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Jekyll Hyde Drug Effect (Part 1)

A Story of Relationship Horror

By Chelle LeePublished 4 years ago 8 min read

Have you ever felt secure in your life? You are finally living on your own, you have a good job, paying all your own bills, even are able to have a dog. You finally do not have to worry about anyone but yourself and your beloved fur-child. In September of 2015, moving into my own place after signing that 1 year lease was like heaven. My apartment was small, a 400 square foot 1 bedroom, but it was perfect for my dog and myself. I had an amazing job at a pediatric office working 1 on 1 with the Pediatric Mental Health Pediatrician. I thought nothing could bring me down, as I was finally happy with myself, with my life. Fast forward to August 2016 and my life took a very chaotic and dangerous turn.

I had just gotten off work, I forget the actual date, but it was a Friday because my last patient, an autistic 14 year old who's favorite day of the week was Friday. He had sung me a made up song of his while I updated his immunizations. Walking to my car, I looked forward to the weekend. I was supposed to drive down to my parents, but decided to just spend the weekend alone, just my dog Digit and I. I remember driving home and hearing my phone do the notification for facebook messenger. As I stopped at a red-light, I picked up my phone to glace at who had messaged me. It was a message request from a guy that I had gone to high school with, a guy who I used to have the biggest crush on. "I wonder what he could possibly want?" I remember thinking, placing my phone back down on the passenger seat as the light turned green. Pulling into my apartment complex and pulling up in front of my apartment, I glance up as I put my car in park. There, in my huge living room window, was my dog Digit, up on his hind-legs and his butt quivering from excitement as his tail did a crazy side to side dance.

As I was taking a shower, my thoughts couldn't help but wander to the still unopened message request. Devon never gave me the time of day back in high school, except to play some stupid quarter game in home room. I hadn't spoken to him since the day before he had left school 3 weeks before we were set to graduate. After my shower and getting into something comfy, I curled up on my couch with Digit, turned on Netflix and grabbed my phone. Opening up his message, I glanced it over and I about dropped my phone. He stated that he too was living in Kalamazoo, seen that I lived in the area as well and was wondering if I would like to hang out. I was in disbelief. I don't know how many times I attempted to reply, delete, reply, delete, reply. He must have had the message opened and seen what I was doing because next thing I know, I got a hey. We chatted back and forth, and to be honest, I was very entranced by everything he was saying, definitely was very smooth with his words. Before I knew it, I was agreeing to come pick him up so we could hang for a few hours. The drive to downtown to get him was nerve-wracking, and not going to lie, I almost turned around a few times. Pulling up to Bronson North Building and actually seeing him, I cannot explain the amount of butterflies that started flutting in my stomach. He was just as handsome; if not more than he was in high school. The 20 minute drive back to my apartment was very easy going, conversation never faltered and he actually seemed very interested in what I had to say to him.

I remember it getting to be about 1 am, and he had started texting someone erratically. When I asked if he was okay, he stated to me that is friend that he was staying with wasn't answering him. After a few more unanswered texts and calls, I ended up just letting him crash for the night on my couch, and we'd figure it out in the morning. The next morning however, I was called into work and I had no idea what to do about the very handsome sleeping guy on my couch. I almost screamed when his eyes popped open and he reluctantly go up so I could take him to where he was staying; at least, attempt to take him. After a good half hour to an hour of driving around, I just brought him back to my apartment where I informed him he could chill at while I was at work. I was a nervous wreck all day at work, my mind coming up with scenarios of what could be going on at my apartment; and I just prayed my apartment was in one piece when I got home.

Pulling up in front of my apartment that afternoon, I remember taking a deep breath as I really and truly did not expect him to still be here. My apartment was probably quite boring to him. Opening my door, I couldn't help but gasp when seeing the inside. My usually cluttered small apartment was spotless; carpets vacuumed, Digit's toys all put up, dishes were washed dried and put away, counters wiped down and sanitized, bathroom wiped down and scrubbed, and last but not least my bedroom looked like it hadn't been slept in at all. I was about to tell him how grateful I was to him for doing all of what he had done when an amazing aroma hit my nostrils. "What is that amazing smell?" I had asked, heading to the kitchen to investigate. "Seasoned chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, buttered peas. Oh and there is also a strawberry cheesecake chilling in the fridge for later." he stated. "I found everything, didn't think you'd mind me cooking." I remember thinking to myself; how in the hell was this guy still single? "No, it's completely fine. Thank you so much for cleaning my apartment and for making me dinner." After we had finished eating, he had done the dishes and cleaned up, I having to do nothing. We then talked and that's when he started telling me more about himself. He had 2 boys who lived with their mom in Arizona whom he missed horribly, but his ex refused to allow him to see them or speak to them. He moved to Kalamazoo and did have an apartment, but his landlord hated him and found every reason in the world to attack him and finally kick him out; leaving him homeless. He developed a friendship with a guy named Phil whom worked at the hospital, who had taken him in, given him a place to sleep. My heart ached for him, especially when he told me that his biological mother was fighting for her life, and he hadn't seen his family in a few years. I told him that he was more than welcome to stay for a few more days until he figured out things with Phil, or he went to be with his family in their troubling time.

The next couple of days had come and gone, and honestly, I had been about to call to get him some medical attention, as he barely was able to move or stay awake. I had Digit go stay with my parents, I don't really know why, call it maybe a gut feeling, but I just had this feeling that Digit needed to be away. I tried waking Devon, getting him to eat; nothing seemed to work. It was almost like he was half in a coma. On the 5th day of him barely moving, I had decided while at work that if he was still in the same spot when I returned home, I was calling 911 and getting him some medical attention. I remember pulling up to my apartment, and the first thing that I noticed was my blinds were open. Opening my door, I was hit with loud obnoxious laughing, and an intense aroma of what smelled like nasty flowers and citrus. Devon was propped up on the back of the couch, and sitting on my couch was a guy I'd never seen before. Behind my couch, in a neat row were four suitcases and a duffle bag. "Hello, I'm Michelle." I reached out my hand to the guy sitting way too comfortably on my couch. He jumped up and threw his arms around my neck and pulled me too him. "Oh my God! It is sooooo great to finally meet the lady who finally was able to pull this dude out of his relationship slump! He HAS NOT been able to shut up about you. I just had to stay around and wait for you to get home so I could meet you for myself!" I slid out of his embrace, and took a step or two back. "And you are......?" He turned and looked at Devon, then turned back to me. "Oh! I'm Phil, Dev's gay best friend!" I stared at him, and looked past him at Devon, who completely looked like he was on top of the world and definitely not like the almost corpse he had been when I had left for work that morning. "Oh, Phil. Well it's great to finally meet you, and I'm very glad that Devon was able to get ahold of you finally. I know he had been very frustrated not being able to get in contact with you." The two of them exchanged yet another glance, something seemed off to me, but I was tired after a very long day at work and I was ready to just relax for the night. As I headed to my bedroom, I noticed that once again, my apartment had been cleaned to the point of being spotless. While changing, I heard a whole lot of movement coming from my living room, then I heard my door slam close.

My living room was empty when I finally got changed and out of my work clothes. Two of the suitcases and the duffle bag were gone, but two suitcases still remained. On my tv stand was a written note from Devon.


I stared at the note. After being the way he was for almost a week to how he was just a bit ago was very strange to me. But unfortunately, it was only the beginning, I just did not know it.

Thank you for reading Part 1, please stay tuned for Part 2!


About the Creator

Chelle Lee

I am a single mom struggling to give her daughters everything they could ever want. I am here to share my stories and life with people. My stories will make you laugh, cry, feel.. I hope you enjoy!

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