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How YouTuber Entitlement Pushed Me Over the Edge and the Aspects That I Just Cannot Tolerate

Someone please tell me why the very people we put in positions of power are the ones who think they do not need us and we allow that. Since when do we allow our freedoms to be taken away by another human being? The term celebrity does not make them any better or worse than someone who is not. Why do we act like it is?

By Miss Opinionated Published 4 years ago 6 min read
How YouTuber Entitlement Pushed Me Over the Edge and the Aspects That I Just Cannot Tolerate
Photo by Joshua Rondeau on Unsplash

I know it has been a while since I have last uploaded and part of that was my fault as to what I wanted to present to you in regards to this topic of YouTuber Entitlement. There are many aspects, stories, and examples of this topic.

It is SO broad!

I didn't even fully show you all that could be there in regards to the aspect of money or even the aspect of lifestyle. I had mentioned brief overviews for both in my last two articles and that is nowhere near the amount of reasons I had at the start of my commentary journey.

So narrowing it down was quite the venture and I have come to the conclusion that the narrowing it down will never actually happen. There will always be a new excuse.

Not a good one and less believable each cycle, but it will still be excused (will talk more on that later).

Getting into YouTube and the Commentary Sector Was Life-Changing:

COVID showed us the attitude of those that we have given power to and there are many rabbit trails that I could go on in regards to their age, their maturity levels, amongst other behavioral patterns but I will not get into any of that right now.

At the end of it all we are all human beings. We mess up. We have bad attitudes. We are petty.

That is nothing new and it was something that I would just brush off and say I would never get into YouTube. I just thought it was a minefield of people being glorified for rude, immature behavior.

Then I learned they got paid for it. That piqued my interest and I wanted to know more. I set up a channel and dug into the weeds of what YouTube was. I found this amazing world called BookTube and took in the environment.

It felt safe and encouraging. I wanted to be a part of that and three short years later I made my first ever YouTube video that was uploaded.

Then I found myself looking into the life of vlogging, challenges, and commentary as is bound to happen when my whole life is about experimentation and just learning how to make it through year after year as a so-called 'adult'. I am 20 years old and still feel like I know nothing of the world.

Then I found the people who I would later comment on and did not feel too bad.

I was shocked at the social issues and problems that could be avoided if many of the top influencers on this space changed their attitudes and had some more life experience outside of this space that they have created online.

Basic principle: Life does not happen, human interaction does not happen, on the internet.

That is when the world changed and I built a new chapter of my channel within the first two months.

I then had a new mission with a statement that I believed in. I even found a motto amidst that and one that I truly do believe in.

Be the change you want to see in others.

The theme of my life long before this year and the global pandemic was the knowledge that I would never have a true direction. I just needed to keep working hard for where I knew I was gifted and be smart with the time that I was given.

It was a lifestyle that I never thought I would have.

Even 6 years ago I had a dream that meant I would go to a great out-of-state college, an internship with a fantastic journaling company, have multiple articles published and a book in the works. I would live in New York and that would mean I made it.

I am currently in a community college paying my way out of pocket, hoping to get extra streams of income through social media and freelance writing, a book is in the works, and a prospect that I have future collaborations with other creatives for years to come.

Not what I had thought for my life and YouTube was NEVER a consideration. Now it is a major part of my life and I have a goal to make it a full-time gig along with the hope that I will still be able to publish books.

Now I am in the YouTube scene and I can honestly say that commentary was where I was meant to end up and have enjoyed it ever since!

Time to get into the whole theme surrounding my channel and why I chose these two things specifically.

Commentary Does NOT Mean That You Have To Talk About Petty Childish Behavior (That Only Makes the Problem Worse):

I wanted to have my channel mean something. If I was going to put more words into the atmosphere of YouTube I wanted them to mean something to myself and others.

That does not mean that there will be times when I get annoyed by repetitive terrible behavior, petty about creators who talk smack to their audience, or even spill some real tea served with a side of shade when giving my information. That is a part of my personality that, while yes not the most positive, can be entertaining and that is part of the job.

I also want my message to stay genuine across the board. Meaning I did not want to create a character for my channel and then try and be authentic on other platforms. It is exhausting to act and that is not what I am about.

I have no time to be fake or deal with fake people or drama.

My biggest priorities online are finding social and behavioral patterns that are toxic, damaging, or have a negative influence to a younger generation. After all, they are the foundation of future generations and if we spend so much time making excuses or saying things like "well it is just a kid thing" then we will never get them to be interested or involved with a future that never took a chance on them because of their supposed life experiences and age. That comes out in many different aspects and my goal is to try and talk as much about each aspect as I can.

The further I have dug the deeper the root of the issues are.

Within that I have also found a pet peeve.

My biggest annoyance at the whole prospect of YouTuber Entitlement:


Incoming rant:

Someone please tell me why the very people we put in positions of power are the ones who think they do not need us and we allow that. Since when do we allow our freedoms to be taken away by another human being? The term celebrity does not make them any better or worse than someone who is not. Why do we act like it is?

There are a few things that need to be considered here:

  • We cannot treat celebrities and influencers that they are untouchable
  • We cannot allow them to say things that make us think we are not worthy of their status or respect
  • We cannot let ourselves forget that we are the ones who choose who our celebrities/influencers are and can just as easily take that support away

We need to remember that it is a relationship with them that should have mutual understanding and respect. We all should have a level of respect of personal freedoms of speech and expression. That is what makes the platform so great and appealing to all ages.

Let us make it what it was meant to be.

A place to create, talk to fellow creative, and grow as people.

That is not only the message but the journey as we continue to learn and grow on this platform together!

Thank you so much for reading this article and always feel free to join the family by subscribing to our YouTube channel. I have a semi-daily upload schedule featuring commentary on creators and topics with a sarcastic edge.

Of course we also have a twitch where I am hoping to stream 1-2 times a week where games like Among Us and feature reacts will happen. Also maybe a lot of late night chats that make no sense.

All proceeds of this blog as well as any generous donations will be going into funding both the endeavors as well as being able to devote more time.

pop culture

About the Creator

Miss Opinionated

I am commentary YouTuber who focuses on behavioral patterns and perspectives beyond the drama in a sarcastic light.

YouTube: Miss Opinionated

Tik Tok: miss.opinionated

Twitch: opinionatedgirl

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