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I Like How You Make Me Feel


By LunaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
I Like How You Make Me Feel
Photo by Azrul Aziz on Unsplash

Do other individuals trigger emotions from you?

Are you glad or sad when you see them?

I'd want to know more. What is it about them that sounds like you felt?

Do they say, "Hey, here's a tin of melancholy," or anything similar?

Or perhaps they add, "Oh, you'll need to get a bucket of joy." Wait a minute; I've got one for you.

Is it possible to buy happiness or despair pre-packaged and ready to eat at the supermarket?

Shopping streets could claim that you can, but I disagree.

Other individuals are frequently relied upon to make us all feel a special way. We lean on them to make us happy by doing something, saying something, or being something. We become angered, unhappy, and wounded if they do not do what we expect.

To put it another way, we frequently try to manage other people in an attempt to dominate how we feel, or our emotions.

We are putting ourselves up for disappointment when we do this since we have no control over anyone else. Nobody can be forced to do anything, nor can we presume that they will.

We only have influence over one person: yourself.

We are not made to feel specific emotions by other people. We make a conscious decision to be affected by them. We choose how we will respond. We create inferences about what individuals are trying to convey. We make hasty judgments.

Nobody can offer you a cup of misery or a pail of happiness. These are not tangible goods that may be passed down from one person to the next. They are immaterial objects that only exist in our minds.

Actually, I was just at a wedding the other day. I complimented one of my pals on her appearance and complimented her dress. She mistook my compliment for sarcasm and decided to be angered by it.

Even if I had meant to be snarky, she might have chosen to be praised and responded with, "I'm pleased you like it," and started to feel good about herself.

Back when I was younger, I knew a guy. He was small, balding, and splotchy, and he'd been cheated on his looks. When we headed out to clubs, though, he'd approach any attractive lady and strike up a conversation with her. He'd shake his head and keep going if she said no.

I'm not sure he ever considered feeling awful about the rejections. He'd simply smile and remark, "Your loss," before moving on to the next.

Whether you like it or not, you have influence with yourself and what you think. You have the freedom to feel as you choose.

You can also choose to be joyful right now, or you could prefer to remain sad, I'm sure. You may change your mood simply by thinking about it.

So, how about deciding how you want to feel while you're engaging with others?

The great majority of individuals go through their days on autopilot. They let their bodies and minds get on with it, not thinking too much about the programmes that are running or the state of their bodies and minds. They don't mind it since it doesn't bother them too much.

It's like looking at a city full of automobiles and not realizing that someone is driving them.

The majority of people have forgotten that there is a person inside of them who is in charge of them.

You may regain control of your emotions and cease relying on others to satisfy certain requirements if you so want.

When someone greets you in the office and says, "Pleasant day," you have the option of grumbling and muttering, "There's really nothing nice about it." You might also respond in kind by saying, "It's a great morning."

To put it another way, you have the option of feeling horrible or good.

Which one would you choose?

Accept because you're the only one who has the power to make you feel anything, and stop enabling others to do so. Make the decision to enjoy yourself and feel wonderful.

It's their loss or something like if someone rejects you

If someone says anything to you that offends you, you should say something back. Poor child, I'm sure she's bewildered or something.

Make the decision to reclaim control of your life and stop living on autopilot. Rather than allowing others to pick for you, make your own decisions.


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