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Love, an Elucidated Mystery…

How, Why, and by Whom Do We Fall in Love?

By Dev DodsonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Love, an Elucidated Mystery…
Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

How does a person feel in the process of falling in love? How does this affect his life? What is the most effective weapon of seduction? Find out the answers below …

The "love process" remained a mystery until late. Psychologists have often wondered what "causes" love, but their attempts to find it has been unsuccessful. Sigmund Freud himself said that he did not know much about love.

Fortunately for us, today we know much more about the process of falling in love than was known in Freud's day. Modern scientists have highlighted chemical, biological, and psychological factors that influence our brains and "make" us fall in love. Moreover, they taught us how to use these factors to our advantage!

So here are some factors that are decisive in the choices we make with our "heart":

Love, an elucidated mystery … How, why, and by whom do we fall in love?

First impression

When a man and a woman meet, the first impression is crucial for their possible future together, the possible relationship in which they will be involved. The first impression is even more important than many other things related to the relationship because when they know each other, two people have only one chance to make everything go "like a book".

The primary tactic used here is the smile because it conveys acceptance, trust, and happiness. Have you ever wondered why happy or happy people are more attractive even if our visual sense is that they are not very beautiful physically? Because happiness (as well as unhappiness) is a truly contagious quality! We tend to feel more at ease surrounded by smiling people, especially at a first impression.

Another reason why the first impression is crucial to the process of falling in love is that everything we say or do will be filtered through this first knowledge. So, because you never know when, where, or who you will meet, always be ready to smile!

Resemblance to the other person

People tend to feel attracted to or trust those they resemble. Thus, any person, whether male or female, is looking for a way to show that he resembles another. Both may have various hobbies in common such as the same favorite writer or the same sport they practice.

However, it should not be exaggerated because no one wants to have a relationship with a faithful copy of it anyway. Therefore, there is a need for contrasting differences in a relationship between a man and a woman to keep the flame of love burning. Exceptional is if these differences are offset - what you don't like to do is what the other person likes.

The benefits of love

We all want to believe that love for a person is pure and devoid of any selfishness, but in reality, life is not as we imagine it. An approach related to (immaterial) benefits is very true in terms of love. The future partner must be convinced that you are a "good match" considering things like beauty, uniqueness, special abilities or, why not, wealth or fame (yes, even in the case of a woman), education, or how much you get involved. in relationship.

How that special person feels about you

This is one of the most important factors in the process of falling in love. The person of the opposite sex that you "chose" must feel that he is better off with you than with you or someone else. Hit the ego and make her feel strong, beautiful, or, why not, sexy.

Find out what are the factors that bring maximum positive effects in the relationship and you will become irresistible. In other words, let the person next to you know that you think of her as what she wants to be.

Study the psychology of the opposite sex, find out what he likes, what excites him and, last but not least, be sure to always keep your self-confidence and smile. Be prepared for the process of falling in love!


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    DDWritten by Dev Dodson

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