don't have to worry."

He tried to calm himself down .Then she suddenly appeared.

She was wearing a pink coloured frock. Her hair was left messy but it looked perfect for him. Her glossy lips grabbed his attention. And her eyes. He'd miss thousand sunsets just to look at her eyes. She looked perfect. They started sharing their stories, likes and dislikes. He had an enormous chance to come closer to her.

Ella loved music. She loved to sing and play guitar. But she hated Metallica music. And Nick had a passion for metallica music. He was a professional guitarist too.

How can someone hate Metallica ?,He told disgracefully.

Just because you love something that doesn't mean someone else cannot hate the same thing , she replied arguably.

I didn't mean that , I just mean to say it’s metallic and it’s so much fun and energising.

Well, I guess everyone has their own choices ,she said satirically.

Nick fell silent and after a while he tried to change the topic.

'Will you sing with me?' It was the loveliest thing he had ever told her.

She smiled broadly and replied, of course but not here.

After their dinner date, they wandered under the shimmering full moon night. It was so pleasant, dazzling and also very silent. The wind was chilly but it was making them feel warm. Nick thought it was a perfect time to hold her hand.

Then She suddenly pushed him giggling. He Pushed her too. She pinched him teasing and started running. He followed her. She was insane but she was magic. Ella was driving him crazy.

Nick suddenly pulled Ella closer. His touch gave her Jim-jams. She was wrapped in his arms. His right hand was on her waist. With the warm touch of his hand, her heart started melting. His moist lips gently touched her delicate glossy lips. Ella knew hundred little things about him but when he kissed her, she couldn't even remember her own name. Under the radiance of twinkling stars he whispered,"I love you".

She smirked, her eyes were full of tears of joy. She didn't speak, but her silence and her deep eyes were revealing everything. He saw himself in their depth.

I'm getting late, I have to go. She said in a hurry and walked away.

But wait, at least for a minute. He replied adjuring.

Don't worry, I 'll call you. She replied smiling.

He went back home smiling like an idiot. As soon as he entered the house he took off his shoes and T-shirt and grabbed a pillow. He stared out the window. Moon was looking exceptionally bright and beautiful that day. He played very dramatic music and recalled each and every scene. And as an obvious reality, he looked at the phone 1...2..2..3..4..2 times a minute.

As time passed by, they came closer and closer. They started to enjoy the sunsets together, counted stars under the full moon, and celebrated Christmases together. They started having matching smiles and matching jokes cracked in unison. Their hearts started beating as one, following the same rhythm. Ella was his reason behind everything. In Ella's softness, her beauty, Nick sank. In Ella's melody, he got lost. Nick's passion for aggressive metal, melted with Ella's sweet voice. They began to weave their love into the words that they sang together. Ella changed his life completely. She changed aggressive, metallic man into soft and gentle man. Most importantly, she taught him to be happy.

They felt lucky to have eachother.

December 9, 1995

It was very sweet night with lovely weather. Those moon and stars blessed them with a beautiful daughter. She had Ella's eyes. Their little family was complete now. They had small life wrapped around their arms which would tie them together forever. They named their little angel as Emma. They had everything they wanted.

June 2, 1996

Ella was returning home from the market. She had got very pretty little pairs of dresses for her daughter. She couldn't wait to show it to Nick. Suddenly, a truck hit her. Her head banged on the ground. She started bleeding. Within a minute she was covered by blood. She was not able to see anything or could move her hands.

All she wanted was to hug Nick for one last time. She could do nothing but recall all those memories which she had decorated with Nick.

November 2, 2018

Emma returned home back home with a guy. Nick was there singing, his eyes full of tears. His voice had love, pain and also hope. He was in the room which seemed like a ventilator of the hospital, there was also a nurse. And there was a woman lying in the bed. She was not even moving. That guy with Emma was confused.

Emma told " meet my mom and my dad".

Ella had been in a coma for 22 years. And Nick had been singing for her everyday since then in a hope. Hope that she would once open her eyes and hug him for one last time. Ella was his life.

Ella taught Nick that love is just a word unless someone comes with a meaning.


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