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I Called My Ex and He Didn't Answer (My Ex Won't Answer My Calls or Texts)

Are you in the tough spot where you're saying oh my gosh, I called my ex and he didn't answer. This happens a lot. There's no need to be anxious about that because it is normal to want to get your ex to call you back. If you're in a situation where you're saying my ex won't answer my calls or texts, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Jade AubrePublished 2 years ago 5 min read
I Called My Ex and He Didn't Answer (My Ex Won't Answer My Calls or Texts)
Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

After a relationship as dissolved, it's not easy for exes to talk to one another even more so on the phone. People tend to make mistakes when they try to reach their ex on the phone, but it can be achieved once you have the right way figured out. If you want your ex to call you back, you need a few simple sentences to kick start their interest. That way your phone will be ringing instead of theirs.

Why isn't your ex returning your call? Perhaps what you are saying is scaring them away. There are 3 kinds of phone messages/calls that is likely to drive away your ex further, never mind not call you back. These 3 things are: pleading, fake emergencies and heartfelt speeches.

Phone Mistake Number (1) - Pleading

Whether you know it or not, a pleading voice will not assure you a call back from your ex. All it does is drive him or her away, glad to be away from any desperation that you may feel. One such example of a pleading call is, "I miss you. Would you please call me back so we can talk? I hate it when I can't hear your voice. Please just call me back as soon as you can."

Phone Mistake Number (2) - Fake Emergency

What is a fake emergency? It's when you call your ex telling him/her to call you back because it is an emergency. Chances are there is no emergency (though you may feel like it is) and they will see right through that. What does doing this make you? It shows that you are desperate and over dramatic. This kind of action goes in hand with the pleading too.

Phone Mistake Number (3) - Heartfelt Speeches

Don't rely on those romance movies where one partner makes a speech to his/her beloved on the phone and when they see each other, they run into each other's arms, forgiving them. Real life is never like the movies. For one thing, an answering machine or voicemail will cut you off midstream. Or you get the whole thing said and the wrong effect is felt. Leaving heartfelt messages on phones and answering machines gives off the impression of desperation and you will seem weak in their eyes.

These 3 tips are things you need to keep in mind when wanting to leave a message for your ex if you want your ex to call you back. So with this in mind, what do you need to say? Say something that will peak his/her curiosity and their self-interest. Try saying something like this, "Hey, how is it going? I thought I'd tell you thank you for what you did. If you call me back, I'd like to tell you this in person." There is no sign of weakness and you'll raise their curiosity level.

Before you even leave a message on the phone like this, make sure you have some sort of plan in place. If you want your ex to call you back, you better know what you are going to say that may peak their curiosity. Never talk to them without some sort of plan. Also, you aren't doomed to failure if you made those above phone call mistakes. You can always redeem yourself.

How to Get Your Ex to Call You Back! 7 Little Yet Important Things You Must Keep in Mind Right Away

The very fact that you want your ex to call you back shows that you want the relationship to continue and by now you have realised that he is the person you want to spend your life with. If you call your ex and nag continuously, it will be very obvious that you desperately want the relationship back. Why not work on something by which even your ex will call you once in a while which will help your relationship continue and grow further.

Use your ex's expertise - Give your ex the message that you need his help and expertise. This could be in cooking, gardening or even driving. Make your ex feel good by taking his advice. This way he will start calling you to gauge your progress.

Complete one of your dream - When both of you were together, you must have had certain dreams or future plans. Try to fulfil at least one of them and when you do achieve it make sure he gets the news.

Leave a message about something which both of you were interested in - Find out more about the field you both were interested in and inform your ex that you have some great information on the topic.

Financial queries - Before the break up, your savings and investment must have been together. You can tell him that you need help in understanding financial documents.

Leave a casual message in your ex's voice mail box - After you leave a message, if your ex also feels for you then he will definitely call you back. If so, you can proceed with confidence.

Meet your ex but do not show how desperate you are - There are many places where the two of you can meet including at common friend's place. Mix around with everyone with a pleasant demeanour and if you do get to talk to your ex, do so with a positive frame of mind taking care not to bring in any past bitterness into the conversation.

Live message for your ex without any negative feelings - Tell him you want to congratulate her on his success or thank him for the things he did for you.

It is not necessary that you should call him and tell him that you are missing him. When he calls up, be confident and in case your ex is asking you to meet for any reason, meet with positive mind.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Now you can stop your breakup or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Ex Back Secrets


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