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Invisalign Aligners Treatment and its Advantages

Invisalign in Crystal Palace

By LucypettersonPublished about a year ago 3 min read

If you want your teeth to be straightened and aligned without compromising your looks then you have landed on the right page. Invisalign treatment in South East London has made it possible to straighten your smile without any metallic wires, discomfort, and ugly looking brackets. More and more people are undergoing for this process as it does not affect your aesthetic appearance, and is comfortable to use.

Issue that can be treated with Invisalign in Crystal Palace

Invisalign can solve a wide variety of teeth alignment issues in adults and in teens as well.

• Overbite: This is a condition when your upper front teeth overlap with your lower front teeth. It is very common problem and most people have at least a little overbite problem.

• Underbite: An underbite happens when your lower front teeth are in front of your upper teeth, when the mouth is closed. It is mostly because your lower jaw may be too far forward.

• Crooked or crowded teeth: When there is less space in your jaw, teeth may not fit properly making them look crowded. This problem can further lead to tooth decay as it causes difficulty in brushing and flossing.

• Crossbite: When the mouth is closed, some of the teeth may sit inside your lower teeth, rather than falling outside, like they normally should. This is called crossbite and can be resolved with Invisalign treatment in South East London.

• Gap teeth: When there is an extra space between two or more teeth, the condition is termed as gap teeth. This may happen because of missing teeth or abnormal jaw bone growth, and can be corrected with Invisalign aligners.

• Open bite: When your upper teeth and don’t touch in the closed mouth position, and don’t make a proper contact, then you have open bite problem. It can create problem with speaking and can cause jaw pain.

Advantages of Invisalign from SE19 Dentist

When you are ready to transform your smile, you must also know the advantages of using Invisalign aligners over traditional metal braces.

1. Invisalign are nearly invisible: These aligners are virtually invisible. You can wear them as and when required and can slime in confidence, without feeling embarrassed. As compared to traditional ugly looking metal braces, Invisalign are made of clear plastic which are hard to notice.

2. Removable: Invisalign aligners are made with flexible material, thus making them easy to wear and remove, unlike metal braces that are fixed. You can wear off your braces while enjoying your favorite food or drink, or while brushing and flossing.

3. Lesser pain: Invisalign aligners are comfortable to wear and use, and shift your teeth gradually in the desired position. Providing effective teeth movement, these aligners are gently to your mouth and don’t cause any pain or discomfort, when compared to braces which often irritate and cause pain.

4. Fewer doctor visits: While using Invisalign aligners, there is no need of frequent doctor’s visit. It is required to visit your dentist only once every 6-8 weeks, unlike metal braces where you have to go to your doctor after every 3-4 weeks.

5. Better oral health: As you can remove Invisalign aligners, you can take better care of your oral health. Metal brackets make it difficult to clean between the metal brackets. But with Invisalign aligners, you can easily brush and floss as these are removable.


Your Invisalign aligners at Mindful Dentist are designed using industry-leading technology and created according to your customized treatment plan. It is a good option for you, if you don’t have any complicated dental issues and prefer a less visible treatment than braces.


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