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lgbtq+ awareness and advice

By umoh JoyPublished about a year ago 3 min read

My name remains Joy, I believe that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other aspect of their identity. It's important to acknowledge that members of the LGBTQ+ community can face significant challenges, discrimination, and exclusion from society, and it's essential to be an ally and advocate for their rights.

There are many myths about the LGBTQ community that are simply not true. Here are a few examples:

1) Myth: Being LGBTQ is a choice.

Fact: Sexual orientation and gender identity are not choices. They are a natural part of who a person is, and individuals cannot simply choose to be straight or cisgender.

2) Myth: LGBTQ people are more likely to be pedophiles.

Fact: There is no evidence to support the idea that being LGBTQ makes a person more likely to be a pedophile. In fact, studies have shown that LGBTQ individuals are no more likely to commit sexual offenses against children than heterosexual individuals.

3) Myth: Being LGBTQ is a mental disorder.

Fact: Being LGBTQ is not a mental disorder. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders, recognizing that it is not a mental illness.

4) Myth: LGBTQ people are promiscuous and engage in risky sexual behavior.

Fact: LGBTQ people are no more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior than heterosexual individuals. Moreover, LGBTQ people engage in a wide range of sexual behaviors, just like heterosexual people do.

5) Myth: LGBTQ people are not good parents.

Fact: There is no evidence to support the idea that LGBTQ people are not good parents. In fact, studies have shown that children raised by LGBTQ parents do just as well as children raised by heterosexual parents.

**It's important to recognize these myths and to work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society that respects and supports the LGBTQ community.

Here are some pieces of advice that may be helpful for members of the LGBTQ+ community who feel like they are not part of society:

*Seek out supportive communities: Look for LGBTQ+ communities or organizations in your area or online where you can connect with other people who share your experiences and concerns. These communities can provide a sense of belonging, support, and empowerment. there's this popular saying that "United we stand, divided we fall", so communication and unity is key.

*Educate yourself and others: Learn about LGBTQ+ issues, history, and culture to better understand and appreciate the diversity within the community. Share your knowledge with others and help dispel myths and stereotypes.

*Advocate for LGBTQ+ rights: Speak out against discrimination, prejudice, and violence directed at LGBTQ+ individuals. Support policies and initiatives that promote equality and inclusivity, and hold those in power accountable for upholding these values.

*Celebrate diversity: Finally, as an advocate it's important to celebrate the diversity within the LGBTQ community and to recognize that there is no one "right" way to be LGBTQ. It's important to support and uplift individuals of all genders, sexualities, races, and backgrounds, and to work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society for everyone.

*Take care of yourself: Remember to prioritize your own well-being and self-care. It's essential to take time for yourself, engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, and seek professional help if needed.

Ultimately, it's crucial to recognize that being LGBTQ+ is a natural aspect of human diversity, and everyone deserves to be treated with respect, dignity, and acceptance. As an ally, your role is to support and empower members of the LGBTQ+ community and help create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.


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