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I Live With My Ex Boyfriend and Want Him Back (How To Get Your Ex Back When You Still Live Together)

If you're thinking I live with my ex boyfriend and want him back and you don't know what to do then you need help. The one and only question on your mind lately is how to get your ex back when you still live together. It happened. The love of your life dumped you. It hurts, doesn't it?

By Kelly LaceyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read
I Live With My Ex Boyfriend and Want Him Back (How To Get Your Ex Back When You Still Live Together)
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Relationships are not something to take lightly, and even this is an understatement. The truth is people support each other, and, getting involved seriously into a relationship means a lot of things. If you live together with someone else, it is only normal to share every aspect of life with that person. You two use your money for home expenses, you spend time together, problems are common and so on. If the relationship already starts showing signs of cracks, maybe it is time to question yourself: "How do I get my ex back?" Here is some sound advice on the matter.

Respect Their Space

Once you had a serious fight, and your partner decides to move in a different area of the house and stay there separated from you, do not bust the door room open. Respect their own personal space, and ask permission if you want to go see them in their room. Because they feel hurt, and they have something that is bothering them because of how things evolved between you two, they need to spend some time alone, even if you live in the same house.

Demand What's Right

When living together after the break up, things can get terribly complicated. Some people think that it is alright to demand the same treatment as before, without making any commitment. Make sure that your ex does not cross the lines they decided to put there. If they are not willing to make up with you, and they do not want to offer you affection and devotion, do not be the only one that does that. Keep your relationship for the moment at the friendship status.

Practical Arrangements

The status quo, as presented so far, should not last forever. It is true that you want to find the answer to your question, "How do I get my ex back?", but some practical arrangements still need to be discussed. As you live in the same house, it must be settled which one of you has to leave, and which to stay. Have a honest and serious discussion about this, without letting anger or sorrow get in the way.

Yes You Can Win Lost Love Back!

You may be in a state of despair or even depression at the moment, because you recently broke up with your boyfriend. Things may look bad, right about now. But the good news is, you can actually get your ex back. You just need to go about it properly. If your goal is to win lost love back, then keep reading.

First, realize that there are reasons why he broke up with you. Think about them for a while. Were you unfaithful? Was your ex just bored, or were you complacent with each other, taking each other for granted? Perhaps you were fighting constantly? Each of these problems can be addressed and fixed.

Some are bigger than others, of course. If you cheated, it may be a long, slow process to rebuild trust between you. To win lost love back, you will have to prove over a period of time, that you can be trusted, that you are not going to cheat again.

If this is the issue, think to yourself, why did I cheat on my partner? Was it because I did not feel 100% committed to the relationship? Maybe subconsciously, I did not really want it to continue. Maybe I did not really care, one way or another. Before trying to work this out with your ex, you must work it out with yourself.

Take some time to reflect, and examine your feelings. If you come to the conclusion that you do want to get your ex back, and that you will be loyal to him, then you are ready to move forward. Apologize for straying, and promise sincerely that it will not happen again. But do not expect this to instantly accomplish your task to win lost love back.

It will take time to heal the deep hurt, and to reestablish trust. So do not be impatient, or think that this can be fixed in a day or two. If you were married, then your goal is to win spouse back. You no doubt face the same problems and difficulties, multiplied many times over if there are children to consider.

Still, you must proceed carefully and thoughtfully. Be humble and contrite. Do not try to win arguments or gain ground with your ex. You want to win him back, not merely to gain points.

A good place to start is to be your ex's best friend. Remember how things were when your love was new? Try and recapture that magical, exciting time when you stared deeply into each other's eyes, and felt you were looking into their soul. Face it, you were more attentive to him, more attuned to his moods and feelings back then. How to recapture that? Start by watching him closely. Listen carefully to what he says, and especially how he says it.

Here is another suggestion. You have convinced him to go out for coffee, just to talk. Get some takeout coffee, rent a rowboat and paddle out onto a small lake. Park the boat in the middle. Now enjoy the scenery, the coffee and each other. Or hike to the top of a hill and have a picnic. Go to an amusement park, go on a few rides, then sit down and talk.

The point is to do something different, to reinvigorate your relationship and fight boredom. This shows your ex that you are using your imagination, and making an effort to woo him. You are unlikely to succeed to get your spouse back if you continue the same tired old habits.

If the problem was constant fighting and bickering, this too can be repaired with two approaches.

First, you must compromise and find fairly permanent, workable solutions to each issue, so that you stop arguing about it. (Arguments are corrosive; they gradually eat away and destroy the bond between you.) For example, you may like to go drink beer with your buddies a few times a week. But the wife hates and resents it, and wants you to stay with him.

So consider cutting back, and go only once a week. Or suggest that he go out with his friends while you are out with the girls. Bring some flexibility and imagination to the table, and any problem can be beaten down to size.

Second, and perhaps more important, the two of you have to find a new way to discuss and resolve your problems, before they become pitched battles that leave deep scars. Make rules that no one is allowed to raise his voice, or bring up what happened in the past, or use personal insults.

Try this: When you have a meaty, serious matter to discuss, go to your favorite restaurant and work it out over dinner. Being in public will discourage both of you from using bad language, throwing things, or other inappropriate behavior.

Find little tricks like these to help prop up your relationship. They are fun, and bring a bit of spice to your lives. Think up others yourself. As an added benefit, it will show your partner that you are constantly working on the relationship, trying to make it better. Keep your hopes and dreams in front of you, and you will surely succeed in your goal to win lost love back.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast


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Comments (1)

  • Dolph Lundgren3 months ago

    The major Reason why I am sharing this information is because a lot of home has been saved and there are many more that need saving too, my Wife and I has been married for 11 years living a blissful life God has blessed us with two beautiful & amazing kids. believe it or not, the devil is loosed roaming around looking for the family and life to destroy. something Happened my wife wanted a divorce, financially, this will cost me over 4 million dollars, it is not just about the money but, there are mental issues that comes with divorce, it break the family when it is not meant to be, I contacted my friend who is an African descendant, I told him I don't want this to happen to kids, they need all the love to grow together, He gave me a contact of a Man who is spiritually blessed to live on Earth. Dr. Suju. I contacted him, he asked me what do I need I answered Peace in my Family, I don't know how he did it, my wife dropped the case. we are now living happily after.. I am Grateful, here is the contact of the Man who helped me: Drsuju@priest. com | The Summary

KLWritten by Kelly Lacey

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