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Human Design - The New Age of Self Discovery

I believe we are given all the resources and tools needed to fulfil our lives. But I also believe we aren’t taught to be our true selves, not in schools, not by parents. We are taught to fit in, to be like everyone else. But, the reality is, if you searched beyond the standard knowledge given, you’ll find the knowledge into becoming and unbecoming. But first, you have to seek the knowledge. You have to be open minded to endless possibilities out there, the ones you were even told you couldn’t ever attain by those that lack so much belief in themselves. 2024 is the year you break free… What if I told there’s a way to claiming your powers back, would you take the chance?….

By Rasheeda LovesPublished 6 months ago 8 min read

Erm, Hello. Wow, it’s been about 6 years since I’ve written a piece but here I am, refreshed in knowledge, drowned with wisdom and swimming in understanding. I’m back to share timeless, thought provoking pieces with you all. And hopefully we can start some kind of journey together - where I write, and you always read my articles in search of what I have to offer…

“It is not about changing yourself. It simply gives you the tools to journey back to a deeper understanding of your gifts, your wisdom, your drive, and your vulnerabilities, which can set you free from old, self-defeating patterns of thinking and the judgment of others. It gives you a new perspective so you can see the beauty and magnificence of who you truly are.”

So now, let’s get into it. How many of you have heard about Human Design? Understand how it works and the importance of it? Now let me tell you, as an astrology lover, and a believer in using astrology to understand your world, the world around you and how to best use and understand transits. But, with human design, it’s literally about you. The way you are, the way you work, think, who you influence and what influences you. I like to look at Human Design as the blueprint to answering questions you have about your purpose and the meaning you make about who and how you are. Ultimately, It shows you how to make meaning and purpose out of your life in a way that empowers you, your talents, and your gifts. It can give you the signs and clues that will help you make your life more successful, meaningful, much easier to manoeuvre as you will have a greater understanding of YOU.

“Everyone comes into the world with a specific profile and purpose. Profiles tell you about major life themes that you will encounter, and they illustrate how your personality interacts with the world as you” - Karen Curry

Two years ago, or rather 2.5 years ago my journey with human design began, and let me tell you, it was an eye opener, it was the relief I never knew I needed in finally understanding certain things about myself. But, honestly when I found out my type, I also hated it. I hated being a Projector. Like, just the name of it PRO - JEC -TOR and we live in a world where the world projecting isn’t associated with anything good, it’s mainly used to describe insecurities, for example, “don’t listen to them, they are only projecting their sadness on to you” so to me the word itself was already a bummer and then finally having to understand that I am a non energy type? Don’t get me started. I thought, well that’s it then! What the hell am I meant to I do lol. But that’s because I was reading the other energy types and wishing I was otherwise, specifically at the time a Generator, as my partner is a generator and just has energy all of the damn time. And here I am, needing rest, needing sleep just because- but finally understanding my archetype I finally realised being a projector is beautiful, it’s almost like work smart, but rest even harder. Why is rest so important for a projector? Well because that’s how we bring in what is for us. By resting, by making sure our non energy type isn’t exhausted we simply bring in what is for us. We don’t chase, we just show the world who we are and we let what and whose for us, recognise us, see us and gives us an invitation- whether that comes as opportunity, a friendship, relationship, job and so much more. The rule of a projector is to share, show your gifts, your talents to the world, have fun with it, use your energy in the short bursts that it comes and look out for the opportunities that will simply flock your way from being. P.s. it’s a no brainer, not every opportunity is worth taking so it is essential you are in alignment with yourself to be able to discern what is and what isn’t.

Now I believe it’s crucial to know who you are, why you might be the way you are - the only way you can truly win at life, and be more in the driver seat of your life, is if you truly know who you are. If someone were to ask you these three questions right now, how would you answer them?

1.) Are you currently happy with your life?

2.) Do you feel you are closer to achieving your dreams your desires? Or regardless of what you do you still feel further away?

3.) If you knew a better, more fulfilling life awaits you - what would you do?

Are you ready to find out who you are and what human energy type you are? Here is a link to finding out your human design.

If you believe you deserve a thriving shot at life, I dare you to click the link. I double dare you! I promise you, well if you are genuinely seeking change and wanting to get back to your best version or better yet finally meet the you, you know has been there all along, understand your design, study it, implement the strategies associated to your type. Learn what works for you and never go back to your old ways.

There are five major energy types that each individual falls under - Generator, Manifesting Generator, Reflector and Projector. To put it;

* Generator - Generators & Manifesting Generators are the dominant type on the planet with nearly 70% of the population. They are pure life force in motion—the builders and the laborers for most major projects. When they are doing what they love, people can’t get enough of them. They thrive when working at what brings them excitement and believe they can work without stopping.

* Manifesting Generator - These are a hybrid for the new age: a Generator with a Manifesting energy. When they’re living correctly they’re like super humans! Not only do they have the ability to initiate, like the Manifestor, they can also make it happen like the Generator. Manifesting Generators will often ‘move’ quicker than Generators.

* Reflector - Reflectors are a super rare energy type. They have a resistant and sampling aura. A Reflector’s presence is a mirror for others. In groups, people’s sense of themselves and the group is mirrored through the Reflector.

* Projector - Projectors have the ability to see things the way others can’t—whether that’s reading into people, seeing beyond what many can, or designing new ways of doing things. Every Projector has a special ability of their own - a gift unique to them. They have unique insights into the way life works and through their sensitivity and awareness they develop natural wisdom and can recognize the natural gifts and capabilities of others. When others recognize and value what Projectors have to offer, they can become powerful guides for the tribe.

* Manifestors - These are the trail blazers who are here to create movements, whether they intentionally try to or not. Manifesting energy in Human Design simply means they don’t need to wait for collaboration from the Universe in order to act - all that is needed is for a manifestor to trust themselves, their intentions and make their move. It’s an impulsive energy not driven by anything but the Divine expressing itself through them.

A new way of living, thriving and of being is here, what will you do with knowledge and resources you have into living a life worth living. Everything is here for us, all you have to do is seek the knowledge, seek to understand and all you’re loooking for will find you.

In Human Design, your energy type is your first entry point into discovering what your design is—it’s the basics. Similar to astrology you’re either a Leo or a Capricorn. Still, there’s a difference with human design, as with astrology there is so much to dissect and understand, from your rising, to your moon, to your Chiron, to understanding how transits influence your life. Whereas, with Human Design, it simply revolves around your energy type. Your energy type has its own traits. There are so many different things you can discover about a Human Design chart from what environment you work best in, your digestion, your energy type and so much more. However, unless you've mastered your energy type, none of the rest of it really counts. Additionally understanding your strategy and authority is pivotal. Authority is your decision-making style or how best you are designed to make decisions. In the human design world, you will often hear, “follow your strategy and authority.” Strategy is how you are designed to interact with the world and authority is your decision-making process.

By understanding your energy type, and using it correctly, you experience flow in your life. When exchanging energy correctly with the world, you eliminate all resistance—the way you move through life and the way you make decisions starts to feel effortless. The things that start to come to you are things that are actually supposed to be for you. All of the good stuff starts to open up.

2024 is your souls year to finally thrive on earth, but will you allow yourself to fly this year? Will you allow yourself to bloom from an uncomfortable cocoon to a beautiful confident butterfly? Or will you choose the easier option of remaining the same, doing absolutely nothing to enhance and empower your life, yet you will choose to sit in misery watching others move, whilst moving mountains to make their lives even greater, meaningful and worth living.

Truth is change is uncomfortable, it’s hard, then add doing the work of understanding yourself, introspecting, tearing apart the parts of you that no longer serve you in this new age. To put it, growth is uncomfortable because it requires a lot from you. But if you see it as a journey to becoming and unbecoming your truest version, I believe you’ll take on the journey with pride simply because you are ready for what is for you now. You know you are deserving of everything life has to offer and more.

It’s time to TAKE YOUR POWER BACK! You have the power to actively shape and create a life filled with endless possibilities, opportunities, purpose and joy. Honour your design, embrace your qualities and talents, let your intuition lead, and watch how your life transforms. Human design is here to highlight your gifts, and talents, unique to you and you alone. Whether you’re a therapist, a footballer, an artist or CEO - understanding your design can help you with aligning with a career that’s true to what you bring to this earth.

If you’re currently confused about your path, start following what stirs excitement or curiosity inside of you. Take it step by step. It’ll lead you exactly where you need to be. Robin S. Baker

scienceStream of Consciousnessliteraturehumanityadvice

About the Creator

Rasheeda Loves

Coach. Mother. Writer. Free Spirit 🦋.

Lover of writing. A creative story teller. Lover of Life - welcome to my world of writing where I share, I teach, I express - I get a little vulnerable and you read 🤍✨

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    Rasheeda LovesWritten by Rasheeda Loves

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