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Kindness is Quintessential

A Simple Belief in Humanity

By Tyler C DouglasPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Bee Kind

Only through kindness will we find the end to any strife. It seems as the years pass us by in this ever-evolving modern world, the introductory notes of human kindness deteriorate around us. We are becoming a more cold and calloused world. The hardness of life, in turn, makes every throw up their barriers and become harder. Individuals who are further removed from giving kindness will find it hard to receive kindness when it is shown to them. One of the ways I want to expand the compassion I put out into the world is to remember how to accept it myself.

Often, I defer the gratitude others give me to not come off as indulgent and selfish. I unequivocally believe that humanity is far more bent on delivering kindness than the opposite. We start out as kind, and we are taught how to be unkind later on. We are prepared to refuse the kindness of others because there is “something” wrong with how their kindness is displayed. I will allow others to be kind to me. In doing so, the deepest parts of each other are satiated by what I believe is a fundamental human principle and desire to do good to each other. With another’s kindness powering me, I too shall empower kindness in another who will continue the cycle.

I can personally gift this kindness to others that I have been especially interested in partaking in by working with organizations that tackle the issue of food insecurity. Food insecurity is an issue that I’m sure nearly every single person alive knows someone personally dealing with the struggle. Through 2021 I’ve been working volunteer shifts with Feeding America, whose mission is admirable. I view the work I do for them as vital. I’d like to continue working with them. Still, I would like to focus on other groups that are a little smaller and less mired in corporate politics. As such, I have discovered a couple of local groups I plan to put in some work for as soon as possible. They’re smaller, so the number of people coming through may be significantly less than those I see pass through my Feeding America volunteer work. However, the intimacy and quality of each encounter will more likely stoke the fires of kindness and compassion within those receiving assistance. I hope this leads to a lasting effect on the recipients, who will then do their best to find a way to be kind in their own lives.

I also want to be firmer and more staunch in my kindness within the coming year than in previous years. I believe an often overlooked aspect of kindness is strength. We’re often taught to believe in the concept of kindness as very soft and gentle. While those aspects of kindness are essential in nearly every situation, there are times when your kindness needs to be solid and unwavering. I want to be someone whose kindness is firm in the face of the unkind. I want to assist in whatever ways I can for the oppressed and discriminated against. I want to remember that when unkind people try to use my stern defense of people in need as an example of hypocrisy, their accusations are empty. I want to remember only the unkind try to find reasons to continue oppressing after being told their actions are harmful. Sometimes to be kind, you have to be unkind. Kindness isn’t always a hand to pick someone up but a shield to protect them while they are down and a sword to strike back with for protection.

Kindness is active, and it is something you put your whole heart into. And I want to show my kindness by aiding my community in both the long and short-term struggles.


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