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How Animals Differ from Humans

By Esther AnimaPublished 8 months ago 10 min read
An Immense World (2022) explores the sensory worlds of animals to show how they differ from human experience. It discusses the many ways that animals perceive our surroundings and the extra information that they get via the use of their unique senses, including sight, hearing, touch, and more.


What's the point? Discover an unseen world.

When asked to name the senses, most of us would probably pick the fundamental five—touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell. These are the most common experiences connected with being human. But, to be honest, these five senses merely scrape the surface of the animal world.

You may have heard of birds that use magnetoreception to migrate during the winter. Did you know that spiny lobsters and sea turtles employ the same sense?

You've definitely heard of electric eels, but did you realize that they can really create enough electricity to kill a horse?

But let us not completely blame animals for their success. You may be aware that bats and dolphins utilize echolocation, but did you realize that humans can use it as well?

In this overview of Ed Yong's An Immense World, we'll look at a number of extraordinary sensory abilities. You'll witness a world that humans haven't seen before, and you'll discover whole new ways to understand the environments around us.

Keep your mind (and senses!) open as we explore the world of moles that use touch to form mental maps, beetles that pursue fires, and fish that make electric fields. You may find new ways to think about and interact with the world around you.


The bulk of human civilization is built on our ability to see. We could go on for hours discussing how we dress, travel, and learn. To be honest, humans have a superior sense of sight when compared to most other creatures. Humans are trichromats, which means that each of our three different eye cones is tailored to detect a certain spectrum of light wavelengths.

Horses and dogs, on the other hand, only have two legs. As a result, dogs perceive mostly gray, yellow, and blue colors. Many "color-blind" individuals are also deficient in one of the three cones that most people have, limiting the range of colors they can perceive. Those of us who see color with three cones may obtain an understanding of how dichromats view the world by using picture editing software. We can't imagine what it's like to see with four cones.

Animals with more than three cones perceive more colors than humans can comprehend. They are, however, unable to compare those colors, which is how sighted humans see the environment.

Different light wavelengths, on the other hand, generate innate reflexes in animals whose brains do not detect colors. Daphnia water fleas can only see flashes of color, not whole sceneries. Because an ultraviolet light indicates that it is sunny, they swim away. They swim in that direction due to the wavelengths of green and yellow suggesting food. Different light wavelengths are seen by these fleas as only another input that determines their intrinsic behavior. To put it simply, they do not sense sight in the same way that humans do.

Echolocation, a distinct sense, is employed in a different way to "see" the world. Echolocation is used by animals such as dolphins and bats to construct visual representations of their surroundings. They send out ultrasonic sound pulses and listen for echoes from surrounding objects. They change the length and frequency of these sounds to construct exact mental representations of their surroundings.

In fact, bats are so proficient at this that they can traverse a maze of hanging chains and catch flying insects. Dolphins can recognize two-dimensional representations of items studied before using sonar.

However, humans can learn to echolocate, thus this incredible ability is not limited to animals.

Daniel Kish had to have both of his eyes removed after being diagnosed with a rare kind of eye cancer at the age of 13 months. As he grew older, he started to tour the world by using tongue clicks. It took him a while to articulate what he was doing while echolocating. Kish can now go around the block and identify the borders of the residences, the distinction between a yard and a driveway, and the placements of the trees after years of practice. He detects tree branches hanging over the path using echolocation and ducks to avoid them.

By seeing how echolocation works in dolphins and bats, we may learn a lot about the function of the senses and its limitations. Kish, on the other hand, can describe how it works for him. Because his sonar works at a lower frequency than bat sonar, the resolution of what he senses is blurry. In front of large backgrounds, it may be difficult to discern between edges and objects, such as someone standing up close to a wall or a little item on the ground. So, while using echolocation, he often identifies items based on their density and texture.


What animal did you choose? A dog? a huge one? Unlikely to be an ant. Ants have a keen sense of smell despite their little size. They communicate where they've found food through scent trails, recognize one another as being from the same anthill, and summon other ants in the colony to swarm the prey.

An ant uses pheromones, which are chemical signals used for interspecies communication, to do this. Because of how much ants rely on these pheromones, the right odor could even be able to trick them. Blue butterfly caterpillars are taken care of by red worker ants despite the fact that they seem to be quite distinct from each other in appearance and scent. Imagine smelling a young giraffe and believing it was a human infant!

Comparing how various animals detect fragrance is difficult. The variety of odors makes measurement almost difficult. We cannot rely on a single molecule smelling the same to various people, nor can we infer from a molecule's appearance how it will smell.

The same odors could even seem different to someone depending on the image they are presented with. When shown a picture of Raclette cheese, people often find a strong aroma that goes with it to be alluring. They found the same smell offensive when shown a picture of a soiled sock, however.

Our sense of smell and taste are both based on the molecules that our taste receptors interact with, decipher, and then use to communicate with our brains. We may immediately see the relationship between these two senses by considering what happens when we have a cold. When our ability to smell things decreases, food appears to taste less. How does it operate?

Well, losing our sense of smell doesn't really affect how food tastes. In other words, our sense of taste is exactly the same whether we have a blocked nose or not. When we can't smell the odorants—the molecules we smell—from the food, the flavor is really lessened. This is true because the flavor of the food we consume is generated by how it tastes and smells. The next time you get a cold, you'll realize why your food seems to taste different.


When it comes to food, people normally utilize sight, smell, and taste to make decisions. However, star-nosed moles utilize touch to recognize their prey. They have eleven fleshy protuberances on each nostril that resemble stars and are very sensitive to touch. The tunnel's walls and floor are struck by this star hundreds of times every second by the mole. This probably helps the mole develop a mental map of its surroundings, much as how we would do so if we used our hands instead of our eyes.

Of course, we can't be sure how the mole interprets what it feels with its nose since we don't speak the same language and can't read minds. But it is clear that the mole uses its nose to detect textures at the very least. Star-nosed moles will eat any leftover earthworms. Even though silicon and rubber particles are the same size, they are not taken into consideration.

In fact, the moles may detect, eat, and go on hunting for more food in as little as 120 milliseconds because their stars are so sensitive and their brains are so quick at decoding the signals from the stars. That occurs faster than the summary of an eye.

Star-nosed moles are not the only species that rely on very sensitive touch sensors. The chins, snouts, and even the areas around and around the teeth of alligators, crocodiles, and other members of the Crocodili family are covered with minute bumps. These bumps act as sense receptors, picking up even the smallest ripples from prey as well as the vibrations from males' mating calls on the water's surface.

The bumps could also help parents detect food and time their bites properly or apply just the correct amount of pressure to help their young escape from their eggs. These bumps are much more sensitive than human fingertips since they can identify a quarter of a millimeter difference in the space between ridges!

Vibration sensitivity is a distinct kind of touch. Despite the fact that there is almost constant movement around us, we are not able to sense the little vibrations that are communicated to our feet by the ground. Other animals can.

Tick-trefoil Treehoppers, a kind of insect that resembles a leaf, vibrate to communicate. They cause the earth to quiver by stepping on actual leaves. They use it to look for partners, seek help, or simply to hang out with others.

However, if you put a microphone on a leaf containing talking treehoppers, you could hear how those vibrations were transformed into what seemed like a strange song. Humans are unable to sense or hear these vibrations on our own.

It just serves to demonstrate how different forms of sight are used for various purposes. When other insects use pressing touches and vibrations to find food or communicate, ants may be tricked into caring for the young of other species if the scent is just right. What are some of the most incredible senses that have developed in animals? Next, we'll discuss them.

Extraordinary (And very Acute ) Sensations

Although we have a limited ability to detect infrared radiation (like heat from a fireplace or a hot oven), beetles have a highly developed sense of smell.

Once we are sufficiently far enough from the source, which might be anywhere from a few feet to a few hundred feet if the source is big enough, such as a bonfire or forest fire, our ability to detect infrared radiation begins to diminish.

On the other hand, the fire-hunting beetles have fluid-filled spheres in pits under their wings. Due to their extreme sensitivity, these spheres are capable of spotting forest fires hundreds of kilometers away. To be precise, hundreds of kilometers. The beetles fly to the fire after it has burnt, get married inside of it, and lay their eggs on the cooled, charred bark. Talk about a simmering romance.

Another force that we cannot see as humans until it is really strong is a magnetic field. The earth produces a strong magnetic field due to the motion of its molten metal core. Although we are unable to see this field, we can navigate using compasses based on it.

As was previously said, it is widely accepted that birds' ability to feel magnetic fields, or magnetoreception, is essential to their ability to migrate during the winter. But it's also used by spiny lobsters and sea turtles.

Sea turtle hatchlings may move across the ocean and into deeper waters by using magnetoreception. They use it once again as adults to go back to the beaches where they first hatched and lay their eggs.

Ken Lohmann tested newly born loggerhead turtles in the 1990s. They spun and began swimming in the direction that would keep them going along the track that adult turtles travel in the ocean when they were exposed to magnetic fields that imitated various locations in the sea. Even though they had never been in the water, the newly hatched animals managed to do this. They have to have trusted their instincts and the magnetic field they saw.

After a day of hunting, spiny lobsters use magnetoreception to get to their habitat. Even when transported over land, subjected to random magnetic fields, and released in the ocean hundreds of miles from where they have lived their whole lives, spiny lobsters will consistently start off in the direction to their distant homes.

Magnetoreception is strongly related to electroreception and electrolocation. Electrolocation is the active act of creating an electromagnetic field to feel the environment. To create an electric field around their bodies by creating an ion flow, certain fish, such electric eels and knifefishes, use stacked electrocyte cells (charged particles). Then, specific electroreceptors are utilized to detect disturbances to the generated electric field brought on by other creatures or things.

There is a chance that electric eels may generate enough power to kill a horse. On the other hand, other fish hardly generate enough energy to provide the same shock as licking a battery. (Please note that we are not urging you to do anything.)

Other fish species utilize electroreceptors to detect natural bioelectric fields created by living animals, whilst other fish make electric fields and use them to detect changes in those fields. Compared to the intentionally created fields by electric eels and knifefish, these fields are far smaller. On the other hand, sharks and rays can sense these fields because of their highly developed electroreceptors. As a result, when their senses of sight or smell fail them, sharks and rays may pursue the electromagnetic fields of their food.

Even if the smell of blood in the water was already cause for concern...

Animals have quite distinct worldviews from humans. We are able to comprehend dichromatic panoramas using altered visuals, but we haven't really figured out how to see the magnetic fields of the planet or the bioelectric fields of living things. Only our imaginations can help us generate these experiences.

But if we do, we could find whole fresh perspectives on how to see our surroundings. By understanding how our lifestyle choices may affect other species' sensescapes—their sensory experience of the environment—we may develop a stronger sense of empathy for the species with whom we share the planet.

And, perhaps, with these fresh perspectives, we may work to live in harmony with the world around us.


About the Creator

Esther Anima

My stories are not just ink on paper; they are the echoes of my dreams and the whispers of my deepest passions. Join me on this literary voyage, and together, we'll explore the vast universe of human experience, one word at a time.

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