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Before she departs...

By Caitlin ChristopherPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Photo by Jessi Pena on Unsplash

Caitlin fidgeted in her seat. God she was nervous. She ran her hand through her hair and adjusted her mask.

“Something to drink before we depart?”

Caitlin looked up to see a masked flight attendant.

“I’m ok thanks.” She said

Caitlin bounced her leg watching her walk away. She looked out the window onto the dreary wet day.


Just over a year ago on a similarly dreary wet day, Caitlin, soaked and cranky, lugged her bag to 24B on a train heading upstate New York. The Manhattan sky had unexpectedly dumped buckets and she was annoyed she was going to be damp for the next 5 hours.

Caitlin arrived at her seat to find 24A occupied by a Sandy haired, square jawed man in a crisp white shirt. Suddenly she was aware of how she probably resembled a drowned rat. He looked up from his phone.

“Need help with your bag?” His British accent caught her off guard. Caitlin gaped.

“Sorry?” she said unsticking her tongue.

“Your bag, do you need help with it?” He smiled, dimples creasing his cheeks.

“Yes, thanks.” she managed.

He stood up, towering over her as he lifted her heavy bag easily onto the overhead rack.

She was about to take her seat when he leaned in uncomfortably close. His eyes were green.

“I know this is awkward but you should know,” he said quietly “It seems your makeup has run.” Caitlin looked up, horrified.

“Oh!” She stammered, “Be right back.” Cheeks burning, she took off to the restroom. In the harsh light she could see in the mirror her mascara had indeed made little black tear tracks down her face and her long red hair hung like a wet curtain.

Oof, she thought.

Train 847 to Syracuse is departing.

As the train started to move, Caitlin wiped away the streaks wondering how many people she had talked to looking like a sad clown.

The man looked at her kindly as she arrived back at her seat. She smiled sheepishly back.

“Thanks for that,” she said sitting down.

“Of course.” He replied.

“I’m Caitlin.” She offered.

“Antony.” he said.

Caitlin began to settle in for the journey, pulling a book from her bag while trying to inconspicuously observe her neighbor. She waited for him to pull out his own travel distraction but instead he sat back and looked out the window.

“Have you done this trip before?” He asked a while later.

“A couple of times.” She answered, “You?”

“My first.” He said. “Visiting from London. Going to see a client on business.”

“What kind of business?” she asked

“Sales,” he said. She involuntarily grimaced, but realized that that must’ve been rude. He laughed.

“Yes, boring I know, but I hope you’re going to do something interesting?”

“Well, I’m going to teach a ballet workshop for a few days,”

“The ballet? That’s lovely. Did you dance?” he said earnestly.

“Only for a while” she said, surprised at his enthusiasm, “But now I teach full time.”

“That’s really wonderful.” He leaned in, conspiratorially, “don’t tell anyone, but I took ballet at university,”

“Really?” She said, eyebrows arched.

“Yes well before I was a salesman I made a go at a career in acting. I went to university for theatre.”

Antony had had quite a ride trying to be an actor. Working at the Leicester Square theatre in the center of London made for odd hours and great stories. He auditioned with Eddie Redmayne, worked with Richard Madden before Game of Thrones and met Elton John (who was a nice guy apparently).

Antony also had impeccable taste in theatre, his favorites being Romeo and Juliet and Chicago to which Caitlin squealed “Me too!” Passengers turning to stare at her. It wasn’t until Caitlin noticed the sun setting outside the window that she realized they had been talking for 2 hours.

“How do you feel about wine?” He asked suddenly.

“I feel great about it. Want to go to the dining car?” Caitlin said.

“I have a better idea.” he grabbed a bag from under his seat to pull out a bottle of wine and plastic cups. “I hope you like Merlot”.

“I’m more of a ‘that’s red and that’s white’ kind of wine drinker so I’m sure Merlot is great.” She said.

Antony laughed. “There’s nothing better. Especially with this view.” Indicating out the window.

He wasn’t wrong. The storm had produced a vivid sunset that bathed the green landscape in rich sorbet colors.

The bottle was opened and poured. Antony offered Caitlin a cup.

“What should we toast to?” She asked

“How about to excellent travel company?” He said.

She raised her cup. “To excellent travel company then,” touching her cup to his.

“I must confess,” he said, sipping, “I was praying that you’d be a person who had their headphones on the entire time.”

“I was just hoping not to be next to a baby,”

“I think this turned out much better.”

“I would have to agree.”

The lights on the train were lowered in anticipation of night.

“Do you come to the states often?” Caitlin asked casually.

“No, this is only my second trip but I’m new to the company.” Caitlin felt oddly disappointed.

“But, I’m hoping that I’ll get to move here at some point.”

“Really?” Her heart fluttered.

“Yeah. I’ve wanted to move here for a long time after I visited New York with my previous job.”

“You’re sick of London then?” she said smirking.

“Never!” he said, “Think it’s one of the best cities in the world, but the whole of the UK fits inside of Texas. It’s a big world and I want to see all of it.” he paused, “I like meeting new and interesting people,”

She peered up to see his green eyes looking back at her.

“Have you gotten to travel yourself?” he asked.

“Not internationally, but I’ve always wanted to,” she replied.

“Oh? Where’s your dream spot?” He asked

“Well, I’ve always wanted to go to London to see the Royal Ballet but I’d love to go to Spain.”

“Spain is wonderful.” He said.

“You’ve been?”

“I have. I was there for my birthday couple months ago.”

“That’s amazing! Where did you go?”

“I was in this little city called Malaga,” he paused. “It was definitely memorable.” He added mischievously.


“I ended up accidentally crashing a giant family wedding.” He grinned.


“Well….” He poured more wine into both cups and explained.

Antony had been at dinner with his father in Malaga but after his dad decided to turn in for the evening, he was left to explore the city alone. It was a balmy evening wandering the streets. After a while he heard music coming from somewhere. He followed the sound and came upon a boisterous cluster of restaurants. At least a hundred people were at tables or dancing to the live music playing behind a magnificent fountain. Antony walked into the nearest bar to order a drink but the bartender said that they were closed for business to celebrate his daughter’s wedding. Antony quickly realized why it was so lively and apologized saying he would go. Instead, the man got him a drink and pulled over the groomsmen to introduce them.

The groomsman drank with him, the bridesmaids danced with him and the family joked around with him, like he was one of their own. As the party wound down, the elderly matriarch of the family announced that all the single men of the party needed to head to the fountain for “the ritual”. Tipsy and happy to go along, Antony made his way over with the other single lads. The bride then walked down the line of men passing a single rose to each from her bouquet, kissing them on each cheek. When every man had a rose they were told to jump into the fountain.

“Wait, what?” Caitlin interrupted.

“Yeah, not a typical request I suppose.” Antony laughed.

“Did you do it?” she asked.

“Well of course.” He beamed. “felt rude not to. Besides I’d gotten a bit hot from all the revelry and a dip sounded nice.”

So, he and the men jumped in, splashing and carrying on Antony with them until they eventually climbed out, soaking wet from head to toe. The old matriarch nodded satisfied. The ritual was complete.

“What was the ritual for anyway?” she asked.

“Well,” he looked at his wine glass and then taking a large gulp. “Apparently, the ritual will make me meet the love of my life in the next 6 months.” 

Caitlin goggled, “That’s- that’s –”

“Crazy?” he finished for her.

“Don’t you think?” she said.

“Dunno,” He said running his hand over his scruff, “but it’s a nice idea.”

“Yeah, really nice.” she said blushing.

Passengers of train 847, we are coming up on Syracuse. All Syracuse passengers please prepare to disembark.

“Are we there already?” Caitlin said in disbelief. As the train pulled into the station the rain had begun to start up again.

“How about I help you out onto the platform with this?” Antony offered pulling her bag down.

“Thanks,” Caitlin said feeling slightly sad. As they walked onto the platform Caitlin felt her cell vibrate in her pocket. Antony stopped beside her as she pulled out her phone.

I’m on the lower level – Kristin

“It’s been absolutely lovely to meet you Caitlin.”

“Better than a crying baby anyway?” She asked coyly.

He grinned.

“Here,” he said handing her a card. She looked at it. Antony Martin. “Let me know if you’re ever in London and I’d be happy to take you to the Ballet. You know, for our second date.” She looked up at him blushing. He smiled. She smiled back. Her pocket buzzed again.

Where are you? - Kristin

“I should probably go,” she couldn’t stop smiling, “My friend is getting impatient, but thanks for helping me with this.” she said gesturing to her bag.


“Well,” she said reluctantly, “bye then,” she turned and walked away toward the passenger pickup.

“What took you so long?” Kristin asked heaving Caitlin’s bag into her trunk. “Caitlin what’s up with you?”

Train 847 to Rochester is departing in 5 minutes.

Caitlin stood there, trance like. “I’ll be right back Kris,” Caitlin said and sprinted back up toward the platform, ignoring Kristin’s confused shouts. Her heart was pounding, she didn’t know what she was doing but she just wanted to see….

She yanked the door open to the platform, the rain pouring outside off the awning and found it completely empty except one lone figure, Antony. She didn’t know what made her do it, but she started to run. He looked up and rushed forward. Without a thought, she threw her arms around his shoulders and he kissed her. The lights flashing, rain pounding down around them, they kissed. Only when the train began moving did he break away. He kissed her once more softly on the lips, and smiled. Without a word, he ran and jumped on the back of the train just as it pulled away from the station.

Down below riding in the car Kristin was in a fury. “What the hell was that about?” she fumed.

“You scared the shit out of me!” but Caitlin found herself just smiling and getting dreamily into the car. As they drove Kristin continued to fume at her but she just stared out the window at the rain, touching her lips softly with her fingers.



“Huh?” Caitlin mumbled turning from the window. The flight attendant was back with the beverage cart.

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to Fight 96 with nonstop service to London.

She thought a moment and turned back to the flight attendant, “On second thought, I’ll have a glass of merlot.”

As the flight attendant opened a small bottle and began to pour, Caitlin settled back into her seat and touched her fingers to her lips over her mask, happy no one could see her smile.


About the Creator

Caitlin Christopher

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    Caitlin ChristopherWritten by Caitlin Christopher

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