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Long Distance Relationship: Is it hard?

Munia Khan 'Distance unites missing beats of two hearts in love.'

By Cherii C.Published 4 years ago 3 min read
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Long distance relationship is always hard, nearly tough with each other being as far as a thousand miles away. Almost every person you ask will say yes, that it is hard. What makes it tougher, adding on to the fact that you may have friends or family member that discourage the relationship due to the distance.

And yes, it sucks big time. Being in a long distance relationship can sometimes make you start doubting/questioning your partner.

'Is he/she cheating on me?'

'Will this relationship even work?'

If I am to list down every question, it would probably be a thousand pages long. A lot of things come into play when trying to figure out on how to make the relationship work. There will always be trial and error. Often times, we will always question ourselves if the relationship will work or if that person is the one for me. What if you have never met that person face to face? What if you've only talk to them through online and/or Facetime?

Being afraid of these is totally normal. And the best way you can work around this is meeting up with them in a crowded place or have a friend to go with you.

But by not meeting that person face to face, doesn't mean that you shouldn't give the relationship a go. Not everyone on the internet is a bad person. So, if you meet someone you truly love, knowing they're the one for you, why not give it a try? Sometimes, the only way for you to find out is through distance. Don't be afraid to try. Never be afraid to try.

One of the best things about being in a long distance relationship is that you will actually learn to communicate with your partner and learn more about them. Because you know that communication is the one main key role playing in it to keep it working.

Just because you're in a long distance, that doesn't mean the both of you can't make plans and do something fun together. Watch a movie together or play games together or even video call one another and take them out with you for a walk. With the technologies we have today, there's endless things to do together.

Make travel plan together. Meet each other in the middle of somewhere together. As long as the both of you puts in the same amount of effort, staying loyal to one another, always trust each other, you will be able to overcome hardship. You will learn to appreciate all the small little things, like holding hands, eating together, or feeling your partner's touch, making these means so much more than it is.

And just because the both of you are in a different time zone, that doesn't mean you can't learn to make time for one another. Always, and I mean always, find a way to spend quality time together even if it's just an hour a day. No matter how big of a difference both your time are, there's always Friday night or the weekends to spend time.

'Distance unites missing beats of two hearts in love' - Munia Khan. Your love will always be able to overcome the distance doesn't matter how far it is. But are you willing to give long distance relationship a try? Are you brave enough to endure all the loneliness, missing one another, not being able to feel and touch each other? You may not be able to have all the same as couples who's close together, but you will learn how to appreciate every small little thing they do or say to you. So, the question is, is long distance relationship hard?


About the Creator

Cherii C.

I write about anything and everything. Come join me on this adventure!


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