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What it means

By GajalakshmiPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Karma is a concept found in many spiritual and religious teachings, but it has its roots in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is the idea that our actions have consequences, both in this life and in the next. Karma is often seen as a universal law of cause and effect, where our actions create a cycle of cause and effect that will determine our future experiences. At its simplest, Karma can be thought of as a form of spiritual justice. It is the belief that whatever we do, whether good or bad, will come back to us eventually. This can be in the form of a reward or punishment, depending on what actions we take. For example, if we do something kind, we may receive kindness in return. If we do something that is bad or harmful to others, we may receive suffering and sorrow in return. Karma is seen as a type of cosmic balance, where our actions will eventually lead us to a place of balance and harmony. It is believed that our actions have a ripple effect, and that a single action can lead to a reaction down the line, eventually coming back to us in some form. The idea of karma is closely linked to the concept of reincarnation, as it is believed that our actions in this lifetime will determine our fate in the next. Karma is an important concept in many Eastern philosophies and religions, and it is seen as a way to encourage us to be mindful of our actions and to act in a way that is beneficial for all. It is seen as a reminder to take responsibility for our actions, and to be conscious of the consequences that our actions have on ourselves and others. It is also seen as a way to encourage us to strive for spiritual growth and enlightenment. Karma is often seen as a form of spiritual justice, and it is believed that we must live in harmony with the laws of karma in order to achieve spiritual balance and enlightenment. While the concept of karma can be complex and hard to understand, it is an important part of Eastern philosophy and religion, and it is a reminder to be mindful of our actions and to strive for spiritual growth.

A small story: A young woman named Maria had been struggling to make ends meet and was feeling discouraged. She was so stressed out that she had started to doubt her own abilities and was considering giving up.

One day, she decided to take a walk in the park to clear her mind. As she was walking, she came across an old woman who was sitting on a bench. The woman asked Maria if she could spare any change, so Maria opened her wallet and handed the woman a few coins.

The old woman smiled and thanked her before she began to tell Maria a story. She told her about how everything that we put out into the world has a way of coming back to us. She said that if we do good, then good will come back to us. She called it the law of karma.

Maria thanked the old woman and went on her way, but she never forgot the story. Whenever she was feeling down, she would remember the old woman's words about karma and it would give her the strength to keep going.

Sure enough, the more positive energy she put out into the world, the more good things started to happen to her. She eventually got a better job, made more money, and was able to take care of herself and her family.

Maria never forgot the old woman's story and she continued to live her life based on the law of karma. She believed that if you do good, then good will come back to you.


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