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Live life to the fullest

There is no guarantee for tomorrow.

By Boboie LimenPublished 6 months ago 3 min read

Ria was a young woman who had everything she ever wanted. She had a successful career as a lawyer, a loving husband, and a beautiful daughter. She enjoyed traveling, shopping, and spending time with her friends. She was happy and content with her life.

But one day, everything changed. She was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer that had no cure. The doctors gave her only a few months to live. She was devastated and angry. She felt like her life was over. She wondered why this had to happen to her. She had worked hard, followed the rules, and done everything right. She didn’t deserve this fate.

She decided to isolate herself from the world. She quit her job, stopped seeing her friends, and pushed away her husband and daughter. She spent her days in bed, crying and cursing. She refused to accept her condition or seek any treatment. She wanted to die alone and in peace.

Her husband, Raj, was heartbroken. He loved Ria more than anything and wanted to support her in any way he could. He tried to talk to her, comfort her, and persuade her to fight for her life. He reminded her of all the good things they had shared and all the dreams they had for the future. He told her that he and their daughter needed her and that she still had a lot to live for. He begged her not to give up hope.

But Ria was stubborn and bitter. She rejected his words and his love. She told him that he didn’t understand what she was going through and that he should leave her alone. She said that he would be better off without her and that he should find someone else to love. She said that she had nothing to live for and that she wanted to die.

Raj was hurt and confused. He didn’t know what to do or how to help her. He felt like he was losing her and that he couldn’t do anything to stop it. He wondered if he should respect her wishes and let her go or if he should keep trying to save her. He was torn between his love and his duty.

He decided to make one last attempt to change her mind. He booked a surprise trip for them to Paris, the city of love and lights. He hoped that by taking her to a place that they had always wanted to visit, he could rekindle their romance and their passion for life. He packed their bags, bought their tickets, and arranged for their daughter to stay with her grandparents. He planned to surprise her the next morning and take her to the airport.

But fate had other plans. That night, Ria had a massive stroke and fell into a coma. She was rushed to the hospital, where the doctors told Raj that she had no chance of recovery. They said that she was brain-dead and that they could only keep her alive by machines. They asked him if he wanted to pull the plug and end her suffering.

Raj was shattered. He couldn’t believe that this was happening. He couldn’t believe that he had lost his wife and his best friend. He couldn’t believe that he had wasted so much time and energy trying to convince her to live when she had already given up. He couldn’t believe that he had missed his chance to say goodbye and tell her how much he loved her.

He looked at her lifeless body and felt a surge of regret and guilt. He wished that he had done things differently. He wished that he had been more patient, more understanding, and more supportive. He wished that he had shown her more love, more affection, more appreciation. He wished that he had made her laugh more, smile more, enjoy more. He wished he had lived life to the fullest with her because tomorrow was not promised.

He sobbed and held her hand. He whispered in her ear, “I’m sorry, Ria. I love you. Please forgive me.”

He kissed her forehead and nodded to the doctor. He watched as the machines were turned off and her heart stopped beating. He felt a part of him die with her.

He closed his eyes and prayed. He prayed that she was at peace. He prayed that she was happy. He prayed that she was waiting for him in heaven.

He prayed that he would see her again.


About the Creator

Boboie Limen

Discovering and sharing knowledge is my passion as a Filipino citizen. Let me guide you through the vast resources available to us under the sun.

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