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Last Dance

If life was a goodbye.

By DakTHPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Unsplash by: Lilartsy

Heart filled and felt what the dance may be when the melodies halt for another leave. To once come back again I know another moment I’ll see. Through this world of dark tempos and tunes I shall flee, without doubt I shall flee.

I came into this world innocently and bared many witnessed memories. Ones that brought the joyous of many. Also, ones that brought tears that were wiped dry to never see the daylight again. Humiliating and humble, it saddens me. I now sit and whisper secrets to the birds when the breath of the wind continues its flow of sudden and measured purity. As I have been blessed to feel that breath in my lungs, able to walk upon the same as the wind itself. So shall I find the same path as the air blows, giving path the many wonders, it so has travelled.

Until then I shall heath, reaping the very fruits it has to offer and face the aftermath of heart break right after. As time has shown me just like I came to realize it is life and just like it has shown me, I witnessed, it has been like mine. Prosperous and yet enjoyable until the wind dies, and I face the eye of the storm.

Times now whisper to me that “It is Okay”. To shed a tear for the heartbreak around and the outcome that we have faced. Based on our dance we finish silently. Yet knowing we planted our feet perfectly, leading, conducting our own dance that we are most familiar with.

I do not know the dances that I see, for they are dances with the invisible of below and above. They are both frightening and beautiful.

If I may say honestly, yet provocatively, they are steps in the duet I witness half heartedly. I do not see fully, yet full heartedly it is felt, like a ripple of untouched waters. I reap the hurt and benefits through out, wishing they were different. When I stop from the last masquerade I wipe away the sweat from my brow and look towards all. All that I have once danced with. Laughing, smiling, and crying with. Holding them in my arms of a hug, knowing their smile is the last smile I will see. Knowing that what they say will be the last words and one day it’ll fade away while I try hold onto the memory.

We shake hands and come together for one last hug. In respects of knowing one another. Telling them I wish the best in their journeys. Deep down wishing I joined, to see where they have gone to.

One last look as we both look back at one another. A head nod was then exchanged as we both go back to taking our ladies by the waist, walking further into the crowd. Disappearing to another experience we wager on. From there the dance was like any other.

Like any other time. The music played, and we taken our partners and mistresses to the dance floor. Swinging them by the waist. Taking their kissed hand and twirling them on the black and white tiled floor. Bringing them down to lift them back up, back to the hips we joined. As she looked into my eyes, I stared back in wonder. Thinking one last thing.

What would you have for me as I have for you when we join once again in the eye of the storm? A last dance we say continuously. I’ll tease the end, but the end is not yet near my love, we’ll dance until the midnight comes.

fact or fiction

About the Creator


"Poeta nascitur, non fit"

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