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Love & Pieces of a Puzzle

Why Being in Love is Like Being Pieces of a Puzzle

By Shakeenah K FentisPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

Peace In Everyone,

I will keep this as brief as possible. Love relationships are like a puzzle in so many ways. We are one of those puzzle pieces. Each of us come to the union with our own unique edges which are our personality attributes.

Notice, that usually two puzzle pieces have one side perfectly joining with one side that of the mate. Expect nothing more. If you get more than that; say two adjoining sides per piece – then wonderful! But the norm is as you see in this image below.

Photo by Jasmine Carter from Pexels

That one side, fitting together perfectly, means you can build on your relationship around that one side fitting together so well. It takes patience and a willingness to learn about the other sides of your mates’ puzzle piece, so that you can deal with it better. Not one of us here on this planet are perfect… we all have our issues.

So if the sides that blend well are worth building on, stick with it. Lasting relationships take real effort on the part of both. If you can see more than just sexual satisfaction in y’all’s future, keep growing the relationship, because honestly – sexual attraction is only a fraction of what makes a relationship grow and last. It alone is not enough to sustain a relationship through the storms that you will occasionally experience together, because sex can be gotten very easily elsewhere. A commitment to going through the changes that are inevitable are what makes things work in the long run. And you both will be carefully taking care of the two sides of your puzzle pieces that fit together so nicely, making sure that they are kept, smooth, neat, and clean.

Now, if the one side of your puzzle piece does not fit perfectly – you will know, as you will walk away from it without a second thought. And if the sides that fit together perfectly get used up and abused, and no longer fit together snugly – you will know that as well and act accordingly.

It seems there is a growing trend of couples marrying and then later divorcing for some years, then reuniting again. Because they have weighed the benefits vs. the drawbacks, and through experience, they understand better that there are no perfect people and there are no people that will fit totally around them. You are not the center of the universe, therefore you cannot expect that everyone should fit perfectly around how you are made.

Also, it takes a long time to know all the intricacies of a partner! Who wants to continue going through that learning process repeatedly, looking for that ‘perfect’ person; only to find out “hey, I know my ex’s issues already and they know mine! I think I would rather deal with what I know already -than to be confronted with the unknown over again like this, especially since I will need to adapt anyway.” Then the couple mutually agrees that they should reunite! If you think about it, it makes good sense. Because all relationships worth building on, and sticking with are going to be complex; some more than others, but all relationships have some complexities to them. What makes some couples seem to have it all together is the fact that they have found a way that works for them, to jump over the hurdles together… to love one another anyway, and to treat one another with mutual respect. The couple makes a choice to help one another and be there for each other when they need support. They allow the other space to grow and learn the things that need to be learned. They have learned to FOCUS on the sides of them that fit together so darn well, instead of the sides that have no match to the other. And most of all, they usually have learned to not take things so seriously... to lighten up a bit and enjoy the ride together.

Peace Out, to All.

Thanks for reading and thank you for your love and donations in advance. Contact Shakeenah K Fentis at TruthLightLove1 (at)


About the Creator

Shakeenah K Fentis


A non-ordinary, ordinary human, artist, holistic healing helper, etc. Here I share my thoughts, knowledge and experiences. My services & products are here: Thank You for your support

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