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How to Stop Attracting the Wrong Romantic Partners

And attract healthy ones

By Jocelyn Joy ThomasPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

Want to break your habit of attracting the wrong type or romantic partner? If you have realized you have the uncanny knack of finding partners who cheat, are narcissistic, critical, or unavailable then read on, and find out why you may be bringing them in and how to stop once and for all.

Why do I keep attracting the wrong people?

The answer is very complex and unique to each person, but to put it simply, it's the law of attraction that keeps you attracting the wrong partners. Everything, including us, is energy. Energy runs at a certain frequency everything from very low to very high. Like attracts like, we connect with and are drawn toward a shared energetic frequency with others. This isn't to say that you are a person who is unhealthy, but it means that chances are you are sending out lower frequencies due to beliefs you hold. Likely beliefs that you are not even aware of. If a part of you unconsciously believes you don't deserve to find a fulfilling love relationship, for example, you will be drawn to someone who fulfills that belief. Additionally, if you hold beliefs around rescuing others, helping them to bring out their full potential, this can draw you to less than ideal partners.

How to attract healthy romantic partners

The more you focus on the following behaviors, the easier it will be to attract a healthy and loving partner. You are worth the time and effort it takes to heal, love yourself, and take care of yourself. Making these adjustments is only part of the plan, be sure you have support people and if needed, counseling or other resources that can aid you in your healing journey.

Stop focusing outwardly and start focusing inwardly.

If your focus is on finding love or not having love, then your focus is not on you. It's on lack and it's outside of yourself. When there is no real focus on yourself there can be a tendency to try to gain attention or approval from others. While it's perfectly normal to want that to some extent when all of the focus is on the outer it leads you away from your authentic self. When you focus inwardly you make friends with yourself, finding time for yourself and your needs. By focusing more inwardly you can let go of the habit of sending out the frequency of lack as well.

Focus on yourself, build self-awareness

Now that your focus is on you, it is time to get to know yourself. Can you see your patterns? Can you define your needs? Can you define your wants? Take some time to reflect on where you have been, what you have learned. Rediscover parts of yourself you may have dulled down to fit in, let those parts of yourself resurface again. Go ahead, no one is looking, it's just you.

Self-care is important

Eating well, getting enough sleep, exercise, are all vital to your overall well-being. Can you think of some changes you can make in these areas? Maybe set a schedule with ideas on how to do so. Go to bed earlier, try out some new recipes, take a walk or explore workout videos on YouTube. Consider taking up a hobby. Part of self-care is about doing things that nurture you. Take out that musical instrument you put on the shelf, get out your pastels, write a poem or the outline to a new fiction book! Creativity can help you get in touch with yourself, it builds self-awareness and nurtures, it's time just for you!

Boundaries matter

Learn to establish boundaries once you know yourself better. As you make your way through the terrain of building self-awareness and self-care, you will need to readjust your boundaries. Chances are you are a little too willing to say yes, or maybe you hold back your truth to keep the peace. It's okay to say no, it's really important that you speak up about what is true for you. If you are around anyone with who you cannot do that, it's time to reevaluate the connection and determine if it is one to keep. Establishing boundaries usually comes with ending some relationships, especially if you have set a line down and the person continues to cross it.

The most important thing to remember is that this is your life, and you have a right to live it in a happy, safe and truthful manner. Being in a romantic relationship with the wrong person can compromise all of that. Yet by taking the time to focus on yourself, build self-awareness, self-care, and having strong boundaries you will develop a healthy and positive love path!

how to

About the Creator

Jocelyn Joy Thomas

Writer, spiritual teacher, and travel enthusiast. Enjoying the journey! Join my mailing list and receive a free guide on How to Meet Your Guides in Three Steps!

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