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Learn to Separate Helpful Criticism from Unhelpful or Hurtful Criticism

Receive helpful criticism and learn how to take action on it.

By Edy Zoo Published 2 years ago 5 min read
Learn to Separate Helpful Criticism from Unhelpful or Hurtful Criticism
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash
  • Criticism is a natural part of life - everyone receives it at some point.
  • There are two types of criticism - helpful and unhelpful. Unhelpful criticism can be hurtful and damaging, while helpful criticism can be beneficial and constructive.
  • How to tell the difference between helpful and unhelpful criticism is the key to dealing with criticism constructively.


Criticism is a natural and unavoidable part of life. We all receive it at some point, but not everyone knows how to handle it correctly and effectively.

There are two types of criticism - helpful and unhelpful. Unhelpful criticism can be hurtful and damaging, while helpful criticism can be beneficial and constructive. How to tell the difference between helpful and unhelpful criticism is the key to dealing with criticism constructively.

Here are five tips for handling criticism that will make you stronger rather than weaker.

1. Criticism is a natural part of life - everyone receives it at some point

Criticism is an inevitable part of life. Whether we're criticizing others or being criticized ourselves, we all find ourselves embroiled in the give-and-take of criticism from time to time. But while criticism can sometimes feel like a negative experience, it is a normal and necessary part of the human experience.

Criticism pushes us to grow and learn, and it helps us to become better versions of ourselves. Therefore, we should embrace our critics as teachers and take their feedback to heart to improve and gain new insights into the world around us.

After all, every great leader throughout history has received their fair share of criticism. Still, they have emerged more assertive, proving once again that criticism is a natural part of life. So let's embrace it with open arms! Criticism doesn't have to be scary or bossy; it can be fun, exciting, and meaningful if we allow it to be.

Let's turn those critics into friends - after all, we could always use more uplifting voices in our corner!

2. There are two types of criticism - helpful and unhelpful

There are many types of criticism, and we all inevitably encounter them from time to time. Likewise, there are helpful and unhelpful criticisms, which can sometimes be tricky to distinguish.

Helpful criticism is aimed at offering support or feedback for our work. It can help us identify where we need to improve or provide constructive suggestions for growth.

Conversely, unhelpful criticism can sometimes come across as harsh or judgmental. Rather than helping guide improvement, it can leave us feeling deflated and unsure of ourselves.

At the end of the day, how we view criticism comes down to perspective. If we are confident in our abilities and believe we can learn from our mistakes, then even unhelpful criticism may be valuable and motivating.

But if we lack self-esteem or feel overly sensitive to judgment, a single negative comment can send us into a downward spiral of doubt and negativity. So with that in mind, it is crucial to understand what constitutes helpful versus unhelpful criticism and know how best to respond to each type to get the most out of it.

After all, while both kinds have their place, each plays an essential role in helping us grow as individuals and professionals.

3. Unhelpful criticism can be hurtful and damaging, while helpful criticism can be beneficial and constructive

Unhelpful criticism can be a painful and demoralizing experience. It can leave us feeling hurt, defensive, and less confident in ourselves and our abilities. However, helpful criticism can be invaluable for growth, improvement, and learning.

By providing constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement, helpful criticism helps us to identify our weaknesses and work on developing the skills that will make us better in the long run. Whether it comes from friends, family, colleagues, or mentors, helpful criticism can be genuinely transformative if we accept it with an open mind and use it as a learning opportunity.

So the next time you encounter unhelpful criticism that leaves you feeling hurt or frustrated, remember there is also the potential for helpful criticism to help you become a better version of yourself. And who knows - maybe one day you'll even start dishing out some of your own!

4. How to tell the difference between helpful and unhelpful criticism

Knowing the difference between helpful and unhelpful criticism is essential if you want to make the most of your creativity and achieve your goals. After all, no one wants to waste time on feedback that doesn't serve them or their work in any meaningful way.

So how do you know when to take advice seriously or treat it with a heavy dose of skepticism?

One good rule of thumb is to look for feedback directly addressing your work. This may include constructive suggestions about specific aspects of your writing or project or offers genuine encouragement and support.

In contrast, seemingly helpful suggestions like "tone it down" or "make it more exciting" can be pretty unhelpful. These vague comments need to provide more honest guidance for improving your work. They can even prompt you to question your abilities as an artist or creator.

Ultimately, the key to knowing whether or not feedback is beneficial comes down to trusting your instincts. If something feels right, then go with it! But if advice feels unfounded or off-base, it's perfectly okay to ignore it. After all, successful artists aren't born; they're made.

So keep trying new things, listen to what others say along the way, and remember that learning to tell helpful from unhelpful criticism is another step on your creative journey.

5. Tips for dealing with criticism constructively

Whether we're sharing our latest work of art or pitching a new business idea, we'll inevitably face criticism at some point along the way. And while it can be uncomfortable to hear our ideas being criticized, we must learn how to deal with criticism constructively.

Here are a few tips for dealing with criticism in a thoughtful, productive way:

  • Listen actively and stay calm. When faced with criticism, it can be easy to get defensive and start shooting back at the person critiquing you. However, this will likely only lead to more tension and negative feelings. Instead, take a deep breath and approach the conversation with an open mind and heart. Be willing to listen carefully to what the other person is saying, even if you don't agree with their perspective or wording.
  • Ask questions and get clarification where needed. If something is unclear or not making sense to you, don't hesitate to ask questions and seek further clarification from the other person. This will help you better understand their perspective and ensure any misunderstandings are removed before moving forward with your response or your next action steps.
  • Consider whether there is truth in what is being said. Just because someone criticizes us does not mean their viewpoint or feedback is wrong or unjustified. In fact, sometimes, outside perspectives can offer valuable insights into areas we might have overlooked ourselves due to our biases or blind spots. So try not to dismiss all incoming criticism as meaningless automatically; instead, consider whether there may be some truth hidden within it that can help you grow or improve your work in the future.

To conclude, criticism is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn't have to be a negative experience. By staying calm, listening actively, and considering all feedback with an open mind, you can learn how to deal with criticism constructively, leading to personal and professional growth.


About the Creator

Edy Zoo

Edy Zoo is an author who writes about social subjects. He contributes to the ever-growing library of social critics.

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