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Humanity-A Beautiful Lie

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By Musharaf AyubPublished about a year ago 3 min read
All we want is Peace

Humanity is often celebrated as one of the defining characteristics of our species. We are told that we are kind, compassionate, and caring creatures, always ready to help one another and work towards the common good. But is this really true? Or is the idea of humanity as a force for good just a beautiful lie?

On the surface, it is easy to see why we might believe in the idea of humanity as a positive force. We hear stories of people selflessly helping others, risking their own safety and wellbeing to assist those in need. We see acts of kindness and generosity, from small gestures like holding open a door to larger acts like donating time and money to charitable causes. These examples give us hope and inspire us to be better people.

However, when we take a closer look at the world around us, a different picture emerges. We see wars and conflicts, fueled by hatred and greed. We see poverty and inequality, with many people struggling to make ends meet while others live lives of luxury. We see discrimination and injustice, with some groups of people treated unfairly simply because of who they are.

These realities of the world we live in are not just isolated incidents. They are part of a larger system of power and oppression that has been in place for centuries. We may hear about individual acts of kindness and compassion, but they are not enough to counterbalance the widespread injustices that exist in our society.

Moreover, when we look at the actions of many individuals, we see that self-interest often takes priority over altruism. People may do good deeds, but often only if it benefits them in some way. They may donate money to charity, but only if it helps them feel better about themselves or improves their public image. They may help a friend in need, but only if they expect something in return.

This is not to say that all individuals are selfish or that there are no genuine acts of kindness in the world. However, the reality is that humanity as a whole is not always the force for good that we like to believe it is. There are many complex social and economic factors at play that contribute to the negative aspects of human behavior, and simply believing in the inherent goodness of people is not enough to solve these problems.

In fact, the idea of humanity as inherently good may be a dangerous lie. If we believe that people are naturally kind and compassionate, we may overlook the ways in which our actions and systems contribute to injustice and inequality. We may believe that simply being nice to one another is enough to solve the world's problems, when in reality we need systemic change to address the root causes of these issues.

So where does this leave us? Is there any hope for humanity as a force for good? The answer is complicated. While it is true that humanity as a whole has a long way to go in terms of creating a just and equitable world, there are still individuals and communities working towards this goal. By acknowledging the negative aspects of human behavior and working to overcome them, we can move towards a more compassionate and just society.

Ultimately, the idea of humanity as a beautiful lie is not meant to be a pessimistic view of the world. Instead, it is a call to action. We cannot simply rely on the idea of innate human goodness to solve our problems. We need to recognize the ways in which our actions and systems contribute to injustice and inequality, and work to change them. Only then can we truly live up to the ideals of kindness and compassion that we so often celebrate


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