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Its In The Details

I Can Fly

By MADDARTPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
"What if I fall? ...Oh but Darling! What if you fly?" E.H.

It was now or never. The plane trembled as Cadet D. Morr took one last look at his childhood home in Farma. D laughs and begins to shake his head as the clouds began to consume the sky, making it impossible to see anymore.

"I will be back after I save the world ", he said to his mother before boarding his flight. He could picture her with her strong but tired frame staring back at him. "Come over here and dance with your old lady" she said as she played her favorite En Vogue vinyl.

D had two left feet. His large frame towered over his mother, spinning and jigging to the beat, almost tripping over himself. D grabs for his mothers arm toppling over her and onto the couch.

Chadwick and D were bestfriends. Chadwick's folks were pretty well off unlike D and his moms. Times were especially hard with 5 kids and no daddy around. Chadwick knew that D couldn't afford lunch so he asked his mom to pack extra in his lunch box to share. He even let D crash in his basement when D would get into fights with his siblings. Even though he was older, Chadwick didn't always have the best influence on D. He was too smart for his own good and found school to be boring. Chadwick convinced D to skip eventually causing his grades to drop. When D was old enough he started talking to recruiters at his school. Chadwick had no other plans for his own future and decided it was best if he joined so he could look after D. Their mothers were proud they were making something of themselves but farewells were bitter sweet. The $20,000 sign on bonus was the largest amount of money D and his family had ever had. D finally felt like he broke the curse of poverty that loomed over his family.

Chadwick slaps the tray on his lap waking D from his sleep.


The sergeant calls from the front of the plane. The Sergeant relays that the connecting flight had been postponed due to mechanical issues and they would not board their next flight for another 13 hours.

D, Chadwick and Rod start racing to the information booth at the terminal. Chadwick and Rod ask the cute representative about local bars. D tries to reach his mother on her cell. Unable to get a signal, walks off to find better reception to call his mother.

This was the first time D had been so far from his small southern neighborhood. He was first of his class throughout his entire academic career. His mother often bragged about D saying that he was the "Scholar" of the family. He was her pride and joy.

A couple weeks before D was notified of deployment his mother gifted him a box of his fathers possessions including a little black journal. As a child, D wanted to be a "Superhero" just like his father, Commander Augustus Lee Morr. They communicated every so often on a walkie talkie set his father gifted D on his 3rd birthday. D was 7 when the calls stopped coming in and his mother received notice that he was presumed to be deceased. It was a hard thing for a young boy to process. In some ways, D always felt like his father was still alive somewhere waiting to be found.

With little to no reception, D was unable to make any calls. back to his He turns to rush back to his friends then suddenly clashes into a woman who had been walking toward him distracted by her phone.

"My apologies Miss. My two left feet tend to get ahead of me." D says as he easily lifts her off of the ground and onto her feet.

She smiles and holds out her hand, "I happen to have two right feet myself.! Nice to meet you Mr. Left, I am Miss Right!"

Fyia was her name.

Her smile lit up the entire airport. She went on to tell him about how she had been studying abroad in Paris and often travelled to Ireland to ski. D was a handsome man, a gentleman. He didn't spend much time on the fast women that went to his school. Most of them had 2 kids before they even graduated. He had never met someone who had aspirations and saw the world for what it really was like himself.

Rod and Chadwick approached D, hooking his arms with theirs on both sides.

"Aye mate! Found yourself a little friend did ya?" Chadwick teased. D, who was twice the size of his counter parts, smiled and shook their arms loose.

"Actually, Fyia here is a native and she agreed to show us around until our flight arrives" he says confidently and hopefully as he looks to Fyia awaiting her reaction.

Fyia goes along with his ploy adding, "...and first up is GRUB! I'm starving boys!"

D enjoyed her company and wanted to know more about her. She took them to a small diner inside the city that was similar to his families restaurant back home. You could tell that she had been there a lot. All of the staff and bar patrons knew her by name.

D later learned of her brief bartending experience which ended abruptly after she punched a drunk customer in the face, breaking his nose. The guy turned out to be a nose model and tried to sue her. Instead of going to court, Fyia agreed not to bartend in town anymore. She wasn't a bartender anyway. She was a Chef! She also happened to know how to make a darn good drink! The owner, Mamme, welcomed them with open arms. Fyia and Mamme disappeared into the kitchen while the cadets sat around the bar trying to beat the local chug record.

An hour later, Fyia returned from out of the kitchen with several trays of food. They gorged themselves on plates of soda bread, boxty and smoked salmon. A couple of gals at the other end of the bar got up to put a quarter in the juke box. Everyone in their drunken bliss swayed to the music. Chadwick and Rod joined the two women.

D approached Fyia doing a slick two step and slide combination.

"Not bad cadet." She flirts.

"Thanks for showing me around before I go off to save the world, its a pretty big dill!" He replies. He picks up a pickle from the plate and wiggles it around in front of Fyia. She calls him a cornball then pulls him to the door.

"I want to show you something..."

Fyia leads D around the backside of the restaurant up a pitch black path into to a open field of powerlines. D could not see a thing but he could feel the electricity buzzing around him. They climbed a mile tall cliff into an underpass on the mountain side. Fyia stopped to see if anyone else was around then dropped down into the tunnel. D was hesitant to follow because it looked as if she had vanished over the side of the cliff. With one last look behind he jumped in after her.

The tunnel happened to be a wind tunnel. A rare phenomena that happened only every fifty years where the gravity of the world shifts at that one spot. D could not believe it. He was levitating in thin air. Fyia grabs hold of a tree branch then pulls them both back to the surface. D rolls onto his back and tries to catch his breath.

"I don't usually follow women over cliffs" he remarks. Fyia tried to regain her balance but falls over D's large feet. D and Fyia are now face to face. They share a kiss.

Upon the meeting of their lips, a blue spark appears. They are both startled and quickly regain composure.

"After you save the world do you think you will come back to see me Mr. Left?"

He pauses a bit saddened but then smiles and says, "I think I can do just about anything with you Miss Right... maybe even fly."


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Just a under appreciated creatour

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